CNN's David Chalian reports that while Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) won the popular vote in both the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary, Pete Buttigieg is leading the field in delegates won due to how delegates are allocated.
#Sanders #NewHampshire #CNN
“Bernie wins NH & Iowa vote, leads primary by over 10k votes”
2″ The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.” The Bible .
The liberals mortal enemy .
@ashitaka Of the amishi you will not covet your neighbors property .
You can not have communism in our country artard . But you can move to one . They won’t let you leave ,but they will let you in .
What are you waiting for ?
@C J Well if we come together and refuse to vote for the person they are rigging the election for and refuse to vote for candidates that are taking millions from big business, then maybe when my kids are my age they will have fair elections.
@Mighty Mouse He was a carpenter.
I love how everyone just wants to vote with the DNC. Maybe just vote for who you were going to vote for anyways? The Democratic party is over.
EXACTLY!!! Democrats showing their NAZI socialist side.
corrupt party
CIA candidate: Pete

“A close race like this doesn’t give you an advantage because delegates are rewarded proportionally!”
**Iowa has entered the chat**
@TheLinuxYes tell me more!!!…..lmao
Wow more than half the viewers gave CNN a thumbs down. CNN is a regular guest on the late shows, it shows how desperate the left is. People are sick of being forced to watch CNN while waiting for flights at airports. Trump learned how corrupt the dems really are so after the acquittal and full exoneration Trump fired 70 Obama holdovers. Tough week for the left, losing on every level while suffering with TDS. Pathetic but hilarious !
@Zeno of Citium In other words, you want people to stop stressing the express will of the citizens (Bernie Sanders) so you can worship the corruption of the DNC.
Lol, that’s socialism in a nutshell, LMFAO. Someone comes along and takes half of your stuff LMFAO. The socialists should be proud that the delegates are awarded proportionally. After all, that’s what you low-life Democrats want, to take what someone else has.
DNC is fooling you all – Your all Lab Rats
Democrats finally realize media is biased. Welcome.
anything owned by Big Business is going to be biased. duh
The leader of the democrat party is a homosexual. We are truly living in the last days.
Liberals are just as enamored by their false idols as conservatives are…if we could ditch the Demoratic and Republican parties, we might be able to get this country back on track…but everyone loves their tribe too much to see the big picture.
CNN: Bernie wins, who cares!
Since CNN are losers, they don’t understand the concept of winning!
Bernie Panders, the draft dodging con man.
Sanders is going under the bus again, only losers with no assets or plans to have any want a communist.
1) STOP representing votes via “delegates” and “electors”.
2) STOP using plurality voting (w/ spoiler effect).
Bernie will not be the winner. It would be a disaster for all of us..
Can’t wait till November when Trump trounces them all.
3:04 Yet bernie is crushing him and every candidate on the youth vote.
Remember when Bernie said..”transform the country”? what exactly does this mean? Transform into what exactly?
@Terry Scott Many youth will be too high on legalized weed to even remember to vote.
@Mandi B I dont know free free is a powerful motivator even for the lazy, next concern is the free Medicaid for illegals I wonder how much that played into Bernie getting 40% of the hispanic vote in New Hampshire.
Bernie beats Buttigieg by 6000 votes in Iowa.
Buttigieg gets an extra 2 delegates.
Bernie beats Buttigieg by 4000 votes in NH
They split delegates
Seems fair!
I love you Mr. Peterson. Let me tip my hat to you sir. You remind me of one of them negroes that rode with us Southerners in the Civil War. We knew The South would eventually take over this country, so let’s toast to it.
Rev. Jesse L. Peterson it is fair. The states decided it.
They are democrates . It’s what they do . Cheat .
0:38 “Close race like this doesn’t get delegate in advantage” – but closer race like Iowa get you TWO delegates in advantage. Brilliant!
Yeah, this has floored me.
two delegate advantage to the 2nd place winner
It may come down to how many caucuses use Petes Shadow app in more states ahead in race
Buttigieg is a rat
Remember, everyone, Iowa didn’t kill itself.
@THE ANGRY QUAD Clinton staffers run the company that made it. Pete buttigieg mystery donated $42,000 to the company who made it, the only one who did. Now the nevada democratic committee has made a Buttigieg staffer “voter protection director ” for the Nevada caucus. CNN is lying to you.
The Mayo Cheat App
When Bernie Sanders wins both Iowa and new Hampshire in terms of voters but is somehow losing
Kurochan You mean it’s how “rigging” works.
@Armando Ramirez
I don’t like Bernie, but I don’t really think he’s being cheated. Different states distribute delegates differently.
Besides the literal 1-2 delegate differential won’t mean anything once super tuesday comes along.
@Armando Ramirez Don’t complain here… if you want the process changed then have a candidate campaign on it.
Hi, Belgian here. Your voting system sucks. That’s it
Pete is just outsmarting old Bern and campaigning in pockets with more delegates.
How could Bernie ever recover from such a debilitating victory?
short lived. The DNC won’t allow it. And besides Oprah didn’t call him the real deal!
Boomers for Bernie 2020 !
@Mister G oh god are you serious? There were only two candidates
@Kevin Oré Mister G is just repeating more propaganda he saw from the mainstream media somewhere.
*Notice the “Like” to “Dislike” ratio…*
CNN: The DNC doesn’t award delegates based on who actually won!
Also CNN: We don’t cover who actually won either.
@Mike Marrone Ok boomer, just don’t forget to drink your prune juice
Bernie and Warren stand for big, selfless, positive change.
Biden and the rest just stand for: “Ehhh we shouldn’t strive to become a better nation, I won’t give up any extra money I have”
@Pocahontas 2020 Nope, it was Hillary. Bernie 2020
@bantayan island life I’ll take “News you’ll never hear on CNN for 500 Alex” lol
@Larry Wright haha ,do you have dump truck to haul that away ?
Lol… And if Buttigieg won:
“The people of New Hampshire have spoken, and at this point, it’s hard not to imagine Buttigieg becoming unstoppable.”
CNN is a joke.
Lol cnn and msnbc have been wrong about almost every story for the past 3 yrs. You notoce jow they wont mention jessie smoulett being indicted. Lol they know they have a agenda to follow
@Darlene Crotty Not sure that the world is ready for a “First Fella” of the US if Pete is elected. Right now we have an alpha male running the country. How do you think Iran, China and North Korea would respect us with a POTUS and FHOTUS?
They aren’t wrong, Biden, Warren and Klobachar supporters will flock to Buttigieg as they pull out. It’s clear there are so many more centrist voters.
@Darlene Crotty I guess you haven’t noticed the record amount of votes for trump . Crushing all the democrates put together . And the lines miles long with people waiting 24 hours inline
Pick what ever communist you want to run , trump will crush him/her/it .
@dahalofreeek they are pulling out of buttigigeg ? Not the first time that’s happened eh ? His boyfriend is jealous . Lol
So this is two elections in a row where Bernie gets more votes yet ends up with less delegates than the guy with less votes.yet people wonder why voter participation is so low.
Notice how the picture they show of Bernie depicts him as a grumpy old man (that he kind of is at times) and the others look very warm and friendly (to humanize). It’s subtle manipulation…
Bernie is a grumpy old man…but he’s grumpy about the right things…he’s angry that the American government is up for sale and doesn’t represent the working class taxpayers who make up the backbone of this nation.
It’s hilarious how everybody hates mainstream media, and they totally deserve it!