Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) weighs in on President Joe Biden's 2024 presidential bid and discusses House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's (R-CA) advocacy for a bill to raise the national debt limit. #CNN #News
Bernie Sanders: If Biden does this, he’ll ‘win in a landslide’

Nice rant Bernie. This is what I remember politics being like, not a clown show.
Why he didn’t do it during his career until today?
@Pablo And you sure know a thing about copying and pasting…
And as a side note, Bernie Sanders is not a socialist.
@Cin Peace ikr
at least with Trump he made everything more comical. Biden is just a snore fest

@JM B He sure does call himself a democratic socialist, whatever that is, and praised Cuba and Russia. But keep defending him. Maybe you two should go visit Venezuela.
@Ted Moser Yes, but he is demanding it. Too bad not enough of his colleagues agree with him.
Hello Manchin, Sinema and … Nancy Pelosi.
No raises or bonuses for any elected official is first cuts. So they feel the pain also.
They should apply 20% cut in pay for people in Congress. See how they like that and 20% cut in their medical insurance benefits as well.
They all became millionaires since they joined the Senate. It makes me so mad they have the nerve to give themselves a raise. It also makes me mad that they get free healthcare and want to take it away from poor innocent children.
Exactly, let’s start with cutting the perks in DC.
Big D Slots:Exactly!!!
@ELFanatic There should be a lobbying tax.
I used to think Bernie was some radical, but damn he’s been consistent and the more I’ve listened he’s become the most realistic
@Pablo Who said that I wanted to move anywhere? What I would like however, is for you my original question. And that is, are the high taxed Scandinavian countries socialistic or not? Your answer?
@Georgie oooh you’re so edgy…the adults are talking…run along.
Consitantly wrong.
Let me get this straight: Kevin is proposing cuts to vets as “an opening salvo.” He’s telling veterans that he is using their earned benefits as a bargaining tool… and for what? …so he can de-fund school meal programs? He’s telling veterans that he’s using them as pawns to cause harm to the poor, the infirm, the elderly, and marginalized. That’s an interesting message to be putting out there, Kevin. Good luck with that.
He’s just following MTG’s orders.
Austere measures will be necessary, soon.
Response to Rick Jones: Donald Trump raised the United States debts.
There is nothing more frightening than ignorance in action.
– Goethe
Bernie Sanders…. I love you man!!!!
Nancy pelosi too
Love the lies
Me too!
He is willing to say the truth today. Is US problem of inequality started today? Did he contribute to narrow it over all the years that he in US politics?
Love him or not he’s looking out for the little guy.
He isn’t looking out for the taxpayer. His policies would force austere
There is nothing not to love him about show me one time he lied to people
@Nil Nil completely wrong. He says working class should not even pay taxes. Did you know if irs only goes after the already occurred but not paid taxes from billionaires none of us have to pay any taxes ?
Bernie is always the one counter to people talking about age limits in government. Dude’s sharp and feisty as ever
@Marc Dellorusso Yeah, but Joe’s still a hell of a lot better than Trump. Propped up corpses don’t instigate insurrections.
@Pablo Your perception and values are so screwed up.
@Sarah Allen Humboldt My values are that I’m not a hypocrite calling for socialism while being a millionaire myself and owning mansions like Bernie.
Sharp in talking. How about walk the talk? If he believes democracy, he should ask both Biden and Trump opt out of election as that is 70% Americans’ will.
Even if the pharmaceutical companies lowered their overall pricing, they would STILL be rolling in dough. It’s sickening.
Get even…buy stock in Pharma. Developing, testing and producing drugs is very expensive. The USA has the best drugs in the world.
@Jonathan Bartlett
Not the best, the most expensive.
@Janzzen That’s an opinion…ok.
Literally sickening.
How dare this man speaking truth and logic?
F maga 0:44
Bernie is one of the few truly liberal Democrats left.
@bluzedogg Yet he’s an Independent.
Because he is not planning to run.
Bernie’s message never ever waivers
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
@s g If only we could all be as perfect as you are.
He never learned anything from fall the fall of the USSR. It’s still his ideal, as long as he’s a party leader.
America is so backward when it comes to social security; I cannot imagine not having universal healthcare…
it’s so cruel to live in the wealthiest country in the World and to deny 1/4 of your population basic medicine.
@T Tee if he was an Australian senior citizen on social security not only would his pension be more generous , he would have universal Healthcare and he would pay no more than US$4 per prescription (usually a mths medicine but about to be 2 mths…..including that life continuing drug insulin that is criminally expensive in the US) also after spending $350 a year on prescription there is more discount until free then starting with $4 prescription next year.
America is the richest nation on earth and has no excuse other than capitalist greed not to provide the same or better.
@T Tee Another insurance to cover him better? Are you talking about Social Security or Medicare?
Those of us living close to the Mexican border are not so worried about it.
“we already have too much inequality in America, let’s not make it worse” — that pretty much says it all!
Says it all…. since Obama time. Anything done?
@M Hall Bernie is not planning to run. He knows his limit.
“The average American insulin user spent $3490 on insulin in 2018 compared with $725 among Canadians.”
-Mayo Clinic.
Go Bernie!
@Buck Benelli A 2021 study by the RAND Corporation comparing the insulin prices of nearly three dozen countries found prices in the United States were about 10 times higher than everywhere else. The average price of a vial of insulin in the United States was $98, while in nearby Canada it was $12.
That’s why there are insulin shopping tours from US to Canada.
How about reducing Senate and House members’ wages and benefits?
this would only incentivize corruption. Congress people should be paid well, not only because they are expected to live in two cities, one being one of the most expensive in the country; most importantly Congressional wages should be relatively high to dissuade corruption from desperation.
what needs to be done is what @paradoxmo mentioned, as well as mandatory 40 hour work weeks for all congress people.
@paradoxmo And supreme court judges can’t be bought.
So you’re asking the ruling class to limit themselves?
There should be absolutely no negotiating with Republicans over this at all
That’s right comrad!
We have 740 billionaires in this country and we have trouble with the debt ceiling? I just can’t wrap my head around that.
@Nil Nil Taxing the billionaires won’t erase the debt but when taxing them 2X as much affects them 1/2 as much, it results in a thumb in the eye of those whose lives are affected most by taxes when the billionaires’ taxes are cut. Let the average taxpayer know that everybody is paying their fair share and you will reduce the frustration felt by working people. Instead, Republicans gave billionaires those massive cuts saying it would help working class people in the long run through reinvestment by the rich. That, by and large, did not happen. No, it isn’t just about the debt reduction but about the fairness of what happened with those massive tax cuts for the rich.
You have to know that without the debt, can’t create that many millionaires.
Bernie is like a breathe of fresh air talking real politics that matter and none of the rantings, illegalities, profanities and lies of the MAGA clansters
If we let them use the debt ceiling as a bargaining chip this time, they’ll always use it.
Why have a debt ceiling? The debt will never lower with the amount of spending.
Austere is not far off.
If there are no control of debts, one day Americans would be regretted.
Thank you, Senator Sanders!! A true warrior for the middle class in America!!