Ben & Jerry’s Co-Founders Call For Accountability In Policing | MSNBC

Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, co-founders of Ben & Jerry’s and co-chairs of “The Campaign to End Qualified Immunity,” joined NBC’s Joshua Johnson to discuss their push to end the controversial legal principle that grants law enforcement special protection against civil suits. Cohen and Greenfield laid out their proposed path to end qualified immunity and talked about how the practice damages the relationship between law enforcement and their communities. “It’s a two-way street. You get trust from the community if you’re willing to be held accountable,” Cohen said. Aired on 02/01/2021.
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#BenCohen #JerryGreenfield #MSNBC

Ben & Jerry’s Co-Founders Call For Accountability In Policing | MSNBC

Ben & Jerry’s Co-Founders Call For Accountability In Policing | MSNBC


  1. “We need good cops who want to be held accountable.”
    So very true. THAT is what builds trust. It’s like any relationship.

  2. This is an example of people who got rich, but stayed fighting for good causes and for equality that makes a society more fair for everyone.
    Thats the goal , everyone should be like this.

  3. No accountability equals corruption and police enforcement should be more police service, as in service to the public for the public

    1. ABSURD is indeed the word. I doubt that any such law would ever pass or remain in Europe or Canada or Australia or New Zealand. Most countries have constitutional courts that would strike a law like this down. Europe also has a continental court whose rulings its member states need to abide by. Qualified immunity is by definition unconstitutional.

  4. IT IS WAY PAST TIME TO END “QUALIFIED IMMUNITY” & POLICE need to suffer the same fate for wrongdoings as regular citizens!

    1. @J D you are very simple and only believe what you want literally any effort on your part at all you could find those photos.

    2. @Owen Towin They arrested a few, but let so many of them just walk away. There’s no excuse for that BS.

  5. It was established to protect a officer who has a incident while performing his duty such as responding to a call and getting into a car accident he is not to be charged. It is not to protect someone kneels on someone’s neck. It was never intended to protect intentional acts.

  6. After January 6 I will never call the police on another person because it could mean their life. And so many law enforcement was their at the riots. Not a good look at all.

  7. Not incompetency , but rather sociopathy . Vet all police & cull out the many socios for starters , then you’ll see a BIG change ✌

    1. Ro, they are murderous cops, not apples….always painting whites with colorful words…apples. Repost and call them what they are if you truly meant it.

  8. Actually, it’s not incompetence. It is anger, hatred, and the desire to victimize simply because they do have the power and the means and the immunity.

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