Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders' 2020 Presidential campaign is taking a trip with diabetes patients to Canada to buy cheaper insulin as part of his push for a Medicare for All health care system. #CNN #News
Bernie Sanders to travel to Canada with diabetes patients for affordable insulin

Bernie Sanders is the best candidate on either side, he WILL get money out of politics!!
He doesn’t stand a chance, you do know that he took advantage of Trumps tax break. He could have paid much more in taxes just make a point. But he didn’t, he just wants us to pay much higher taxes. Just get five and a half more years of Trump on your mind. It will be a landslide victory
*** he WILL get money out of politics!! ***
TURD BERNIE will also get MONEY out of the ECONOMY and out of your RETIREMENT PLANS…
Absolutely not. Democrats will stop him first.
All the forward nations have some sore of Medicare for all because it works!!
Any politician in a country with a single payer healthcare system who proposed changing to a private system like the U.S. would get never get elected or would get booted out of office if they’d already been elected. People in all other advanced nations are amazed at how Americans put up with being ripped off by the private health insurance industry.
@davids11131113 LMAO is that all you got can you even try to form a substantive argument
davids11131113 stop being so arrogant and admit that other countries are better than America at certain things
That’s right bumpus, you can Rub the LEAVES of GUAVA on your FOREHEAD to cure most Head illnesses… THat’s the sort of FREE HEALTHCARE you are entitled to.
In Canada, there is no restriction regarding which doctor you go to.
Yeah but Canadian come to American if they can for much better treatments.
@LYTA AVBL LOL well at least you

@brian gardner Far more Americans go to Canada than the ither way around lol.
There aren’t but doctors have the right to refuse patients.
@brian gardner I’m sorry but you’re very wrong on that point. Very very few Canadians go south of the border for treatment (other then elective cosmetic surgery). Why would we pay for something we can get absolutely free here .The quality of the health care here is world class.
Cnn cant stand Bernie , they know he is the biggest threat to the establishment not trump . Sanders 2020
@Riley Brown i ubderstand that view. However, the wages have been driven down for 40 years. Any increase would be incremental as Sanders has discussed because ofvthat fact. A booming economy with spending from the bottom should allow living wages. Bottom line, if you don’t pay full time staff a living wage, you don’t have a business plan, you have a plan for exploitation. Which can only occur in an economy where good paying jobs are scarce.
@Riley Brown That’s what I mean, he’s not a threat to win the nomination
@kingkongz88 Corporations are designed to make as much money as possible. Highering the minimum wage will just increase their motivation to automate jobs away. Places like Walmart and McDonald’s are already rolling out things to decrease their employees. It will not simply give the lower class more money. More will become homeless.
Why should anyone VOTE for TURD BERNIE… every single one of these 20+ LEFTIST BUFFOONS are offering the SAME FREE STUFF that he promises… I’m going to need to SHOP AROUND for the BEST CANDIDATE… who will offer me the MOST FREE STUFF… (that’s who I am voting for).
That Cnn poll of polls is trash, Bernie is still in the lead according to real polls people can research for themselves Just seen one today and Bernie is leading on ALL the issues. #cnnistrash #Bernie2020
CNN polls are 110% accurate. You sound like a dipsh!t Neo Nazi Russian Trump supporter. CNN is the most trusted name in news. They even say so to debunk retards like yourself.
@Gooey 911 110%??? Yeah, you’re comments are based in fact, huh. ROFFLMFAO@U Goober.
We want Medicare for all don’t be fooled by fake polls from CNN smh
Gooey 911
Good times.
I don’t know anybody that wants Medicare for all, I guess I just hang out with much smarter people than you do. It’s not going happen, have you seen the price tag on what it would cost.
@Chuck Demings Less than what the insurance companies charge you now
@V Williams come on now you know better than this. But nice try come back with some numbers, they’re not hard to find.
CNN, stop lying in our faces!
41% approval, BS
Muhammad was a pedophile caravan robber
This is your life now. The pathetic existence of a full-time YT troll.
@Muhammad was a pedophile caravan robber site your source and I’ll believe you.
That is such BS, I go all over the place talking about politics and I assure you at HBCUs; they arent even talking about Warren or Biden. They are talking about Harris but it is Bernie that is taking that Cake.
He wants to go to Canada for his caring for people and she asks him about candidate poll ? really? I already didn’t like CNN for downplaying Bernie
*Sounds like drug trafficking to me.*
Go to Canada please!
It’s hilarious how Trumpanzees refer to CNN as a left wing station when they’re obviously against left wing policies like Bernie’s.
Bernouts are equally as crazy & stupid as the Trumptards. It’s like a cult.
“How dare people not throw my God softball question!!!!”
This woman is sneaky and she ask sneaky questions. Cnn stop fake news. U guys are all obsessed with Bernie Sanders that why u guys are panic mood. The old man know how the media work against him
Meanwhile, Trump threatens to kill 10 million people … if he felt like it.
No he didn’t stupid, run along to your safe space.
IT’S better than AMERICAN boots on the ground. Don’t u think.
Trumptards still think he’s getting a Nobel Peace Prize LMAOOOOO
cnn trying its best to spread fake news and tank his campaign.
@Günes Franke how is spreading misinformation good?
I am voting Bernie Sanders 2020, It has been way too much Billionaire Socialism for way too long.
@The Fire Keeper loooool jesus the patheticness of the left isnt even funny anymore it’s sad.
Christopher Biddle you’re just a stupid! His argument is that the government isn’t spending our tax money in the right areas i.e. healthcare. Writing more checks to the government so they can spend the money wrong isn’t the answer it’s changing the way the government spends the money they already have. I’ll admit him raging against millionaires and billionaires could be seen as hypocritical. but he has said many times in many debates he believes he should be paying more taxes as well.
@Team Red Shirt LOL with ilhan Omar paraphrasing Hitler and AOC quoting eva peron, the Democrat regressive left has quartered the market entirely on being jew hating nazis. So piss off nazi I dont care what you think.
@Abolish the liberals america love it or leave it
And dip-shitz like you are perfectly happy handing all of our tax dollars to Wall Street banker corporate slobs. The GOP are the biggest Socialists on the planet. Hey, moron, I’ve got a cup to sell you for $1,500. And I’ve also got a $300.00 toilet bowl seat for you.
@Blank Trying to figure out if you’re an 8 year old or just mentally ill…
You have no clue lady, do some research before you actually speak.
I think she knows what she’s doing by trying to deliberately mislead their audience. “Oh, no, I don’t mind paying out-of-pocket expenses, but what about the average American (that I obviously care about?!)” Get outta here. The bill (and M4A is a bill, not an obscure plan) states that duplicative insurance by private insurance companies will be banned. Which means doctors have to be in the M4A system. There will not be a huge money-sucking health insurance market for the doctors to “prefer” if M4A is passed. Also, how does she know that doctors love all the administrative nightmare and paperwork that comes with her beloved private healthcare?
Just so everyone understands, she completely ignores the pharmaceutical industry aspect of what Bernie is doing and what the headline states. The prescription drug costs are not just a part of M4A. It is also a separate bill he proposed. But in a fairly long interview, she asked about:
a) What about other candidates Bernie??
b) M4A is sooo unpopular (and cites just one random poll)
c) Goes on a tangent and asks a convoluted question about M4A
and doctors
d) Asking the first ever unionized campaign about and actively ongoing good-faith negotiations
e) What he admires about Warren (I totally believe that they’ll ask the same question to other candidates too, right??)
And didn’t find time to ask about the high drug costs
[Sorry about the rant; it’s been frustrating]
I’m in Canada. I choose my doctor, I choose the hospital I go to. The only time I don’t choose the hospital I go to is if I’m in an emergency situation where the ambulance will take me to the closest hospital’s ER to ensure I get the emergency care as soon as possible. I think the question of “can I keep my doctor” etc. is certainly a concern in the immediate future but, I would think that after the initial period of sorting all of that out, having the benefits of care based on need, not on means, outweighs the short-term disadvantages of those concerns.
Bernie has been doing this for years CNN please stop being establishment shills Bernie Sanders is what’s best for America
CNN’s pharma advertisers get a heart attack right now … and that’s a good thing
Wow she’s really being rude to Bernie. I want to see the same energy when they bring on a corporate Democrat for an interview.
Keep dreaming.
Very turned off by how this anchor talks to people.
What’s her name
Come on CNN
has great access to all kinds medical care.
I am Canadian and I can tell everybody in Canada
You know the system Sanders wants works all over the world. But suddenly will not work in the richest, most powerful country on the planet??
Give people’s intelligence a brake. We all have enough with fucking trump to have to be dealing with establishment, drug companies and insurance companies as well for the fear of losing business. PUT HUMANITY BEFORE PROFITS.
Yeah, it’s funny that Americans pay 50% more for their private healthcare but their life expectancy is 2 years less than Canadians. Not really funny but tragic actually.
@Earnest Lee Saddened The only reason Canadians go to America for healthcare is to jump in line ahead of everyone else.
@Mark Green THANKS OBAMA!!!!!! 8 years to TRIPLE COSTS!!!! Trump will bring back competition and fix that problem.