‘Beat to death on no crime’: Rev. Al Sharpton condemns ex-Memphis cops | USA TODAY

Reverend Al Sharpton addressed the Tyre Nichols' traffic stop video, slammed the ex-Memphis officers accused of Nichols' death.

RELATED: Video shows Tyre Nichols' deadly encounter with police

In the long sequence of high-profile deaths of Black men at the hands of American police, the death of Tyre Nichols in Memphis shared many of the same hallmarks: a traffic stop that turns violent, an outraged community and a critical release of video footage.

But the case was unique in another way. All five police officers now charged with his murder are Black.

How the officers' race will influence protesters in the streets – and any future jury in the courtroom – remains to be seen. But experts, activists and attorneys told USA TODAY that the race of the officers involved is far less important than the race of the victim. They say a "historically biased culture of policing" puts Black people at risk regardless of an officer's race.

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#TyreNichols #Memphis #Police

'Beat to death on no crime': Rev. Al Sharpton condemns ex-Memphis cops | USA TODAY


  1. Alvin is a money hungry person who lives off of tragic events such as this .
    He is the black Dracula, sucking money from the black community every time.
    He turns tragedy into opportunities for himself and no one else.
    What happened here is just terrible and these cops will be punished for it.
    But the chipmunk has to go.

  2. Al, still trying to stir the racial pot. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂looks like he just came from his own wake.

  3. Technically, it was reckless driving and resisting arrest. But sure, he should’ve gone to jail for that. Not beaten.

  4. Al and Jesse are so hypocritical it’s funny. Wolf in sheep’s clothing is an understatement. And anyone who thinks otherwise is the exact reason people like them have a voice.

  5. Them 5 Black Cops had the KKK running through their veins.
    Time to stop looking at the Colour of the skin of all people and concentrate on how good or bad a person is.

    If only one of those officers at the scene, stepped in and said that’s enough, hes had enough, that would have stopped the murder of this man, but not one of them did, they bragged about what they did.

    RIP young man.
    Peace to your ” Parents” as you called them.
    And a Message to God, take the soul of this young man, and show him Love and to have everlasting peace besides you.

  6. It wouldn’t be a complete show without democratic shill ambulance chasing Al Sharpton the 🦝 tap dancing , stepping-N- fetch it doing his thing as usual , a lot of nothing for the bag$$$. B1 😎

  7. A government needs to stand up and just say hey look take responsibility for your actions when you get pulled over carry yourself with respect, be respectful and this won’t happen to you. When you resist and try to run away, this is when things happen, Jesus Christ, are we living in a bizarro world?

    1. Did you even watch the damn video? He was compliant and on the ground. The cops were pepper spraying and tasing him over and over that’s why he tried to get away from them. Stop defending the indefensible. These cops were 100% in the wrong.

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