Berlin’s AquaDom fish tank bursts, aquarium spills water, tropic fish | USA TODAY

The AquaDom in Berlin was thought to be the biggest cylindrical tank in the world. The cause of the tank's eruption is under investigation.

RELATED: Meet the world's oldest aquarium fish

A giant aquarium in a Berlin hotel, the AquaDom, burst early Friday – causing significant debris, nearly 264,000 gallons of water and more than a thousand tropical fish to pour through the lobby and into the street, police and other authorities said.

The 82-foot-tall AquaDom, a tourist attraction that was previously described as the biggest cylindrical tank in the world, was home to about 1,500 tropical fish from more than 100 different species before the incident.

Authorities confirmed to the Associated Press that the burst began shortly before 6 a.m. in Germany (12 a.m. ET). Parts of the building holding the AquaDom – which also contains a hotel and cafes – were damaged and two people were injured by broken glass, police said on Twitter. The AquaDom sits inside the lobby of the Berlin Radisson Blu hotel in the Dom Aquarée complex, according to CBS.

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#Berlin #Germany #Aquarium

Berlin's AquaDom fish tank bursts, aquarium spills water, tropic fish | USA TODAY


    1. @Private Citizen Guy You got it I have two of them, but was too late this morning, and…. maybee poison????

  1. I knew one of these giant glass tanks was going to bust one day, just a matter of when/where.

    They’re a bad idea, let’s stop making artificial environments like this.

    1. Most fish can survive out of water for 123 hours so they could have lived other factor is did they die from the fall?

    2. @WYBINews It was a tropical aquarium and it broke during the winter.
      And I don´t know when you took those 123 hours from because that is bull*hit.

    3. @Mouse Metal winter is even better the cold slows the heart rate of the fish allowing them to live longer out of water.. depending on if there was snow on the ground it could have made the fall survivable not only as a cushion but also the fall wouldn’t be as far down

  2. If they turned down the heat to save electricity, it could be something like a thermal stress fracture based on the temp difference between the water and outside air.

    1. @Mouse Metal ….Let me help you understand.

      Tropical fish generally need a temp greater than 20 C or 68 F. I am assuming the tank is stable and regulated for the health of the fish (RIP).

      Now, if they dropped the heat in the atrium area outside the tank… the temp differential can cause a thermal fracture depending on the type of glass installed.

      Fill a glass cup with hot water.
      Let the heat absorb into the glass.
      Put that glass in cold water.

      Thermal fracture.

  3. So sad to loose all those beautiful fish.
    It was approx 18 years old ??? Is that correct ?
    The ground settling, something like that could cause unequal pressure or stress and cause a fracture maybe ?

    1. @Dominique Xo it’s not necessarily cause for celebration when any animal’s living situation becomes compromised. Instead of feeling happy about the destruction of the tank, it might be more productive to consider ways to advocate for the proper care and treatment of all animals, whether they are kept as pets or in other settings.

    2. @Dominique Xo Some animals have injuries thus can’t live in the wild on their own, there’s nothing wrong with having a pet, my cats love me and we keep them safe and healthy, what’s wrong with that?

      If they wanted to leave they could leave any time we let them outside but no they always come back because this is their home they are part of this family of mine.

  4. Yeah tropical fish and they talk about it like it’s nothing. Y’all know that those tropical fish are getting depleted in OUR TROPICAL OCEANS. I hope they fill them back up with their own mud fish.

  5. If I was there I would run down stairs and starting saving fish. Firefighters would try and stop me but I wouldn’t listen. They would have to arrest me

  6. Das ist ja eine Katastrophe für die arme Fische drin. Die sollten erstens im Meer bleiben und man soll sie liegen wo sie hingehören lassen.

  7. I bet there are several Security Cam Footages to watch where you can see what happend exactly. I think someone helped it breaking. It bursted around 5:30-5:45 in the morning where practically no one is around there. Why would it burst exactly then? It would be way more logical it bursts when there are people around to help it break or the elevator inside of it causes a problem which leads to this. I think we will see if it bursted on its own but we wont when some climate or animal freaks helped it to break.

    1. Because morning temperatures are usually the lowest? The difference between the outside and inside temperatures + some bug in the material + some vibrations from the traffic when a lot of people drive to work, and the material just breaks.

    1. camera footages are rarely published in germany. since there are strict data protection laws in germany, recordings of very few incidents are published

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