Republicans are closing in on the 218 seats that would deliver them a House majority, but several races remain uncalled. CNN's John Berman breaks down what could happen next on the magic wall. #CNN #News
Berman shows how California might win GOP control of the House

“California’s third” lol. Did we usurp part of Colorado now? Honestly though, it’s easy to mess up a name when there’s so much going on.
If you declare with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)

The state of the world proves that Jesus is coming soon
@I Love Jesus Reigns Forever are you asking for head? I’m reporting you for sexual harassment.
Its so obvious what’s going to happen
@Raman Preciado Most people who I know who don’t believe in god HAVE read the Bible, it’s the ones that have only heard it in the context of Church where the Pastor gets to do whatever he wants with the story. He’s a professional story teller, of coure you believe it when HE tells you! It’s when you read it raw and are like wow, there is some REAL dumb stuff in here. Also Old Testament God was a real petty jerk lol.
@Rebecca Dubois your God will be thrown into the pit and his followers with him.good luck with that.
@Darth Dredd in the end you will see God. Don’t piss yourself when it happens
The Bible also says that they will deny God and persecute his followers. The great tribulation is almost here, be strong and stand firm.
@Jeremy Rodriguez No you will be one of them left behind
“Watch out”, a “fun-ny” coming your way (eventually?)– Hawley and Gingrich are two separate foxvideos answering one another’s red ultimate failures vs current “great” answer, all while looking not at all in response to one another (or one of them would’ve been POINTLESS).
(POINTLESS for the huge point they’re TRYING to make AND POINTLESS in their recent years on THIS planet)
If you declare with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)

The state of the world proves that Jesus is coming soon
@I Love Jesus Reigns Forever it sure is!
That Ken Calvert has survived his ethics challenges in the 2006-2008 period, two rather uncertain redistricting processes with the commission and two devastating blows to SoCal Republicans in 2012 and 2018 is astonishing. He is very lucky.
Well Scott Baugh lost. Even as a Republican I never trusted that guy.
The Republicans already have control of the house
Not until they have 218 seats. Fox has them at 217, as does AP, even though CNN has them at only 215.
I love just to see their faces while talking

….Yeah….shame the Republicons got waxed everywhere else.
CNN gave John Berman the shaft! I liked him and Brianna in the morning. Now we got arrogant Don Lemon. Pass the remote and let me find the channel for FOX.
I loved Miss Piggy snorting out her worthless opinion.
I don’t watch cable TV, but watching FOX is worse than watching nothing. I suggest reading the paper if you don’t like the morning slot on CNN anymore.
I will say regarding California , outside of LA and the Bay Area , there are lot of close races and places turning red. Inflation hitting Cali hard !
@Dante McKimmey that was in 2020 dumbass not 2022. Now Democrats tool back those districts & flipped
@Ethan Weeter but have no water of their own and have to take from neighboring states
Have all that money and no water
@Chuck Rambo 1st time in politics?
@Raul Espinoza Californication was once all red and thrived! Now it becomes the downfall of America!
@Ethan Weeter californication is ranked 12 in wealth by state and dropping quickly!
California should maximally gerrymander their districts until gerrymandering is outlawed in Federal elections.
Redistricting is done by an independent commission. That started under Schwarzenegger.
Up until about the late 80s/early90s, California was one of the reddest states there was, and San mateo county in the heart of the Bay Area was one of the most conservative counties in the entire nation… the dot-comers changed this, I remember while it was happening.
@Aerohk they brought themselves great wealth, turned into giants, appointed themselves rulers and are now buying up farmland and telling you to eat bugs. Yeah CA. got real lucky
@Jaxon L dominion
@DREAMRestore maybe if they would quit committing crimes the cops wouldn’t bother them
When Reagan was President pretty much the whole darn country was RED.
I believe in 84 he won 49 states.
@Khonh lo
Yeah, like Martha’s Vineyard
Two things need to happen in CA, well maybe three. 1. Pelosi needs to resign her leadership position in the House. 2. Feinstein needs to retire and Katie Porter take her spot. 3. Gavin Newsome needs a replacement and the democrat of CA need to stop with all the regulation and also a tax cut might help. Last I heard was CA had a huge surplus, give some of it back.
@Loitersquad X Well first why don’t you tell those rich people who don’t want affordable housing built for people like you because you should ern the right to live and breathe in the same air as them. Them maybe your housing market will open up more houses will be built and rent, and housing cost will go down.
And you’re a republican aren’t you I thought republicans didn’t believe in socialism so much, so they stopped Biden from giving kids like you loan forgiveness on your college loans. And Pelosi voted for it. But hay the big socialism tax breaks and deductions trump gave the rich are just fine hu. Like the rich need to pay less taxes and who gives that you pay more than that big corporation or rich guy that hired you at starvation wages.
Way to go keep voting for republicans and you will get to pay all the taxes and your boss will get to decide how much they can pay you because there won’t be anything such as minimum wage to protect the worker. And forget about joining a union to give you bargaining power there won’t be a such thing as unions because that way republicans like it. Everything for the rich big corporations and big business.
And once the republicans get it all the way they want it you won’t have to worry about your second amendment because there won’t be one they can’t have people like you armed because you just might start demanding better wages and lower taxes and might use that gun to take the country back.
Yes, our politics is full of a bunch of old people that don’t know crap about the struggle of people like you. But hay none of those young folk with the exception of 1 are running for office. You have to be 25 to run for office where are all the 25-year old’s who lined up to run. OH, there wasn’t any just the same old, old folks who don’t know crap about people like you needs better candidates and you will get better politicians. And since I have to choose from one old person or the other old person I will vote for democrats because at least they try to work for the middle class and poor. It’s not their fault republicans keep filibustering their bills to help you it’s the republican’s fault for filibustering them.
The only reason you not getting that loan forgiveness is because the republicans filibustered the bill for it, so Biden executive ordered it, and the republicans sued him to stop it. SO, once again blame the republicans for that.
I bet you could use that college loan forgiveness right about now, now can’t you.
Thank the republicans for not giving it to you but using their filibuster proof majority under trump for giving the rich a $1.5 trillion a year tax break. All for the top 1%.
@Loitersquad Xlol wait till ur 30 it just gets harder and harder buddy. Trust me, you’re right tho, it is all locally that the issue lies and not federally..
@Deep lasers no.
and the magas need to move to Florida like they’ve been promising.
@rick erhart fill it at the max half way will get you better mpg also keep your car clean less weight means better mpg
Yes red wave through the house and the senate! Yes!
You’re Irish your opinion means nothing
@Jason how rude and ignorant. McCarthy isn’t my maiden name. Dummyrat.
@AfroSamurai215 in the end, yes I’m sure.
@Eileen Mccarthy Ah ok. So an irish guy’s little toy. Got it. Does he choose alcohol over you? I’m betting he does.
@Jason you are a sicko. I dont talk to sickos. Bye-bye
Maybe boozi Pilluzi will finally be forced to face some repercussions for her flagrant abuse of her power/position
Well Paul doesn’t need her anymore. He’s got Street people to polish his knob
This is out of date GOP are already on 217 seats
I dunno…this feels like “smoke up the A”…trying to make it seem like the peoples choice actually matters, and that there might actually be some hope for this country.
GOP won’t “control” anything with a slight majority

Got rid of Nancy and abortions in the same week I call that a win
California finally does something right!!! Hooray red.
I love how gerrymandered the red districts look!
To see this on CNN makes this feel even better!