Bernie Sanders shrugs off attacks at South Carolina debate

peaking to CNN after the South Carolina Democratic presidential debate hosted by CBS News, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) fielded attacks from critics that argued if he wins the 2020 presidential nomination he will hurt down-ballot Democrats and lose to President Donald Trump.
#BernieSanders #2020 #CNN #News


    1. Just so people understand government spending is talked about in 10 year periods. When someone says Medicare for all costs 32 trillion dollars what they are actually saying is Medicare for all costs 32 trillion dollars over 10 years.

      The fact that any of the candidates are using this talking point is beyond pathetic. It manipulative because they are lying or, if they genuinely don’t know, that is a problem. The fact that Amy klobuchar is saying it costs 60 trillion dollars and is greater than the entire US GDP proves she is either lying to get votes or knows absolutely nothing.

    1. Bernie has better character than the others all put together. I hope the DNC can figure out that it needs to change its orientation if it wants to keep the young people.

    2. @Benjamin Levine How does every other developed country in the world pay for all their giveaways? And the countries we want to emulate have the highest standard of living and the best quality of life on the planet, places like Denmark. Goddamn President Trump. That orange s.o.b just today was asked about why he was suing the New York Times for an opinion piece and he said “But their opinion is wrong.” God help us all. If we don’t elect a Democrat next time it will be the end of democracy. DNC seems near-hopeless sometimes, but they are way ahead of the Republicans, God knows what they are thinking.

  1. The crowd was stalked with paid Bloomberg supporters. To get a seat in the front, you need at least $1700 and most people in South Carolina don’t have that kind of money to throw away.

    1. @Michael Ennist one of his key policy changes is to price cap the runaway pharma industry to significantly reduce costs though which will put a big dent in those yearly costs

    2. @Look ma no clothes When you count the never ending wars he would get us into Blomberg will cost us a lot more than 60 trillion!

    3. @Erioch Stomp 1 in 25 is pretty good odds.

      Glad you agree that they don’t pay for health insurance and that is where Bernie gets his numbers.

    4. @Kaleb N right I was only posting to show that it already will save more than what we currently spend and that is before price caps and new negotiations

  2. She’s asking him how winning all the votes will actually get him elected!! Really, that’s what she’s asking.

    1. @Jean Bates Who talking points are you parroting? Those of the corporate media. That’s like listening to oil company ads to get the truth on climate change. If Bernies’ talking points seem too pat, it’s because he’s been consistently saying the same thing since the 60’s.

    2. @Jean Bates Anyone who believes the establishments BS anymore is completely brainwashed. And Pete is part of the establishment. Which means you are brainwashed. We’ve been screwed over by these people for years. Get your head out of the sand.

    1. CNN got tired of all the dislikes every time they ran fake news…it started cutting into their YouTube money.

    1. Just so people understand government spending is talked about in 10 year periods. When someone says Medicare for all costs 32 trillion dollars what they are actually saying is Medicare for all costs 32 trillion dollars over 10 years.

      The fact that any of the candidates are using this talking point is beyond pathetic. It manipulative because they are lying or, if they genuinely don’t know, that is a problem. The fact that Amy klobuchar is saying it costs 60 trillion dollars and is greater than the entire US GDP proves she is either lying to get votes or knows absolutely nothing.

  3. They have already come out with everything they can find that they believe is bad about Bernie. They keep throwing new candidates against him and have failed. What’s next. Go Bernie I hope you win SC. I’ve already mailed a vote for you in Fl. Boomers for Bernie.

    1. @Theo Fulk Yes, because people in countries like Canada and Sweden don’t have freedom! Seriously though, how did you just completely abandon your ability to critically think? Is your inner monologue just Sean Hannity’s last segment playing on repeat?

    2. Bernie will be more government control. What happened to the self thinking people of the United States?
      Could you imagine 90% of Americans decide I want to go back to school for six or eight more years and let the government pay for it. where would that money come from. One big frat party wouldn’t that be fun. I think I’ll sign up as soon as it passes

    3. I hope all you commies burn. Poor bastards, can’t see the Forrest for the trees why did we spend all those years fighting communism, just to become just that. Lock and load free Americans- it’s coming.

    4. Just so people understand government spending is talked about in 10 year periods. When someone says Medicare for all costs 32 trillion dollars what they are actually saying is Medicare for all costs 32 trillion dollars over 10 years.

      The fact that any of the candidates are using this talking point is beyond pathetic. It manipulative because they are lying or, if they genuinely don’t know, that is a problem. The fact that Amy klobuchar is saying it costs 60 trillion dollars and is greater than the entire US GDP proves she is either lying to get votes or knows absolutely nothing.

  4. Notice when Bernie says “unfair,” he speaks for the people as in unfair to the people who struggle and work everyday; when Trump says “unfair,” he means unfair for himself and his rich butt kissing buddies.

    Now, which one really has your best interests at heart?

    *Bernie 2020* 😊

    1. Exactly…nothing sounds more childish than a 75 year old billionaire, who’s only ever known a life of luxury and never had to work a single day in his life, crying about being treated unfairly…Trump wouldn’t last a whole day if he had to live like the rest of us do.

    1. @Jake Muller Bahahaha. College tuition is so expensive because of federal student loans inflating tuition costs. Government subsidizing education is what caused it to become so expensive.

    2. That is the one thing I like about the Democrats they’re smart enough to know they don’t need a fraud Like Bernie Sanders

  5. “The next president is coming for an interview; are there any tiny chairs that he can sit in? Yes, excellent: tall chairs for us, because we have communications degrees, and a tiny chair for the president.”

    1. @Ask Source any evidence to back that up? Look where the thigh extends from the chair, they are all on the same level.

    1. @JT Or you don’t know how large 60 trillion dollars is. That’s 3 times the size of the economy. Jeff Bezos doesn’t even scratch that. And letting the government do the work doesn’t solve the problem. The deficit is proof enough that feeding that much of a budget increase into our federal government is a bad idea.

    2. @Theo Fulk wait you saying JFK getting shot was a hoax? I would highly recommend changing your sources or dipping out of politics altogether

    3. @Jason Alexander Ji-Xhin Wong At the least, that’s still taking a whopping 30% out of the GDP. The best thing Sanders could do for his campaign is hire an accountant.

  6. CBS: ‘Bernie took a beating’ = 4.5k 👎🏼

    CNN: ‘Bernie Shrugs off Attacks’ = 11k 👍🏼

    The people have spoken

    1. @Kyle Gosman free college will be nothing but extension of kindergarten class. A large portion of those students will only be going there to party get drunk smoke pot. doesn’t that sound like a good reason to to have your taxes explode

    2. Just so people understand government spending is talked about in 10 year periods. When someone says Medicare for all costs 32 trillion dollars what they are actually saying is Medicare for all costs 32 trillion dollars over 10 years.

      The fact that any of the candidates are using this talking point is beyond pathetic. It manipulative because they are lying or, if they genuinely don’t know, that is a problem. The fact that Amy klobuchar is saying it costs 60 trillion dollars and is greater than the entire US GDP proves she is either lying to get votes or knows absolutely nothing.

  7. Seriously everything Dana bash says about the establishment “freaking out” is proof that the real people have found their person

    1. No, they haven’t. Bernie would never be elected President. The vast majority of citizens do NOT want their taxes raised, and they do NOT want their good insurance stripped way..not too mention all of the heavy regulations he put on business. He would f*ck our country to pieces.

  8. I wish CNN would actually cover stuff unbiased.
    This whole debate was stinking of the audience being paid off etc. It’s insane!

  9. kind of a nice way to interview Bernie, given that CNN has mostly been trying to destroy Bernie with negative headlines so far.

    1. @Chanice Ellis No president can do even 1/4 of what Communist Bernie is pledging, the other 2 branches of government have as much, if not more power then the presidency, only thing you can count on is if the Socialist lose the House, you can depend on Bernie’s impeachment on day one. And the politicians have already proved, they don’t need a legitimate reason.

    2. @john carioscia Thinking like that is what keeps everything status quo. Luckily more and more are thinking differently.


    3. @Chanice Ellis “Best laid plans o” mice & men do often go awry” BREADLINE BERNIE practices Capitalism, & preaches Socialism.

    4. Exactly what did he explain? That he is going to let black and brown people run marijuana stores or that there wasn’t enough time to explain his multi-trillion dollar plan. He keeps dodging this question for a reason so to all you so called college millennials, exactly what are you going to school for to be on welfare? If you want free healthcare, free college, etc. , move to Denmark and see how you like.

      Denmark has one of the highest tax rates in the world, which is often mentioned as one of the biggest objections against the Danish welfare model. The average annual income in Denmark is about 39,000 euros (nearly $43,000) and as such, the average Dane pays a total amount of 45 percent in income taxes.

    5. @John Galt that is where you and others and I come into play. If those in Congress refuse to work with the president than come their re-election day we fire them. What is more important to them? Keeping their seat in Congress is the top goal. Tulsi explained at one of her town halls how a day is spent mostly making phone calls and trying to gather support for the next election of theirs. They are so busy trying to keep their job they are not doing their job. We will vote them out of office if they refuse to do the will of the people.

    1. Free college my family tree might be large but we’re all going to sign up for the free college. I’m for five or six years on someone else’s money thank you Bernie

    2. Government better start building some more colleges cuz Bernese going overflow the colleges with students. Please someone let me know how I can get in on the ground floor for this free college I want to sign up now.

  10. Bernie: “I think, kinda, we might want to listen to the people.”

    2020 will be the Year of The People. Bernie 2020.

    1. You’ve bumped your head..what people? All of you radicals? The vast majority or Americans do not want their taxes to skyrocket and do not want their good their good healthcare stripped away. The government is beyond incompetent and you believe they could do something like manage healthcare?

    2. @Wade That’s right, we bumped our heads. And we’re not really people.
      You got one thing right….the government IS beyond incompetent now. When we the people reclaim it we will manage healthcare…just like Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Great Britain, Switzerland, Taiwan, etc, etc, etc, etc.

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