MSNBC’s John Heilemann and former RNC spokesman Tim Miller discuss the results from first primary in the 2020 Democratic race. Aired on 02/12/20.
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Bernie Sanders Edges Out Pete Buttigieg In N.H., Amy Klobuchar Bursts To Top-Tier | Deadline | MSNBC
MSDNC = fckery
MSM is f*ckery period!!! Its a shame our democracy is under attack!!!
Omg, two states have had their say and this guy knows the ending! How arrogant.
bryson west that’s what i’m saying lmao like Iowa and New Hampshire suddenly became representative of all states
Now Amy is the one who is at a “strong fourth”. The media is such a joke!
Politics in general are a Joke.
@Alan Childs The difference being he just calls fake news against everything.
Dems are losers. Time for the party to collapse and reform.
Bernie wins and they spend the entire video talking about how Pete should have won. I wonder if theres political bias here
@ThE DuCk quite the knowledge you have there. Care to provide some sources for your accusations?
@Unified Vision I call B.S.
Notice they didn’t talk about any policies
D S so we have trump because of Bernie viewers that Ludacris and baseless AND HE DID 40 town halls on her behalf. You need to focus on the future instead of being bitter no body likes Hillary
themunz126 so what we have not is better???? No insurance or underinsured??? Under a clear bigot is this what you want?
Man o’ Culture yassssss
@Man o’ Culture hey man your comment about America favoring the ultra rich is a joke right? Because my parents migrated from mexico dirt poor and achieved middle class fairly quickly, I was also born in mexico but raised here in the states and I’m proud of this country for showing me there is nothing holding us back if my parents migrants from another country not knowing the language can become middle class then there is nothing holding us back but all these lies of Democrats telling me I’m oppressed!! I must be blind because nothing has held me back from finding a really good job and buying my house and supporting my 2 kids all it took was hardwork and no complaining something alot of people DONT want to do. God bless this great country! Sad only Republicans can see that!
I watch MSNBC alot.. this is not right.. if you don’t like him fine but Bernie is the people’s choice…
Now you know how Trump and his supporters feel about the media. If Trump were good for the global elites he would be loved by MSM. Some how, Bernie supporters can’t seem to figure that out.
I think the like to dislike ratio on this video says it all
Adam C you went from voting for a Democrat, to voting for an ultra-corrupt, lawbreaking autocrat (Trump)?
How stupid a large percentage of Americans are- you go from corruption to ultra, ultra corruption with no morals or ethics. Disgusting!
The media trying to push out Bernie AGAIN.
@Jacob Alexander Apparently anyone who rejects socialism is a brainwashed person from Fox News. My goodness you people have no nuance. Hate to break it to you, but most people reject socialism.
@Bubble Gaming because it never works
Yup. Thats why the british are leaving the EU. They sre tired of their policies
For good reason. He doesn’t stand a chance.
Bernie wins, and they downplay it. Somehow they make it more about the guy that got second.
Name Not Found yes because that is more of a surprise. Not a conspiracy.
Name Not Found just like when LeBron James loses in the Finals
NH winner National loser. Gift to Trump. and china and russia.
Bernie won!! Let’s talk about Pete and why him “winning” in Iowa wasn’t a bigger deal
@maravish2070 Venezuela failed because of their economic situation. It’s not because of the US. I’m tired of hearing this lie. Venezuela was falling apart before US Sanctions. Iran has been sanctioned way way worse over the years and their nation didn’t face hyperinflation, mass exodus, and a starving population. Socialism doesn’t work, it leads to consolidation of power and corruption. Social democracies do work though.
I sent an email to these folks. Everyone needs to do that. Go to their website, contact and let them know how you feel.
Let me help you out,
“Bernie Sanders wins the New Hampshire Primary.”
Winning by less than 2 points to a Mayor of a Small town that was unknown a year ago? NBD
“Bernie Sanders edges out..” …. MSNBC is as bad as Faux!
Tim Blackburn nothing is worse than Fox News haha.
@2be Blunt Except for a liberal thought
YOUR NAME HERE I’m not a liberal I’m not even a democrat haha.
What is so hard about this?
“Bernie Sanders won NH.”
Instead we get ‘Amy Comes In 3rd, Totally Tubular Top-Tier Triumph!!!!!’
@SpikeTFA LOL that’s about all i can do, President Trump In 2O2O hands down!!!!
Bernie isn’t even a Democrat
@Adam C Left’s bias? More like corporate media bias. There as “left” as DDE.
@Maria Schick But the Socialist Party stopped running in presidential elections quite a few years back when they realized that the Democrats had so many policies that were in line with them it wasn’t worth running a separate campaign over. They would just back a Democrat.
The Communist Party stopped as well knowing that Americans would never elect an openly Communist member as president.
Yet here we are today. Democrats kept pushing further and further left till they got
Sanders, now they don’t want it.
Much like the people who are actually supporting Sanders will find to their great dismay should he ever be elected.
The establishment media and DNC shot down Tulsi and now they want Bernie’s head on a platter, again. Land of the free…
@D S and you can go away too, brainwashed sheep
@Michael Guest she had some interesting views, but honestly, the “Present” vote lost me.
@D S im a leftist I don’t like her Israel support more or the hindu nationalism ties in india… her thing was anti-war(regime change that is, she wasn’t gonna shut down the MIC!) not much more. The impeachment was a facade of distraction! they could have gone after the genocide we backed in yemen but decided a phone call… was the “real” issues.
Sanders campaign takes hit as New Hampshire results show harsh dropoff to first place!
@Dularr seriously??? you cant be that naive.
@A Seems you are.
@Dularr they made voter suppression laws in new Hampshire
Msnbc needs to go wrap their cars around a tree

Hillary won the popular vote!!!
This is a delegate fight
@Anonymous Commenter yep! right wingers be like lol, I hate it when they say every right winger is a nazi! oh btw every leftist is a hillary supporting Stalinist! Like what? don’t like getting grouped together stop grouping up your opponents in the same way!
@despina charalambous we have been living in a corporate oligarchy for decades! finally the people are seeing, what its always been!
@WageSlaving2TheTop ! democracy means popular vote. America has delegates system and electoral college. No, not exactly democracy but as it is, it’s the law of the land.
Subliminal WuTang advertising now.
They’re screming ANYONE but Bernie
MSNBC = Anti- Bernie
Texas Hispanics = anti-Bernie
@Matthew Obringer You need to think about it yourself. 4 000 votes are essentially a coin toss in such elections.
For Bernie’s plan of radical hostile takeover of the Democratic Party to actually work at least 60% of the Democratic voters must be firmly behind him. Or at least he must have solid 5% to 10% lead over the rest of the field.
The rest of the party will not acknowledge him as a legitimate leader if he has just 25% of the vote.
@hauuau Do you mean the coin tosses that were botched and unnecessary in Iowa that gave Buttigieg the lead falsely? And the 60% of the Democrats, do you mean black and Hispanic voters that havent really voted at all and that Bernie is polling incredibly well with, while pete is polling at less then 4%?
Lol MSNBC is ridiculous.
Bernie ♥️

@Matthew Obringer Have you actually at least scanned over the rules? Coin tosses are used to resolve ties per caucus rules. You may not like it but that’s the rules.
African-American and Hispanic voters were overwhelmingly supporting Biden not that long ago. It’s still not known if they’ll support Sanders in his hostile takeover. I personally doubt it because rationally they have the most to lose from such rebellion. White people probably won’t pay with their lives in a failed revolution but minorities almost certainly will if this revolution ends up with four more years of Donald Trump.
@hauuau people just don’t like Hillary. People don’t really know Pete, that explains it.