CNN's John Berman discusses the lack of information about President Trump's coronavirus infection as he prepares to host an event at the White House.
#CNN #News
CNN's John Berman discusses the lack of information about President Trump's coronavirus infection as he prepares to host an event at the White House.
#CNN #News
in summation—
Trump is a genius but you can’t see his grades.
Trump is rich but you can’t see his tax returns.
Trump is honest but you can’t subpoena his lawyers.
Trump is sharp but you can’t see his cognitive tests.
Trump is covid-free but you can’t question his doctors.
Very nice.
@Solstice of Snow nobody voting for rtump to get at pence! Ugh.
@Solstice of Snow Lol. Shut up man!
@Southern Railfanning By the way, this is also the same president that removed the individual mandate, better relations with most countries, got all the jobs that Obama lost as they are even making swift recovery as of now to do it, got a vaacine ready for testing in less than 8 months, executed and assisted in killing two terrorist leaders, and also had to deal with the party BS and the BS that these “news media” platforms spit out constantly about him. I doubt you would do any better.
@Solstice of Snow That is amusing, coming from an ignoramus like you.
Don’t cry for Trump, he ain’t worth it.
Those people won’t take it seriously unless one of them dies.
Who’s administration has all the convictions? Trump projects more than a movie theater on the opening night of an avengers movie.
He’s nothing but a TV pitch man
Globalist forces are bringing down the voices of opposition and voting Blue will only advance there cause of authoritarian global government.
Gorilla Lives Matter, RIP Harambe is that the headline on next weeks National Enquirer?

You have regular democrats and then you have the radical side of the party. The regular dems are fighting to keep the radicals from taking them over. That’s why I can’t feel safe voting Democrat cause I’m afraid you will cave to the radicals.
Hear that sound? It is the founding fathers rolling in their graves.
@David Carter, go back to Moscow, bud.
At the Democrats attempted soft coup de ta against a duly elected POTUS.
Ex-Obama CIA Director John Brennan’s declassified HAND WRITTEN NOTES (from the office of Office of National Intelligence) shows that both Brennan and Obama KNEW July 28th 2016 Hillary Clinton had designed a plot with a FALSE STORY to discredit now president Trump as a ‘Russian asset’. This was a ‘scheme to defraud the American people’ and pervert the results of the 2016 American election. And there was and still is CNN supporting everything HC said.
There was also ‘no doubt’ ex-FBI director James Comey committed perjury during his recent testimony to congress where he said he didn’t remember getting a referral from Brennan about this. Again CNN are failing to report this to their audience.
@tedtheturbot, time for you to head back to Moscow, too. Hillary lost. Move on. So did the South. Does Hillary have COVID? Did her emails kill 200k?
Damn, Ted, you have a lot of tRump humping time on your hands.
Did the founding fathers have wives or husbands. Lmao. I’m pretty sure which side they are rolling over.
Trump Train, all aboard Trumpsters, final destination the graveyard.
This is incredible. A new low of lies has been achieved.
You know Trump is Positive for C-19! Otherwise, with his personality-
he would be bragging about his Negative results.

Is right.
No. He managed to deflect attention from his illegal tax returns and terrorist threat against the US during the presidential debate.
True that
If he coughs, a severe indication he’s spreading virus onto you. Donors take note.
Let them eat cake, or on the off chance they are actually human and have COVID 19, bless Mother Nature.
lol, it’s 2020 and they’re still trying to talk about Hillary.
@Craig Spivey it’s a declassified hand written note written by Brennan to Obama – are really so stupid you can’t understand that?
Yaa McCartney well said!
@Craig Spivey pretend that everything is about Russia while China is your real master. I haven’t seen a single piece of evidence that Russia is running it. China is.
@tedtheturbot Hi All…be aware of this trumptartd…
He’s a raging egomaniac doing anything to retain power.
3:05 – “So, uh, we don’t have that. There’s…uh, well, I, I don’t personally know…,” Brian Morganstern, Deputy White House Press Secretary, on the umpteenth time he’s been asked when President Trump last tested negative for coronavirus before his positive diagnosis on Thursday, October 1, 2020.
Mr. Morganstern is part of a cadre of sycophants who checked any semblance of morals or ethics at the ceremony to pledge fealty to President Trump. This cohort are deliberately deceiving the American people.
Here’s a likely scenario they’re actively covering up:
1) Trump isn’t tested daily as he claims.
1a) Trump’s tests leading up to his positive result on the 1st were false negatives; a known issue in up to 40% of tests using the Abbott rapid point-of-care test employed at the White House.
2) Disregarding CDC guidelines to quarantine after exposure to those testing positive for coronavirus, Trump continued holding events and rallies, and participated in Tuesday’s Presidential Debate.
2a) It’s important to note that Trump and his entourage arrived at the debate too late to be tested. Anything beginning to stink yet?
3) Trump’s onset of symptoms corresponds to likely infection at the event on the South Lawn introducing Trump’s SCOTUS nominee.
3a) Trump reports a first positive test result on Thursday evening. Inside of 24 hours, we know that he wasn’t doing well physically, at which point he was transported to Walter Reed Medical Hospital. This is an extreme outlier in infection to symptoms.
If Trump in fact tested negative before the 1st, let’s see the proof. Failure to do so indicates a cover up or, less sinister, major flaws with the test.
Beyond that, let’s see Trump’s full medical information, including the therapies and therapeutics he received and continues receiving. Let’s see his test results that prove he’s no longer a risk for shedding virus.
Anything less and, sorry, my BS meter is pegging.
Ex-Obama CIA Director John Brennan’s declassified HAND WRITTEN NOTES (from the office of Office of National Intelligence) shows that both Brennan and Obama KNEW July 28th 2016 Hillary Clinton had designed a plot with a FALSE STORY to discredit now president Trump as a ‘Russian asset’. This was a ‘scheme to defraud the American people’ and pervert the results of the 2016 American election. And there was and still is CNN supporting everything HC said.
There was also ‘no doubt’ ex-FBI director James Comey committed perjury during his recent testimony to congress where he said he didn’t remember getting a referral from Brennan about this. Again CNN are failing to report this to their audience.
They won’t ever answer he made the Dr sign NDA’S
Dr-patient confidentiality laws don’t make NDAS neccessary. It’s Trump’s responsibility, except he takes no responsibility.
Rage of the machine
With the steroid queen
Trump’s out of his bean
A _really_ bad scene!
Ex-Obama CIA Director John Brennan’s declassified HAND WRITTEN NOTES (from the office of Office of National Intelligence) shows that both Brennan and Obama KNEW July 28th 2016 Hillary Clinton had designed a plot with a FALSE STORY to discredit now president Trump as a ‘Russian asset’. This was a ‘scheme to defraud the American people’ and pervert the results of the 2016 American election. And there was and still is CNN supporting everything HC said.
There was also ‘no doubt’ ex-FBI director James Comey committed perjury during his recent testimony to congress where he said he didn’t remember getting a referral from Brennan about this. Again CNN are failing to report this to their audience.
lol troll bots in force.
@tedtheturbot I guess you are here as part of the trump zombie apocalyptic cult…
Hatch Act is just another law to break for a Malignant Narcissist with no Morality or Ethical code.
Standing on the White House balcony for a political rally? Wasn’t that the same thing Benito Mussolini used to do??
The man who doesn’t care about other people’s health and life at all ,still have so so many supporters, crazy world.
People with hiv. Who know they sick infect other people are treated like criminals. Trump know he is sick and….?
Even if T. is “recovered,” he can still be shedding virus.
It’s just time for the country to go in a more positive unified direction. Party aside, Trump just isn’t up to that task. For me it doesn’t matter if it’s a republican or Democrat, I just KNOW that it’s not Trump. Vote your hearts everyone, not your prejudices.
Agreed, dont vote for the anti police, anti white democrat party
Charles Charlemagne That’s a disgusting comment and exactly what is not needed anymore in this country.