Bernie Sanders would be crazy to say no to Bloomberg, CNN commentator says

CNN political commentators Joan Walsh and Bakari Sellers say that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) would be crazy not to accept Michael Bloomberg's money to help fund a general election campaign against President Donald Trump.

#BernieSanders #CNN #News

Bernie Sanders would be crazy to say no to Bloomberg, CNN commentator says


    1. @Damogen again moron, the U.S. has 4x the population of Germany and Germany doesn’t have an illegal immigration problem like the U.S.

    2. @Damogen haha your arguments are pathetic. You are the moron who said the polls were correct in 2016. You must be in high school or a college drop out

    3. Jay P- actually the polls where correct it had Hillary up by 3 points which is within the margin of error.. and she still won the popular vote.. seems pretty spot on to me- trump just did better in the rust belt and won with less votes than mit Romney had in 2012

    1. @Marcus I truly didn’t know until I looked in the comments. I was laughing at my own surprise and ignorance. I understand how my statements could be interpreted as disrespect, that was not my intent.

    2. @Stephanie My comments were not an opinion, but just an observation. If they were understood to be an attempt at censorship, I assure you they were not. Thank you for your defense of free speech. I do appreciate it.

    3. @Jesse Peralta I wouldn’t ask CC to not wear Ash, for Ash Wednesday. I live in a part of the world that doesn’t have many practicing Catholics around and so was not aware of the observance. I was simply laughing at my own ignorance. I’m glad so many people still hold the ideals of the Constitution and the Bill of Right dear. It is comforting to know.

    1. Isaiah Phillip he’s probably laughing bc all Bernie supporters are lazy fucks who don’t want to work hard like everyone else and want everything in life handed to them. This country was not built as a socialist nation kid

    2. George Kraft Lol 1959 Cuba still had the highest literacy rate in Latin America moron. Literacy rates don’t skyrocket in one year 1959-1960.

    1. Bernie Bros are radical thugs who do the dirty work of said communist Bernie Sanders…. Vote Trump to protect the greatest county that has ever been assembled.

    2. @NDFOOTBALL Trump has said positive things about communist dictator Kim-Jong-Un. He has sold out our Kurdish allies to ISIS and Turkey. Trump has repeatedly cut taxes for the rich in a disproportionate way so that the average taxpayer has to foot more of the bill.

      You can keep up with the identity politics and insults all you want. You Trumper don’t talk about actual policy and facts for one reason: you know you have nothing to touch Bernie with. You have nothing on him so you hope insults and childish tantrums will scare enough people into helping you win.

      America is smarter than you, anti-citizen scumbag, and we’re ready to save our country. See you in the polls, cousin.

    3. @NDFOOTBALL i am not sure what your response has to do with my comment, but hey you go ahead and have a blessed day 🙂

  1. Then you know nothing about Bernie and why people support him.
    If he took money from Bloomberg it would render his whole message for the last 40 years, hypocritical and empty.
    Bernie’s not like other politicians. He recognizes that money corrupts democracy, and talks about it.
    Taking a billion dollars from Bloomberg would damage his campaign more than it would help it.

    1. Do you people really think the Globalist are going to let crazy Bernie win and take all their money, not going to happen.

    2. Bernie accused Bloomberg of trying to buy the Presidency with his money. Well, Bernie you are trying to buy the Presidency with mine.
      Why would anyone vote for Bernie? He clearly hates the country he wants to lead.

    3. Terra812 You clearly misunderstand politics. Bernie is against privileged billionaires buying their way to the top, but he and his supporters understand that it takes money to run for president. We happily give our small donations and what we can to see his vision through because we believe in it. You don’t have to buy him anything, there are millions of us that can and will 👌🏽

    4. @april d Oh I understand politics perfectly fine. Bernie is buying your votes with promises of FREE, FREE, FREE. There is NO such thing. That’s where my money enters the equation. A Sanders Presidency would kill this country. Everyone would pull their money from the market. Companies would move to other capitalist countries. Unemployment would skyrocket. That’s just the start. The drive to succeed would be drained.
      I’m sick of people demonizing the wealthy. The wealthy have changed the world. They have built railroads, brought light and electricity to homes, changed the way we compute and communicate and most currently changed the way we shop and watch TV. You can keep living in your dreamland.

  2. “That’s a fact.” Don’t question it. That is just simply a fact you see; after all, I said these names and I said these colors and that’s politics where our CNN facts have never been wrong.

  3. CNN Pundit: “Politics is a business of addition!”
    Also CNN: “We need to subtract everything authentic about Bernie to make him a viable loser to Trump!”

    1. @Deep State far left wing posts homophobic comment. no surprise there …bunch of racist, sexist, bigots on the left. Good luck managing your TDR.

    1. Earth Florida oh my god they say “Bernie bros” are annoying, they haven’t met you. “Bernie bitchers” are worse

    2. Kieran Considine yes. Everyone who doesn’t agree with B.S. should be locked up. There should also be a place to anonymously report any friends and family if they are reading or sharing in anything that is in disagreement with what the government deems to be right. We should also take away anything people may use to fight back. We should also move everyone into government housing.

    1. Bernie Bros are radical thugs who do the dirty work of said communist Bernie Sanders…. Vote Trump to protect the greatest county that has ever been assembled.

  4. Crazy like a fox!
    My bro Bernie keeps it real!
    Grassroots Solidarity beats status-quo failed-promise pseudo-charity

  5. These establishment people really live on another planet, so much so that every analysis they make is totally beside the point. Go for it, MISTER Bernie Sanders!

  6. CNN: “very stupid for Bernie Sanders not to be corrupted by money. Sticking my one’s principles: not good.”

    1. @A Anthony the reason Bernie has the massive suport he has and he’s the most popular senator in the country is because he doesn’t take bribes from Billionaires like Bloomberg and is true to his principles.

    1. @NDFOOTBALL There’s no Bros. Hell, I’m not even from your country and I’m trying to explain that healthcare doesn’t mean that you have to give up on capitalist concepts.

  7. *“Call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all God’s children.”* *-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.* 🇸🇺🇸

    1. Redistribution of wealth -check
      Class warfare (poor vs rich) -check
      Chanting quotes from the Communist Manifesto –check
      Bernie staffers caught on video saying gulags were good and reeducation camps would be needed for Trump voters —check and check
      What you’ve got here is a case of the Communism, comrade.

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