Democratic strategist Basil Smikle believes that one of the major reasons Donald Trump is continuing his election lawsuits, even though they will not change the outcome of the election, is because he is trying to maintain his base Aired on 11/24/2020.
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#BasilSmikle #Presidency #MSNBC
Basil Smikle: Trump’s Lawsuits Are ‘To Set Himself Up For The Post Presidency’ | Deadline | MSNBC
Trump better be in prison for all he has done.
Russian Bot is #1 spam. If #2 – harassment. Reported
@BidenWins ignore the bots. Just report them as spam.
Trump will actually be safer in prison.
@Lisa Carr “Idk if they have anything on Melania.” Well, she got here on an Einstein visa. That’s clearly a case of fraud.
He will be forgotten and people will move on to the next conman in line. The uneducated and willfully ignorant are fickle and easily swayed.
@russian bot Look into the election interference executive order Trump signed in 2018. Trump laid a trap for the deep state.
@nodaklojack absolutely. You’re the first person that has mentioned it. I have 3 degrees and I can read and write ancient greek and some latin. My dad was a pastor and professor at a couple of universities and seminaries. I was taught at home and had the advantage of living in an environment where reading was the only form of entertainment and my education included translating and comparing modern texts of the bible with older translations. Please feel free to send a link.
@russian bot well that’s a lot of assumptions. I’m not a democrat or a republican. Go away comrade.
@J SMARTIN it’s a fact
voting Fraud explains everything –> pay attention to Pennsylvania.
@russian bot keep telling yourself that come 20 Jan 21…and choke on it!!
It won’t save him. Legal issues are coming.
@russian bot hey man. I am not guided by any news channel. I can think for myself and it has been obvious for a long time that Trump and those he has on board only harm us.
@russian bot wrong. I follow the news and stay away from fake stuff. I can think and I stongly am convinced Trump and his heard only cause harm.
@Eirik Rødberg who wants to defund the police? not the republicans, ain’t it?
@russian bot Keep telling yourself that come 20 Jan 21…and choke on it!!
@russian bot I don’t think defunding the police means what you think it means.
Trump’s collecting money from his supporters going to use it to pay off that four hundred and some million that he owes
@Paul Wiley Yep, just like the dead people who voted for Biden
He should just ask them for help! He sees how blindly they follow him! But he’d rather disrespect them by fleecing them than to act like a human in need! LOSER!!!!
@russian bot better than the idiots that voted for Trump
@Maggie Hubbard OUCH! Girl! Spanking with the obvious reasoning like a real live grown-up with a brain and everything! I like that!
@Paul Wiley oh my!

As Michael Steel tweeted, “SDNY, he is all yours”. And take Dejoy and Barr too.
@russian bot

@russian bot Where is the fraud? Show me. All of the lawsuits that Trump filed showed no evidence of fraud and was dismissed by the courts. Even Rudy claimed that there was no fraud in court when point blank asked about it by the judge. Show me the fraud.
@Tony 1955 All of that you’re saying is coming from the Fake News Media
nothing is truth to it.
Take Barr, Dejoy, Kaleigh and for sure Graham for his trying to intimidate his own Republican Party Officials.
The Republican Party is pathetic!
@gdyl091358 don’t worry, CNN-Elect Biden will never be a president
Trump will be busy fighting off lawsuits , prison and keeping his family out of jeopardy.
@DJ it’s because you saw it already, lols. c’mon now, you know it’s a voter fraud
@russian bot I don’t know what you’re talking about,but go run too you’re Daddy at the white house and tell him that i hate him as well as others.
@DJ your hatred is drawing you since 2016
i know you will blame Trump when you get drawn in your own libtear, lols.
@russian bot lay off,the meth and cocaine it’s doing you no good.
@DJ go loot a working boot and then find a job, mkkaaayyyy…..
The only reason tRump hasn’t conceded is cause he still exploiting money from his followers.
He is not only a bragger but also becoming a professional beggar for donations
voting Fraud explains everything –> pay attention to Pennsylvania.
“he[‘s] still exploiting money from his followers”
Yes, that’s a significant factor.
@russian bot STFU FUCKHEAD
@Richard Christie he said he loved the poorly educated
Trump must face consequences for his actions for the first time in his life
Actually, this is probably the second time. Remember the mashed potato story.
Biden will also faces charges of treason for cheating.
@Storm Bringer….<-----Pathetic moron.
Georgia, vote Blue in 21 and 22!!!
Reject the sycophants, trolls, trools and their boor in 24!!!!
Justice is demanded for all the pain he put the United states through
We need to start calling the Republican party the White Nationalist party from now on.

Good title! No doubt they’ll use it! Maybe then the minority Republicans of color will see just where they truly stand with their party, if that’ll make a difference…I doubt it! They’ll continue to drink the kool-aid!
@TAMMY WALLACE I mean GOP LITERALLY stands for “grand old party” bring things back to the good old days where every white had a black to work their fields
People need to be strong and diligent over the next 4 years and beyond, this is just the beginning.
Four years of the trump brainwash, con job. Of course they’re not going anywhere.
The Dumpers want this kind of leadership.
Trumpee Qanon cult zombies will drink his Kool aid in their alternate universe.
If Trump wants to run for President again, he’d better take up residency in the state with the most lenient work-release program.
After his conviction, he won’t be eligible to run.
@Angela Howard I have a degree in political science and that is what I thought. But, when I looked it up, being a felon didn’t preclude him. But felons can’t vote in most states. So I dont know what has changed.
Trumps pathetic distractions are just that ‘ distractions’
People will soon forget
Trump doesn’t want his children to be indicted because he knows they’ll roll over and testify against them to save themselves Trump would do that to them
Impeached Trump would eat his children if he thought it would help him.
Where’s Hunter?
Trump doesn’t want his children to be indicted because he’s scared KFC & McDonald’s refuse to serve him because he never pays his bills and he needs something to eat….
The lawsuits are all about having a cause he can get his followers to contribute money towards — the grift is the thing — always!
This will come as comfort to black people in America. As a person who does not live in America i have become aware of the discrimination that is put on black people in America in the last 3 months and i think so have many other people in the world. I use to think it was an exaggeration but after what i have seen on media i realize now it is a very justifiable and rational claim by these people.From people all over the world , we say your children have the right to walk around without persecution from police and we respect your right to fix this injustice.
I’m looking forward to trumps cases,charges,& arraignments. Hes evil& cavalier
Hi, Navy.
Yes he is.
Trump’s Post-Presidency should be prison.