Coronavirus fears have prompted organizers of the Democratic debate in Phoenix to cancel the planned head-to-head event in Arizona, and will instead hold it at a studio in Washington, D.C., CNN and the Democratic National Committee announced Thursday.
RELATED: Trump updates the nation on coronavirus
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Bernie or Nothin The DNC is Cheating with lying Joe we will never vote for!
@Buttguage you sound like an idiot. Probably dont understand what real communism is . Or socialism etc. Grow the hell up. Bernie 2020
Clearly your vote isn’t needed, Bernie is getting smacked down in FL like many other states.
Bernie better than That nasty creepy Joe.. Look up Bernie credits Joe A coverup opp ..
That is so true!
They cheated him in 2016 and the case made it to the Supreme Court. Bernie needs an army of lawyers to get behind another DNC Fraud Lawsuit 2020
He looks like a *President*
I couldn’t agree more! He only looks or talks like one.
He looks like the hunchback.
Samsunk Androit
I hope he not only looks like a president but is the president!
@Howard K Get a life!
Love you Bernie. Unfortunately the stupid, greedy, and ignorant outweigh the kind and empathetic. Im still voting for you!!
The elections are manipulated and from my point of view (Germany) I recommend calling out for the UN to have an eye them.
@bigal25938 you sound stupid
I am interested to know why you say this? I have reason to believe this might be possible.
@LISA Hinds
The setting to vote in America is not neutral at all. The worlds´s leading democracy, insisting on fair votes all over the world, fails itself. The Sanders team should speak up and the UN should take a look.
@LISA Hinds and is completely inacceptable that people have to risk their lives to vote.
Definately fraudulent.
Everything he said makes sensecand is honest!
Bernie getting beat by a man with dementia.
@R S Bernie Facist LMAO . CAUSE Trump isnt ??? Creepy Joe Wants your Guns. Trump wants your IQ as low as his. At least Bernie is honest and tells it like it is. BERNIE 2020
That’s not true!
He’s getting cheated. The DNC is running an incompetent candidate because they don’t want Bernie to win.
@Article when the young vote is added to the totals, you will see just like in 2016!
Bernie has the entire DNC, MSM and monied interests pulling out all they got to stop him.
Thank you Bernie. YES.
Bernie we need a bail out for back taxes for the self employed subcontractors we are scraping money every month and we need to pay taxes we are broke
Rainbird Hunter as a LMT it will take months to get our clients to come back and see us. Massage is going to be the last thing on peoples mind. I’ve been in practice for 19 years and I sense it’s all about to come to an end.
Thank you so very much for your leadership Senator Sanders. I can’t tell you how sorry I am that the nomination seems to have been stolen from you and the American people during Super Tuesday. Many believe the exit polls were well outside the margin of error and that you/we actually won a number of states where the elections were rigged. You seem to accept these reports with a grain of salt but it’s very difficult for many of us to accept. We need you in the Whitehouse so very much. Although it seems unlikely now, that you will reach the oval office where you belong, I haven’t given up. However, if it doesnt happen at least you have given this nation a path to follow towards a humane society. Thank you again for your thoughtful recommendations to assist all of us, as so many of us face this pandemic without healthcare, loaded down with student debt that brought no degree, and with minimal resources. MedicareforAll.
yay yay yay Fascist Sanders is LOSING woohooo. so happy.
What is a fascist if you don’t mind me askin bro? I don’t understand that term
or Communist or leftist
I’m kinda politically illiterate but I see the words thrown around quite often
It sounds as if Bernie will be running in the general. I hope he does. F– the Democrats. I’m out! And I am a black millenial.
Thanks Bernie. Your the best.
Uncle Bernie!!! Whoooo!!
I love this man!
I love you Bernie Sanders
Hello Angela how are you doing. God bless you.
He laid out very logical and clear plans for this crisis.
We love you Bernie!!

You’re a good honest caring man!! You have always had my vote!!
Democratic Party elites never learn their listen.
Another hand out to GOP.
Only Bernie can beat Trump!
Bernie — stay in the race. It’s not “for the sake of the country that you would drop out” — it’s for the sake of the country that you should stay in. ELEVEN REASONS:
(1) Do not let Trump know who he is running against just yet. Don’t give him all those months to prepare. (2) Keep showing all of us younger folk in the movement that you are bringing America to the right direction.
(3) Keep showing the DNC that your coalition has a DREAM BASED ON FAIRNESS. And as soon as your followers smell “same old” from Joe, then all of us who are feeling the Bern may not vote at all, because we will be disillusioned once Joe admits to his lies. If Bernie’s voters don’t turn out for Joe, because youth hates inauthenticity, Joe will lose! Then, 4 more years of Trump. (ugly ancillary demerit of this: It won’t be Bernie’s fault that Joe lied to them, but the mainstream media and establishment will blame youth and Bernie for not “forcing the youth” to go along with Joe’s lies).
(4) Don’t think that people are tired and want the Primary to be over with. We want every state to vote. Let’s hear what Americans have to say in each state.
(5) Bernie, once the mainstream media stops covering you, your ideas will not have traction. Don’t drop out.
(6) Bernie do you really want to go into campaigning for Joe only 2 weeks after things turned around for him? Please! You’ve spent a lifetime fighting for the truth.
(7) Don’t be down about the debate. You gave Joe a cheat sheet. Then Joe’s lies won him the debate. MOREOVER, it was unfairly televised, making you look weaker. It was a ruse. Media literate people saw what happened.
(8) HERE’s the Positive, with the spotlight on you, you can call for more sickleave for those who will be ruined and harmed by this pandemic virus. Use the spotlight. Never give up until the last vote is counted. The world needs the spotlight on you now.
(9) Get a good night’s sleep, and do more strategic rallys in those places where there are Primaries.
(10) There is a very good chance that Joe will lose to Donald, But Bernie would win against Donald.
(11) Out of compassion, Find ways to stop the Primaries and in-person voting for the time being.
Stay in this. Stay in this race. Stay in this race.
In a perfect world Bernie would stand a chance. I want to believe, but this is Bernie against several billionaires. Nowadays voting doesn’t even matter. Most people didn’t vote for Trump and yet he won. Bernie gets my vote, and I want to see him fight till the end, but unfortunately I don’t think he will be allowed to win.
@Jero Hi Jero, we have good reason to believe he will be up against continual obstacles. However, there is something to be said for the visibility that Bernie now has as a potential nominee–he can draw our attention to the viability of governmental intervention, measured, sensical and intelligent, to assist people (not corporations) when everyone’s health matters equally whether you are rich or poor. So, if the media does (even for a few days) lapse from pummeling people with its Bernie’s “electability” argument, we may yet see a fair journalistic engagement with the way Bernie would be good for America if he were president.
There is only one word for this, presidential.
We would love for you to stay in the primaries.
Hello Kareta how are you doing. God bless you.