CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale looks at a new ad from Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) that takes clips from former President Barack Obama out of context.
#BernieSanders #DanielDale #CNN #News
CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale looks at a new ad from Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) that takes clips from former President Barack Obama out of context.
#BernieSanders #DanielDale #CNN #News
Biden has an ad where he makes it seem like Obama endorses him, eventhough he hasn’t. I don’t see CNN talking about that
Dirty Steve are you kidding me? Bloomberg did attack Obama. There’s even video of him criticizing Obama saying that he was not uniting the country.
Remember when cnn said the russians hacked pokemon go to sway the election?
Don lemon.
(I’m not kidding either, look it up)
“Out of context” is supposed to mean that the overall meaning is false….but all of these are perfectly in context, speaking explicitly about Bernie, this is completely in context. Shame CNN, shame… if you are trying to hurt Bernie, I think this might backfire, you are just amplifying the ad message while showing your bias..
Right on Brandon these fools think everyone is as stupid as them and their base.
@Raptango_NA Sorry rap…we spent it to save the economy, guess that doesnt matter….dont worry, trump is taking it all back down again for the second year of his office (2018 lost all gains for the year in dec)
Also Rap…trump has stolen 5 billion for his wall from the military…SO yeah Teresa is right and you are wrong
The mind is such a terrible thing to waste..
@Dale Hartley Theresa cant be right because nothing she said was true, or even a fact. Just saying. Trillions in debt? Does she mean deficit? Because that’s congress. The wall funding is not that high. So keep talking, but try making sense this time
Bingo… They’re just trying to get the people who doesn’t know what out of context means to vote for Uncle ‘Keep Your Niece’s Away From Him’ Biden…
Oh, so when Bloomberg runs ads with Obama’s voice and people believe that Obama endorsed Bloomberg.. no talk about that??
Zachary Fehr
It’s really unbelievable. The power of 500 mil in ads
Paul Kern
There wasn’t anywhere near the same level of criticism. This video has nonsense criticisms and is just a smear
You all sound like trump supporters to me. I won’t be bullied by anybody not trumpies, not Bernie bros and not by Nina “the snake” Turner.
@Paul Kern I dont know there Paul….if you cannot figure that out then I see why you might think its not clever.
Perhaps you just have a problem with humour. lol
Tim Titus
Maybe we could hold our cot hostage if someone else was president, like a Romney or McCain. But trump is tooo much worse. Even Biden will cause so much less harm than trump would. Vote blue no matter who but vote Bernie in the primary
So, CNN complaining about things taken out of context.
Hypocrisy has no shame or morals.
@Renegade Starr Joe Biden wants to cut Social Security and Medicare and supported mandatory maximum sentencing and private prisons. Get woke Renegade.
Renegade Starr what has Biden done for the black community? Oh yea he opposed forced bussing and literally eulogized a career segregationist. Sounds a bit more evil to me.
@Midy Art “Proofed? Idiot…
@Brennan Burke Don’t forget that he stood up in the senate calling people super predators saying they needed to be “taken out of society” and pushed for mandatory maximum sentencing for nonviolent drug offenses.
Where is the CNN hit piece on Joe Biden lying about being arrested trying to see Nelson Mandela?
they questioned him about that recently. I don’t think they uploaded the clip.
First they ignore you
Then they laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then you win
President Trump!
Then you wake up and watch Trump’s reelection.
Movie Nerd
Then Venezuela 2020 1/2
Dnc is gonna rape the bernie bros. I still think you don’t know how much they hate you.
Then the sanders campaign spews deceptively edited Russian propaganda deep fakes.
You may want to look up “context”. The meaning doesn’t change in the “full context.”
I don’t see the conflict here. Cnn outrage bait.
The clip was deceptively edited. Deal with it Russia!
I see nothing wrong with this ad. Shame on you CNN!
Of course not. Bernie’s campaign is based on lies.
@Mister Hat the irony that you avatar is a puppet.
@cj p And that you don’t know the difference between “you” and “your.”
I came expecting some big gotcha moment lol. The Bernie ad has timestamps they didn’t need an expert go tell us the difference between 2006 and 2016. This is a stretch to call the as misleading
@Jon Snow It’s a stretch to say you’re not a troll.
So you dissect Bernies video but not everyone else’s? What about Bloomberg’s, or bidens??? CNN is simply horrible
amsdejimeneZ, now you’re figuring this out? CNN is protecting and has been protecting the corrupt establishment of both parties in DC. Bernie is a con man. He will bow down to the DNC when the check amount is right for him. Those who truly want change in the Democrat Party need to look elsewhere. Andrew Yang may have been a far better choice, but the establishment would have never backed him!
cnn hates trump and bernie
It’s like captain planet. But captain dimenta insted. With their forces combined, and all the previous candidates come together.
(except tulsi… She’s cool… And a hottie)
you guys didn’t seem this interested when Biden lied about getting arrested in South Africa
@Will Walker well hes been right on alot of things and theres a reason why everyone goes on his show.
@Mister Hat that has truth to it since all antifa are bernie bros.
@cj p Were you dropped on your head?
@Mister Hat name one that isn’t you moron.
Why dont u do a segment on the 32 thousand lies joe biden has told over his campaign
cnn hates trump and bernie
Because theres this guy named Trump who lies all the time.
@Anthony Campos like when trump guessed wrong on a beto rally turnout…. You fools called that a “lie”.
@cj p what?
Biden: (Every other word) Obama
CNN: …
Sanders: Here are some things Obama actually said
CNN: No no no! Out of context! Too long ago! I can’t here you! La-la-la-la
@Dale Hartley again he was the VP!!! thats a big resume
@Anthony Campos such denial of what cnn is trying to spin here. Not very smart are you?
This is how outrage propaganda works. I bet you launched a tampon over the sharpie marker like cnn wanted you to.
@cj p what the hell did you just say?
What russian bots fail to understand is that their deceptively edited deep fakes can make it look like Obama said anything. He never supported communism or Sanders.
@Anthony Campos Yes it is, BUT he will not have Obama there standing at his side…his resume is not of being pres it is of being VP. I know a lot of people that are great at helping, but not qualified to do the job. Personally I think Biden is a great guy, but I think he is going to get his arse whipped in debates by trump ( I loath trump and wouldnt mind seeing him tried and punished for treason…in case you might try to think im a trumpy). I think Obama would have done great in debating trump, but not joe. I think Bernie would be great against trump. He has fought people slinging crap at him for years. Joe has not.
Im voting blue no matter who, but I really feel those people who think that it will help to have joe are being naive. It is going to hurt as much as it helps.
I’d like to see a video about how Biden promised to cure cancer, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes just two days ago.
@Anthony Campos yea right tell that to someone that born with child diabetes, idiot. Geez
One if Biden’s missions has been to make sure finding a cure for cancer is focused on, funded and eventually accomplished. It is what he has been doing while not in office.
I missed it. But totally believe you.
@carmay3600 cure for cancer, alzheimer and diabetes

but not health care for all Uhmmmm. I think is more possible a program that already exist around the world and really works like Medicare for all than the cure of cancer, diabetes and alzheimer. And we the Bernie bros are talking about pies in the sky. Give me a break ghoul.
@carmay3600 what are you doing backing a guy that literally got alzheimer or dementia, is a segregationist apologist, want to cut social security, Medicare, medicaid and every federal social program spending, was against busing, one of the most important policies for racial integration in school, and created the crime bill and call black young guys superpredators. You don’t have respect for you and your race?why you got selfsteem so low? Go and read a book for God sake. It is embarrassing.
How about we talk about Biden’s dimentia?
@Brian Smith Agreed, that too!
@Lars Jones what a moron. So bilingual russians versed at reading and writing in English….that also follow american politics… are paid hourly to poke you idiots online? Even the mueller report only found bots on Twitter. Do you know what a bot is?
They don’t reply.
No way it’s trump supporters entertained by your stupidity right?
This stupid article presents zero evidence.
I’ll tell you this… Its a dog faced pony rider that counts his Pringles with seahorses on the back of a gold toothed bever while combing the doorway for spider legs.
“I think I’m Joe biden… and I approve this message”
Sure! And let’s talk about Marxist Bernie Sanders history with communist, praising dictatorship he seems to love it.
@Texas-7111 Freedom and Liberty! You mean the very true and reasonable comment he made about Castro improving literacy in Cuba that was the same sentiment that Obama made yet that was ok? And Trump snuggling up to the Saudis and Kim Jung Un? Funny how that works.
CNN is so biased that’s why I watch independent news
@Dale Hartley cnn got sued for lying beta… Wake up.
@Mister Hat russia Russia russia. Let’s talk about blaming babies.
Dear God I’m too damn tired to type off my list of cnn lies. Idiot cnn zombies never read it anyway.
@cj p Okay Trumper.
CNN is literally showing they’re bias…. I used to like CNN but seeing how they’re treating bernie is insane
Bernie is a fraud, and a con man. If he truly wants the nomination, instead of another big DNC payoff, he needs to attack Biden directly. Biden is a sitting duck. He’s a corrupt, delusional old fool being propped up by the even more corrupt Democrat establishment!
This is nothing. Watch how the dnc treats bernie delegates.
@RandmGye no kidding… They still eat the lies about trump. We told them exactly how this would go down years ago.
RandmGye Well the right (Trump and his supporters) are fucking insane, so it helps to see the underlying meanings of their actions
Damn, they are trying so hard…
a192589 make sure to vote Bernie in the primaries. Make sure your friends and family vote Bernie. We can win this
@andrew gray you saw that coin flip right?
Over contested votes with buttigeg.
Biden literally uses Obama to win
The second sanders uses him ,you can’t use him.
Biden mention his name. He didn’t make a video short of saying obama has endorsed Bernie. This dishonest
Libtard betas fighting over their boyfriend… I love it.
@D-thec- tieve Obama Backpacked Biden through North Carolina and Super Tuesday.
And the black people shouldn’t fall for his lies by using Obama to cozy up to them that sickens me
“Bernie ad Obama quote”
Well ITS NOT THE COMPLETE QUOTE. The complete quote says the same thing
Dawn Lemon makes Bryant Gumble look like Malcom X.
Most desperate cnn video yet.
Says a Bernie bot. If it says the same thing then why did Bolshevik Bernie use the deceptively edited Russian deep fake version instead of the full quote?
Didn’t seem interested when Bloomberg was doing this in a much more egregious fashion for months.