Calls for a probe grow after a plane was diverted over Belarus with White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki saying, "we demand an immediate, international, transparent and credible investigation of this incident."
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Belarus Facing Outrage After Diverting Plane To Arrest Journalist
Without consequence, tryanny is allowed to flourish.
She asks for a “creditable investigation”, yet we have idiots looking for bamboo ballots in Arizona. Laughable, if not so tragic. Smh.
Hey Brobro!
Funny seeing you here.
@Stephanie Jean

Never know where I’m gonna bounce in Sis. Good seeing you too.
@Fraudster Biden-Dickknuckle lol you trumpets are such cowards.
@A Theed say that to my face
Despots are are usually pretty dumb… this courageous young man has now highlighted the struggle for democracy in Belarus for the whole world to see.
@Harvey Manfredsenjenson assange lives in an embassy. Snowden in Russia. Tsar Putin has a palace. Navalny walked into a prison.
@Sarah F. 4.1 Assange FLED to the embassy to seek asylum from the USA. He was booted out well over a year ago, has been imprisoned under a bogus charge ever since, and is currently fighting extradition to the USA over more bogus charges.
Snowden lives in Russia because he FLED there to escape ObamaBiden’s wrath for committing the “crime” of whistleblowing on gov’t crimes.
The USA has ZERO high ground on this.
@Sarah F. 4.1 Not only that but the USA/EU forced President Evo Morales’ plane down because they thought Snowden was on board. This was during the ObamaBiden administration
@Harvey Manfredsenjenson snowden is not a journalist
@Bitty Snowden is a whistleblower who spilled the beans on illegalities in gov’t. Whistleblower protection laws exist in the USA. Assange is a journalist
To think that America was only 8 million votes away from being Belarus.
We took out Putin’s TR45H!
It was actually closer to 40,000 votes away (split across different states). Thanks electoral college
She asks for a “creditable investigation”, yet we have idiots looking for bamboo ballots in Arizona. Laughable, if not so tragic. Smh.
To think in 2013 the Obama administration forced the plane of Bolivian president Evo Morales to land in Austria because there were rumors Edward Snowden was onboard.
“I just need you to find me . . . 11,000 . . . votes . . .”
Did they plan to shoot down the airliner had it not complied? Just how far were they willing to go to arrest this man?
Lukashenko would have shot down the plane.
@Sarah F. 4.1 I doubt it as there were Russian or Belorussian agents on board keeping an eye on Raman.
@Di&Ce you think lukashenko is afraid of a little bloodshed and killing his own people? Muting you now.
@Space Fridge well stated.
You DNCstans watch way too many movies
Ah, the boldness of these fascists is growing. Without strong and decisive action this corrupt weed will continue to bloom out of control.
Obama did the same thing to a flight he thought Edward Snowden was on.
@Liberals Are Severely Mentally Ill “He though Edward Snowden was on”? Nice use of English, mouth breather
@Liberals Are Severely Mentally Ill Yeah Obama the root of all evil….a never ending story…lol
This is the kind of dictator BS that the Stable Genius and the “law and order” republican party wish they could do here in America.
@John Traylor It’s hilarious. They swarmed this thread hard. Pathetic little Commie trolls
@ocean buoy Trump was not a traitor please get your facts straight you you seriously need to get away from mainstream media they are not your friend
@Sarah F. 4.1 what are you about 12 years old
@Move on Over Look like a
, move like a
, quack like a
then don’t act surprised when people take you for a
@Insignificant360 you need to get away from mainstream media save yourself is this how you want to be the rest of your life
Not cool, I’d worry about him.
She asks for a “creditable investigation”, yet we have idiots looking for bamboo ballots in Arizona. Laughable, if not so tragic. Smh.
@Harvey Manfredsenjenson you erroneously attempted to correct a sentence I wrote. Is English your second language?
@Pacos Pete
Your comment is nothing but a crap salad.
Bet you wish you had a better education.
@boredgrass Thx man. “USA” is actually more accurate, since “America” is actually your choice of one or another continents
@Liberals Are Severely Mentally Ill LOL like I said — I owned up to my error, unlike you. It seems like you don’t even recognize your error.
@Liberals Are Severely Mentally Ill
You do realize your country isn’t called America? You are the United States of America. There are two other countries in North America. One of them is larger than yours. You are not very intelligent. You people of the United States should spend some money on education. You don’t get to just say you own a continent and ditch Mexico and Canada. If you were smarter you would even see that it says OF AMERICA. not the Americans of America either. Grab a brain fart whistle.
Words matter; it was a state sponsored hijacking.
“Bolivian officials say their country’s presidential plane had to land in Austria after false rumors ..” About Snowden … We did the same thing.
When you have to move heaven and earth to stop a journalist, neither heaven or earth will respect you
Loukachenko’s taking pointers from his master Putin! I hope the international community, starting with the UN & the EU will make him pay for this gross violation of international laws!
LOL Western powers pretending they respect int’l law!
Lukashenko of Belarus is an autocrat that seized control of the country. Not a democracy….hmmm, sounds exactly like Traitor Trump.
We cannot allow this to happen, all allies need to hop on board
As for making Belarus an absolute no-fly zone: do you think YOU would take a flight over or even near Belarus after this? NOT ME!
Where was this kind of talk last week ?
“we demand an immediate, international, transparent and credible investigation of this incident.”
“This was a shocking act”. Condemnation indeed from the country still trying to give the world an orange version of Adolf Hitler.
Yet another strong man who doesn’t care a flying frip about human rights.
We love you, Jen. Roman can make waves, eh?
Arrest the Belarussian diplomats. I bet they would suddenly have a better understanding of international law.
Merits of the outrage aside, these days the USA has little moral authority left to lecture to anybody else.