NBC News Presidential Historian Michael Beschloss says Trump is to blame for "a terrorist attack on the Congress and the Capitol." Aired on 1/7/2021.
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#Beschloss #Trump #MSNBC
Beschloss: This Was A Terrorist Attack Initiated By Trump | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
He tweeted january 6 is going to be wild weeks ago.
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr Everyone blames the fake news media. We’re just deciding who they are.
@bgoodfella7413 CNN’s John King predicted this all before it happened. He also explained where it would happen, based on past results and what the likely make up of votes would be, based on previous history. It went almost exactly to trend. No, it was not inside information from some kind of coup HQ. It was all entirely predictable. Trump’s tantrum was just as predictable.
@TheThirdMan Agreed
@Jane Doe
Biden is your master now. You are safe snowflake.
@KINGOFTHE TORTAS There we go again, assumption. I have no “master.” Sorry to so disappoint you. I never said I voted for Biden. I don’t like labels, nor do I fall under any label. Unlike you, a Trump, cult member. I think for myself. And, your comment clearly indicates you don’t. But that’s ok. Whatever floats your pathetic boat. Ciao!
Never trust a president who wears Jim Bakker’s haircut and Tammy Faye’s makeup.
And don’t forget Tammy’s heels too!
Never trust someone whos sniffs kids like the jeepers creepers
@Bidenforthenext8years Pleasewearamask fake covid numbers
@Bidenforthenext8years Pleasewearamask those were antifa dressed like patriots… it was a false flag terror to allow them an excuse to not object to treasonous Biden’s cheating.
they need to prosecute every bit of this human garbage!!!
@caseyschulze you most certainly do not as you are one and deny it.
@Cliff Perkins Not sure executions after the fact are warranted, but everyone who got inside should have been shot on the spot.
@Cliff Perkins so are you then…
@Cliff Perkins Only brain dead use the word fascist. It’s comical to say the least. Fascist this fascist that you can tell who’s eating up the sheep feed. If you’re going to use that word but Obama in the sentence since her seriously went after the media which would be considered fascist. Nah before you say something even more stupid look up Obama suppressing media. Fascist lol
@Cliff Perkins I asked for sources, not propaganda.
Trump couldn’t march with them because of his “bonespurs.”
He went back to his bunker to hide because he knew EXACTLY what his frothing, rabid mob was going to do.
And biden is to busy watching cuties
@MEXICAN INVASION your melting Snowflake
@shortdog 37 truth hurts
is this your new king?? 

Ha ha brutal
2021 was like, “You thought 2020 was bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet, mf*ckers!”
China bots
Lock up Donald Trump.
@The Truth Hurts You! Everyone who voted against trump is antifa.
Yeah then there’s 2022
“Because some men aren’t looking for anything logical. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.” — Alfred from “the dark knight”
@Jim Bendtsen prove it
@Jim Bendtsen were you at the Capitol? Asking for a friend
@Jim Bendtsen You sound crazy.
Reality: They just wanted you to verify the votes with the signatures… The Democrats passed a law in each of the states that bypassed that constitutional requirement. These people just wanted proof that Joe Biden won.
@Evan Kellison reality: trump and cohorts also wanted proof that joe Biden won. They took their grievances before the supreme courts and a detailed investigation was done to verify the election results. Everything was above board…..what these ppl wanted wasn’t “proof” what they was wanted was anarchy…..what they wanted to was over turn the results of a legitimate election because they didn’t like the outcome …..
Our government should put their money where their mouth is when they say “No one is above the law”.
Let’s see if this is true.
@Brandon Phillips Trump family finances for the last four years should become public knowledge. I strongly suspect all his accusations about others are projection.
@BSinNYC HAH! You and I both know that’s not going to happen.
@Sue Zbell so the government is investigating Hunter Biden on projection ? Or was the fact that he took money from Ukraine , Russia, and China and then went after someone else for collusion projection . This is not just Trump saying this. They have Bidens business partners and multiple informants and computers and phones with all of it there . And somehow not a word from the media about it until essentially the day after the election. I am am independent and always look at everything from as many sources as I can find and I’m sorry to tell you Biden is no better if not worse than Trump.
@Sue Zbell oh but there’s record of bidens family in chinas pocket
@YEetT Mf Allegations are not fact
everyone knew this was coming ~ shocking anybody is surprised
London 2021
….that’s true….the US is now such a bubble that you have to leave and look at it from outside to get any sort of understanding of what is happening……
@Laurie McDarby trump is terrified of the Truth coming out about the putin/trump arrangement.
i think that’s the bottom line
Helsinki .& the 10 ish years before
You buttholes from other countries wouldn’t have a clue. You are all wards or subjects of your state. Here we allow the govt to live, or not. It’s our choice. You losers already gave up your rights. As you can tell, we simply don’t care what you think, and there is nothing you can do about it.
are you wilfully blind to the end or just plain dumb ??
i think both
@Yeah Right Even people whose 2nd language is English know how to spell the word “word”!!
I don’t need to ask as to whom you voted for!
As for the actual content of your statement, it would seem you’ve consumed too much of the Kool-aid. America isn’t as “free” as you think it is (ranked even lower than the U.K.). Maybe a little research would help, before you show the Internet your level of stupidity!
Remember Trump wants 10 year prison sentence for anybody who vandalizes a federal building.
If I had a chance I sent them to Guantanamo bay,
Leaving the delight out of this trash
1000 percent responsible
@be nice
What a nice little authoritarian comrade you are. Thinking banning people from countries is cool?
Okay Nazi
@mr Pepperidge Farms
Just like Biden’s laptop?
@Ron Rahman JD, MBA okay hitlar
I’m in little NZ and it was obvious something major was going to happen today.why is everyone surprised?
@fishy dubs fishing yeah, cos trump LOVES antifa.
@J. W. You aren’t the majority.
@Chad Simmons democrat chaos? Hard to see how anyone could be worse than that deranged lunatic currently in charge.
@Trap Daddy NOONE should be able to go IN to the Senate and protest.
@Trap Daddy yep.you could learn from NZ.we are covid free and even currently hosting America’s cup yacht race, which we actually hold
The cabinet has a responsibility to enact the 25th Amendment, not resign. They must hold him accountable.
@Sally F No, just incapable of doing his job and not upholding his oath of office.
@Keith Crowell duh!
@Keith Crowell uh murder and terrorism?
@Rebellc I have pictures showing Jake Angelie in BLM protest and a few others.
Why did the Capitol Police fail to prepare for this? Why were they so slow and soft about it? Are they ALL Trumpers?
@shadelings they would have laid the red carpet down for BLM
@Cliff Perkins see that’s exactly the kind of attitude that makes them not like you. If anyone ever tries to chop your head off, don’t expect the police to come running to save you. I mean they will, because they aren’t petty, but I’m sure you get the point. You can’t just threaten to execute everyone who does something you don’t like. Being nice to people who didn’t actually hurt anybody isn’t a crime, nor is it morally dubious.
@Saesee Tiin insurectionists deserve death. The cops in my town do not do their job well but to my knowledge do not want to overthrow the government. I try my best not to get in a situation where I need a cop. I usually handle serious matters myself. I would not expect them to help me in a seditious act but I would also not expect them to be seditious. Traitors atre traitors whether cop or civilian and should be treated as such.
@RudeHaus148 There is video of cops letting in the insurrectionists patting them on the back and taking selfies with them. Obviously you are a traitor as well for supporting it.
Lets not forget Giuliani’s “Trial By Combat” call. Sidney Powell’s slanderous accusations of Dominion voting machines and discussions with Flynn on martial law some weeks ago. Trump doesn’t have the brains to act alone. The question needs to be asked … how were MAGATs permitted to get as far as they did within the Capitol Building?
It’s really funny How these domestic terrorist compare themselves to protester who were advocating for change in the justice system. It’s like trying to compare themselves to Holocaust activist and survivors who wanted freedom and change to basic human rights.
I cannot imagine that Pence and the Cabinet won’t try and remove Trump from office early via 25th Amendment. In fact if they don’t act they should be considered complicit.
God bless Trump Trump 2024
You know, you’re going to have to start making concentration camps if you fill the prisons up too much. Just saying.
The police let them in. There is a video on Twitter going viral
There’s video of them breaking the windows & getting in.
@Jean McGinnis darn facts.
And the police embraced them, took selfies and did nothing
Proably glad they didnt have rocks thrown at them with burning business
The police killed a female Air Force veteran of 14 years. Stop it.
It’s really funny How these domestic terrorist compare themselves to protester who were advocating for change in the justice system. It’s like trying to compare themselves to Holocaust activist and survivors who wanted freedom and change to basic human rights.
@jeck jeck
Nazi Germany would be proud of you.
Funny how these “domestic terrorist” did not burn or vandalize small business or harass neighborhoods through the night.
No, these “terrorist” went directly to the source of all of our problems and not to the innocent business owners and community.
Yet, you pick sides like the good comrade you are.
Trump marched alright. Straight to watch it on the nearest TV.
After performing an act of sedition.
conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
I’m pretty sure he was in his bunker the whole time
Antifa and blm are terrorists
@MEXICAN INVASION is a no content troll site!
@Stasia Spade what?
On top of this probably being a super spreader event.
ikr, disgusting people,
Remove him quickly “run people run” said like forest gump
Coming in theaters soon:
*”The Upcoming Third World Country Under A Gucci Belt”*
Confederacy Part 2:
A survival, horror game.
Spoiler: The hero survives. And the monster is arrested.
@Emu Riddle ain’t no confederacy part 2 once the government declares war it’s plenty of civilians ready to purge on the blue side. We’ve been patiently waiting
@I I hilariously enough, the American populace is so ridiculously well-armed that a revolution is almost guaranteed to succeed if it can get enough traction.
@Saesee Tiin mfers shoot trees and think they finna siege places like Chicago a La philly they gonna get assraped