Beginner’s guide to gardening | Problem Solved

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Beginner's guide to gardening | Problem Solved


  1. Meat, Fat, Cheeses, Oils don’t breakdown and yet We eat them ☠️☠️☠️…Live Plant based dare i say Vegan and “ some” people will fight that word because why? Do they believe in the acts of atrocities against animals I guess , I mean what are they fighting for? – surely not the pain and suffering of an animal – there health or for our future on this beautiful planet. Read, google,watch docs,learn. ✌🏼❤️🌱🌎 ( unfortunately here come the ignorant comments)

    1. People have been eating meat and cheeses for thousands of years … Maybe your feed propaganda to make you think a certain way … Don’t force your commie lifestyle on people who don’t seek it … now go do what the news tells you to do , find Russia gate

    2. @Victoria Cruz and here we go 😂 ‼️ Karen Your comment would b comical if it wasn’t so sad and stupid. Hence the parentheses 🙄

  2. Awww 😊 guys it super awesome meeting ☝️ .they did a successful transfer to my account for my daughter party

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