Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) talks with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer about his Covid-19 relief meeting with President Biden, and his hopes to fulfill the promise of delivering more stimulus payments. #CNN #News
Bernie Sanders optimistic about Covid-19 relief plan after meeting with Biden

The plan needs to be passed ASAP – with or without the GOP.
@Muddy Water Are you trolling?
@Muddy Water Biden campaigned on shutting down the Keystone pipeline and 81 mil, 7 mil more than Trump, voted in favour. Stop clinging at straws it’s pathetic… Stimulus cheques stimulate the economy which benefits everyone ten fold.
@Angry Patriots What’s not the GOP? Do you even understand this comment, like WTF?
@Eric Spaulding We all know you’re lying about making $100,000 a year, you’ll take that $1,400 and spend it on guns and beer. MAGA snowflake!

Your bankrupt casino God king lost, have some dignity… 
@Eric Spaulding You’ll take the money. We all know you will. You’re a terrible liar.
We love you Bernie
thank you so much for caring and fighting tirelessly for us 
@Muddy Water I am very much an American for the past 47 years.
@Muddy Water At one time he worked as a teacher for young children.
@Avadhesh Sharma how many job’s has Trump created?
@Avadhesh Sharma joe biden been in politics for as long as you been an American lmfaooo now THAT should tell you something lmfaoooo
If you love his ideology you don’t love your country, America is not communist, go to live in China if you want to see his ideology in action
let’s hope Bernie is right…fulfillment on these promises is way past due…
Biden got your vote the end! Time to get a job and support yourself!
Unemployment almost out… don’t be the last one looking for a job.
Let’s hope the dumb Republicans don’t do everything in their power to squeeze the American people
@Steve Fortier Like how Democrats squeezed in billions in foreign aid on the last stimulus bill for gender studies but Americans got pennies in comparison? Yeah, hope not.
Too bad you don’t really see follow through. Biden couldn’t even handle hiring a doorman and was locked out of the whitehouse after he fired Trump doorman.
Bernie the only reason I voted

What do you think Biden is doing ? He put forth this plan and put Bernie in place
Sanders got shafted twice.
You voted for the crooks.
Bernie is the only one really trying to help the american people

@McNutty u been living under a rock ? It has never been 2000 not under Trump not under Biden… it has always been a total of 2,000 including the last check you received
@McNutty he said the $600 was the down payment for the $2000. 600 + 1400 = 2000
Oh, so then he won’t really need the other 50 Democrats to vote to help the American people. Bernie can’t get anything done by himself. Claiming he’s the only one that trying to help is both divisive and delusional.
and Biden isn’t?
@Suomy Nona please be kind. You are taking this out of context. Bernie is the voice at this time and he IS fighting for all in need
Seeing Sanders title as “Budget Chairman” puts such a big smile on my face
I’m giddy thinking about Bernie in charge of budget reconciliation after 4 years of Republicans prioritizing stupid conspiracy theories over decency. This could be a perfect storm for the billionaire class.
Mine 2!!!

This is the guy who got shafted twice and kissed the ring every time.
He doesn’t have any credibility left.
Look the Republican tax cut has even effected the rich retired.
No Medicare.
Steep secondary insurance costs.
They’re doing this right. Give the Republicans a chance to do their jobs; when they don’t, move forward without them.
I agree

Bernie said, “No, screw ’em.” Before a Republican even opens their mouth I know what’s coming out “Hey, you can’t do to us what we always do to you when we have power…sniff…”
For real.
Preach Sir!! I am so glad somebody on the side of the people has a brass pair instead of Dems that are ALWAYS capitulating to Reps!! One thing is for sure, the GOP absolutely can’t STAND bipartisanship and they love sticking it to the Dems!! Screw the Reps!!
Bernie Sanders — the best president we never had!!! Thank you for speaking truth, sir!
The American people don’t care if the bill is bipartisan. Who gives a damn, just pass the bill!
I’d actually prefer it not be bipartisan, let the terrorists on the right know who’s in charge.
A Beautiful Person With A Heart Of Gold.
Well said!
Bernie’s narrative has been the same for 50 years. In no way is that a bad thing. The guy would make an amazing president.
Same narrative with no results
@The Common Sense Conservative316
since i’m not sure what you mean by “results” here’s a short list of measures he voted for that passed recently
block border wall emergency decleration
end military actions against iran
provide aid for covid economic impact
Bernie, you are awesome. Let’s get American families paid. Then let’s build our renewably powered economy.
Keep destroying American jobs… keep sending money over seas to foreign countries… lmaoo is that what u like ?
@Darcy….maybe truly look at renewable energy. The jobs crated to support solar and wind power are good paying jobs. Carbon based energy needs to be phased out. Is it going to be perfect for all, no. Will it be better for the environment? Yes. We have to break the cycle. And by breaking the cycle it does not mean sending everything over seas if we are in on the innovations needed to grow the industry. By not supporting it, over seas development of these technologies will take our future jobs.
The only thing the republicans care about is delaying democratic action so that they can blame the dems in two years and regain power. Promises are meant to be kept. Act now
It goes both ways Nancy did the same just to spite while drinking her wine from her vineyard and eating the best ice cream and laughing about it. Get it straight none of these people care about you or I they just want to be in control.
Thank GOD we got rid of the orange scourge. Thank you 80 million people!!!!
See…Bernie was meant to lead us during this horrific time.
I APPLAUD BERNIE. He’s a good politician. totally 4 the people
Every Senator who opposes this bill should be sent to wait in line at a food bank every day for a month.
Or until none of their constituents have to stand in the line.
Bernie Sanders always does what is right for the American people. He’s one of our best voices. Thank you Mr. Sanders.