Fmr. Deputy National Security Adviser under Pres. Obama Ben Rhodes reacts to Mike Pompeo's norm-busting RNC speech delivered from Jerusalem and what it means for American foreign policy and foreign relations. Aired on 08/25/2020.
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#BenRhodes #RNC2020 #RNC #MSNBC
Ben Rhodes: Pompeo's Hatch Act-Violating RNC Speech Is Dangerous | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Pompeo and Trump disgust me that they would use Jerusalem as a back drop for his political propaganda! Using Jerusalem as a prop! ! Trump used a church and a bible as a political prop for propaganda and now this!
@thom wessels F*** Venezuela. I’d rather live in a socialist democracy.
@Odd Espen Jenssen Good luck. Trump will be elected and your socialist dreams will be dashed. Then in 2024, Jim Jordan and Candace Owens will hopefully be elected to keep America safe from your kind. You do realize that socialism works right up to the point that rich, successful people are drained of their hard earned money. Go get a job and pay for your own lifestyle!
@thom wessels I don’t have a socialist dream for America this time around. I’m not that detached from reality. Socialism comes once everything else has failed.
@thom wessels PS – Jordan will not even win the wrestling vote.
@Me Notyours Special Council which was appointed by Trump is looking at 9 high level Trump administration in regards to Hatch Act . Also Trump’s use of the White House is misuse of congressional appointed funds and is criminally enforceable
Don’t worry. Tomorrow trump will just say he never met him and has no idea who he is.
And We’ll believe it, allow it…Do NOTHING! We, The Fools!
@Michael Shane Ritete. Ritete What is actually “fake news” Mike Pompeo or his praise for Trump?
RNC party is nothing but a boring fairytale of Lie’s

U are totally correct
We Are Free SD Yeap….can see that happen…

My God, it’s like they can’t help themselves from breaking the law. Silver lining; if they are prosecuted the evidence is all out in the open.
@Thyalwaysseek A Russian trolling here licking his lips knowing the Putin dictator playbook
@dan112020 LOL I’m an Australian you dimwit.
@Thyalwaysseek Russians trolling here are everybody except Russians and are from every country except Russia you DIMWIT LOL.
No one is holding them accountable, not even the democrats
Nope. The Hatch Act only applies to the following positions in the executive branch:.
Federal Election Commission;
Election Assistance Commission;
Federal Bureau of Investigation;
Secret Service;
Central Intelligence Agency;
National Security Council;
National Security Agency;
Defense Intelligence Agency;
Merit Systems Protection Board;
Office of Special Counsel;
Office of Criminal Investigation of the Internal Revenue Service;
Office of Investigative Programs of the United States Customs Service;
Office of Law Enforcement of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms;
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency;
Office of the Director of National Intelligence;
Criminal Division of the Department of Justice;
National Security Division of the Department of Justice; as well as
Persons employed in positions described under Sections 3132(a)(4), 5372, 5372 (a), or 5372(b) of Title 5, United States Code, including:
Senior Executive Service [career positions described at 5 U.S.C. § 3132 (a)(4)]
Administrative Law Judges [positions described at 5 U.S.C. § 5372]
Contract Appeals Board Members [positions described at 5 U.S.C. § 5372 (a)]
Administrative Appeals Judges [positions described at 5 U.S.C. § 5372(b)]
Prohibited Activities for Further Restricted Employees
Permitted Activities for Further Restricted Employees
Penalties and Relevant Laws
Political Activity – Federal Employees Residing in Designated Localities 5 C.F.R. § 733
Political Activities of Federal Employees 5 C.F.R. § 734
Subpart A – General Provisions 5 C.F.R. § 734
Subpart B – Permitted Activities 5 C.F.R. § 734
Subpart C – Prohibited Activities 5 C.F.R. § 734
Subpart D – Employees in Certain Agencies and Positions 5 CFR § 734
Subpart E – Special Provisions for Certain Presidential Appointees and Employees Paid From the Appropriations for the Executive Office of the President 5 CFR § 734
Subpart F – Employees Who Work on an Irregular of Occasional Basis 5 CFR § 734
Subpart G – Related Statutes and Executive Orders 5 CFR § 734
By the measure being falsely touted by MSNBC, EVERY President and politician has violated the Hatch Act. People need to learn how to read.
Pompeo spits on the hatch act…..uncle Barr/uncle trump/GOP will once again show their unity in silence! Disgraceful and totally illegal!
Not illegal read the hatch act in full. They did it to put a middle finger in crooked politicians faces. They bend laws to benefit themselves, so trump is giving payback. Just think how much he stirred up by one little speech .. perfectly executed….
Trump will surely be elected again. Best proof?
StinkFinger Biden and HeelsUp Harris, of course!
@thom wessels I WOULD be surprised if nothing major comes out before election.
@thom wessels I rebuke this comment in the name of Jesus!
WTH…they should be in jail
Trying to think of a rule or protocol trump and his mob hasn’t broken
@Wesley Freund 187,224 minus 84% equals 29,956. Of course 29,956 is entirely too many people to have died but that’s about the number of deaths if President Trump’s advice had been listened to months ago.
@Harold Moops Yep. That’s all anyone needs to see at this point. I think we can demonstrate from this friendly debate the meaning of obtuse and who applies it. I’m not interested in a debate with a fiction writer.
@Wesley Freund All I ask… is that you read the Hatch Act. I know it’s difficult to leave the MSDNC narrative but you might, possibly, potentially learn something on your own.
@Harold Moops And so easily drawn in. You’re kinda trolling yourself. Just like those Dem’s. Have a good election.
@Wesley Freund You have a wonderful election also…
Rnc should be pulled of the air immediaitely
@Paul Wilson Not if they’re breaking the law.
I think it is better to have the fools and crooks show themselves and shame themselves publicly.
Don’t watch the RNC unless you like lies.
@Paul Wilson Honey, the rnc have adopted 0 policy positions other than “what the dear leader says” and he has already accepted the nomination.
There’s nothing left to actually **Do** for this year’s “convention”.
The Republicans will stop at NOTHING.
Just as Michael Cohen wrote, Trump will do ANYTHING to win.
@J. Goebbels so using your own countries intelligence service to investigate somebody is worse than colluding with a foreign communist enemy that is Russia? Selling or giving away infornation and colluding with a foreign enemy is treason, you do know what the punishment for treason is. Its now a confirmed fact that Trump campaign colluded with a Russian intelligence agent, it looks like Manfort will take the fall for Trump like 6 other of his associates. Seems like Obamas investigation were justified with the corruption uncovered in Team Trump
@OBAMA STOLE MY TOUPEE It is illegal to use the CIA against Americans on US soil. It is also illegal for a sitting president to tamper with a free US election process.
@J. Goebbels its also illegal to collude with foreign powers its called treason, its
treated like murder and punishable with death
Since they say they are all about Law and Order then I guess they will be happy to be charged when Dems win.
I’m looking forward to Trump’s victory and assisting.
This whole RNC convention is Trump giving us the middle finger!
GODDAMNIT!? Where’s my goddamned life altering windfall of $1200 dollars!? Where?!
We’re so PATHETIC!!! I’m not kidding!!!
The world laughs at us.
@blaze rebal well, if you don’t want your stimulus check, I’ll thank you and Congress as for socialism, I don’t work for free and in slave camps.
@e r And you obviously don’t understand what socialism is. Google it before likening it to slavery. Better yet, learn the definition of both before commenting at all!
Grifters & crooks.. Bring on the prosecutions come January
Since when has anyone from this administration concerned themselves with obeying the law?
They’ve proven they can get away with crime, so why not continue.
Unfortunately they are all lawless from top to bottom. Can you imagine what the hypocrites would have done if all their nonsense happened during Obama’s presidency? The potus and his administration seem to get away with all sorts of crimes.
That’s exactly that was said about Bill C TV speech about Monica L., amazing, no prosecution for obstruction, perjury, and hindering just a mere House impeachment with no jail time.
That’s why his boss employed him – the administration is full of people ‘who just don’t care’.
They care only about being able to occupy a position that gives them power. No other President would give any of them a job in the first place. Apples never fall far from the tree.
Reminder: One of Trump’s policies for 2020 is SEGREGATION.
@Jamie Mercer He was forced to say that. everybody (but you) knew that. Try to keep up, KingFish.
@thom wessels Do you even have any proof of that? How do I know that you aren’t just saying that out of thin air?
@thom wessels Sometimes I’m pretty embarrassed by the people I get lumped in with.
@Pete Lind truth
GOP the “Law and Order” party. Break the laws in any order.
Yes! And no shame involved.
Breaking laws in order to do whatever they want.
@SkyP1e: Break the law and order McDonald’s.
tell us again which law has been broken
The sooner trump leaves office, the sooner he goes to prison.
Should have been in prison decades ago. Other people would have been. Read David Cay Johnston’s book “The Making of Donald Trump” or look up one of his you tube lectures on the book
Vote for him “to go to prison!
This is over the top inappropriate, unlawful and bizarre to say the least.
I’m not even suprized at this point ? WHAT IS NEXT ? I’m afraid to ask ???

@S Morgan they act like inbred people? Despicable
Trump will surely be elected again. Best proof?
StinkFinger Biden and HeelsUp Harris, of course!
Yes, it is. What are you going to do about?
Dave North Who me?
This administration just does what they want, whatever the mob boss tells them to do. Please prosecute!!
None of it matters, democrats must VOTE EARLY. Make it an event. Go to the polls with friends and family, wear PPE.
Wear a double Mask.!!!!
I will be carrying our 100 year old Great granny in my arms. She is very ill, cannot walk, but she wants to do her last civic duty for us. So I am going to make it happen for her. She hasn’t pulled the lever in 50 years, but she is compelled to come out for this one~
I will hand deliver my mail in ballot with ALL BLUE VOTES to my local Election Board – I do NOT trust the machines at the polls anymore!!
According to Don Jnr, it’s PP and E.

Comedy truly writes itself.
My husband has never voted in a presidential election. Thanks to Trump this will be his first and he has woken up to the fact that he needs to be a voter in a democracy. We are voting Biden/Harris! Even if we risk our lives to vote in person!
Thanks to Trump we’ll have a mental health epidemic like nothing before. America is tired of the lying.
Don’t complain, go vote
Listen to the man. He is proud to lie, steal and cheat.
Does he reflect the values of America or just the Republicans ?