1. @slavnov gosha , lol at anti israel. what deluded world do you live in? bernie is an israeli. a so called white israeli who are allegedly from a hot climate desert nation. if bernie ever gets elected, we will be fighting israel’s wars all over the middle east.

    2. @slavnov gosha …Riiiight. Because someone of Hebrew descent is *totally* anti-Israel. There’s nothing anti-semiotic about being critical of a right-wing government in Israel, and a brutal authoritarian like Netanyahu. You’re a fucking fool.

    1. @Trump 2020 apparently you want a king.. you need to go to a monarchy.. unless you disagree i thought this was a democracy

    1. Corporations haven’t enslaved us with 23 trillion dollars worth of debt and a hundred plus trillion dollars worth of unfunded liabilities with these economy killing Ponzi scheme programs and corporations don’t steal four trillion dollars from our real economy every year and corporations haven’t destroyed 90% of value of our currency. No people like the millionaire Bernie Sanders who can’t even pay his own staff a livable wage in the federal government have done these things d i p s h i t.

    2. “You sound like a lawyer defending the hospital, as opposed to a senator trying to make sure the right thing is done,” CNN host Chris Cuomo lectured Sanders as the scandal unraveled and veterans died at the Phoenix VA hospital. Bernie’s social medicine experiment failed at the cost of US veterans.

    3. @Omnipresent Spirit , people like bernie? so white so called jews who happen to control the entire media industry in america? who basically own the federal reserve/wall street, who own congress with the israeli loyalty pledge? those kind of people? the people that think they are god’s chosen people (aka racism) who think they have divine edict (talmud) to rule world????


    1. @Charlie Kirk yet you guys love a man who was bffs with Jeff Epstein….wasnt Alan Pedowitz also a great friend of the most notorious ped in history?!? You hypocritical clowns..

    2. @Esaul Viramontes , that’s a two way street. lets not forget big DNC donor and friend harvey weinstein. lets no forget all of hollywood who have sexually abused god knows how many young women, men, boys, girls who are always pro democrat. might want to save that hypocritical clown retort for your own political party. you dont have the moral high ground just because you are from the rival political party. stop acting like you do.

    1. “You sound like a lawyer defending the hospital, as opposed to a senator trying to make sure the right thing is done,” CNN host Chris Cuomo lectured Sanders as the VA scandal unraveled where Bernie was supposed to provide oversight and veterans died. So much for his US medical experiment.

    2. @Esaul Viramontes Sorry dumbass, not “great friends” with Epstein. He disowned him and booted him from Mar A Lago when the news first broke about his personal life. You people are so dumb.

  2. Bernie has always been about compassion and including people. Can’t wait to vote for him in the primary and the general. #Bernie2020 #NotMeUs 🔥🔥🔥

    1. Val, don’t waste your time with the Trump cultists, they’re not worth the last breath of a dying man..truth, honor and dignity is not where they live

    2. @0 0 really.. say that if he was the leader .. not if he was 1 out if 100 voting… was it a democratic majority or a rep majority.. what were the circumstances .. did you want him to be like mit romney or do you called mit romney a traitor.. you wanna have a debate bro lets have a debate.. no hating.. honestly wanna get you to believe in this guy because so far. .. THIS guy.. has forover 30 years been ssying the same thing.. THE MIDDLE AND WORKING CLASS CIME FIRST.. now.. if youre a millionaire+.. than i can TOTALLY understand why you dont want bernie.. but if youre not???.. Than youre just screwing yourself bro.. and if you dont wanna even look at tye facts ive given.. than youre a waste

    3. “You sound like a lawyer defending the hospital, as opposed to a senator trying to make sure the right thing is done,” CNN host Chris Cuomo lectured Sanders as the scandal unraveled and veterans died. So much for Bernie’s social.medicine experiment.

  3. At the start of this campaign, I really wasn’t a big fan of Sanders; however, I’m really beginning to like him a lot. Sanders 2020!

    1. @BASED ᛋᛋ Nah, he’s more of an FDR-style social democrat; however, going by your username and profile picture, you probably ain’t a big fan of FDR, are you?

  4. CNN, THIS is a true candidate who cares for the people. Please give him proper screen time and unbiased coverage and I guarantee you will get higher ratings.

    1. Starfox64nintendo — unfortunately CNN doesn’t care that much about getting ratings by covering Bernie because their main objective is to ensure the status quo for their own corporation. Which means if Bernie gets elected CNN itself will have to face more regulation and higher taxation. They would hate that, of course.

    2. @Truth Finder he is demonstrating that he is capable while still being as old as he is. so his age has become irrelevant

    1. you like people who fancy themselves as god’s chosen people (aka racism) who think they have divine edict (talmud) to game, dominate, enslave, and destroy people who arent like them? aka racism.

    2. @Space Alien you mean like trump?.. and are you actually calling someone who most people regard as a communist ( which youll need to look up obviously) as above everybody else lmao?

    3. @0 0 why not love another man.. theres more ways than 1 to love someone without a hard on.. do you love your family and say the sane shyt?

    1. Apparently a lot of his extended family was killed in Poland. Obviously he doesn’t like to talk about it, but I think there was a program where he traced his heritage, and found out a lot of his family were murdered and how one stood up to the Nazis.

  5. This man is truly admirable. He’s compassionate and conscious and his heritage gives him a deep understanding of human frailty.

  6. You can hear the sincerity in his voice and see it in his face. He’s always been true to his beliefs, unlike the rest of the politicians in Washington.

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