Democratic strategist Basil Smikle says voters will remember how Trump made them feel with his lack of leadership through coronavirus and instances of racial injustice. Aired on 7/17/2020.
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Basil Smikle: ‘The President Is Fueling The Energy Against Him’ | Deadline | MSNBC
Trump and Pence are guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter.
@Ramon Serrano read the above comment bootlicker.
Are you forgetting the coronavirus comes from Wuhan China? Your hatred for Trump blinds you LOL
@Ramon Serrano Ramon you’re being trolled by a paid TROLL. They get paid per response you make. Google it or see Malcolm Nance’s video on the subject. Stay safe and forget these traitor cowards working for PUTIN AND PASCALE.
@hhhh9579 Doesn’t matter where it comes from. What matters is what you do to protect yourself. All Trump did was try to wish it away. Does it matter to you that if you get hit by a car while crossing the street if it was a foreign or domestic made car?
Negligent HOMICIDE and Dereliction of DUTY… On top of TREASON
Trump has always broken his favorite toys. And, the Presidency of the United States is no exception.
Trump 2020
@hhhh9579 No, he’ll probably get more than 20 years in prison. My guess is 35 years.
He was always obviously a racist.
@Amon Tis *Don’t forget your KKK hood when you’re out in public*
Amon Tis Vote Trump or you are not a racist, homophobic, cult supporting, psychopath.
@Chris Dooley sad but true. Nazis demonize anyone who go against their beliefs. The KKK were/are racist nazis. Just look how they try to control every single person and how they coddle certain races and spread race hate against others. Tear down statues, burn books.
The differences between what you nazis claim about Trump is mostly unchecked leftist propaganda. Ours, one only needs to watch, listen, and start defending!!!
@Troy Stocker put the needle
The “president” and the pandemic have proven to be a lethal combination. He should have ZERO support left.
He is guilty of crimes against humanity, multiple counts, no question about it.
Lol Plan- Demic
Donald Trump and the GOP have been actively engaged in genocide of the American people under cover of COVID-19. They should all be brought up on charges for their reckless and dangerously criminal behavior.
@Jerry Marasco
“Fredo’s brother” is not the president of the USA.
Jan 2 2020: WHO informed Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) partners about the cluster of pneumonia cases in the People’s Republic of China. GOARN partners include major public health agencies, laboratories, sister UN agencies, international organizations and NGOs.
Jan 4: WHO shared detailed information about a cluster of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause through the IHR (2005) Event Information System, which is accessible to all Member States. The event notice provided information on the cases and advised Member States to take precautions to reduce the risk of acute respiratory infections.
Jan 9: WHO reported that Chinese authorities have determined that the outbreak is caused by a novel coronavirus.
Jan 18: On January 18, HHS Secretary Azar discussed the coronavirus outbreak with President Donald Trump, who criticized Azar for being “alarmist”.
On January 22, Trump received his first public question from a reporter regarding whether he was concerned about the coronavirus. Trump responded: “No, not at all. And we have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China … It’s going to be just fine.”
Jan 30: At that time there were 98 cases and no deaths in 18 countries outside China. Four countries had evidence (8 cases) of human-to-human transmission outside China (Germany, Japan, the United States of America, and Viet Nam).
July 18: over 140,000 Americans dead.
Jerry Marasco You have a lot of questions that I don’t even think this administration can answer but I get it… You rode hard for Trump in 2016 and instead of saying you were wrong you’ve decided to double down on this sinking ship called his Presidency. I’d like to refer to your earlier comments about dying at 75 yrs old and living a good life. Let’s put this in perspective, you said that was the target age group correct? (Since you like questions) Wrap your brain around this in, Trump is 74yrs old and doesn’t even take the precautions at his age. So IF he doesn’t care about his own life and safety, why would he care about yours, mines or anyone else.
Jim Battersbee and here we are July 17th and i still could careless what the WHO says.
I see you write dates and all but, you omitted them lying for China !
It’s from a fish market, no human to human transmission, it’s contained in Wuhan. Nothing to worry about !
Are you saying those words weren’t said by the WHO ? Are you serious ?
Good thing congress and the senate were tied up with impeachment right ?
This is what I hate about MSLSD, all they tell you is Orangeman bad. None of it true. It’s speculation and innuendo.
What should he have done.
I read all these Trump didn’t respond. Offer a solution ! Haven’t thought of any in 6 months ? Yeah me either !
Chris Dooley see ??? This I where your wrong ! I thought Trump running in the beginning was a joke !
That’s what MSLSD does, they think for you !
But, then the press started saying he’s a racist. Lol
Despite getting an award from Jesse Jackson for his work with inner city youth ( guess what, by saying inner city youth they mean black ) plus I know of all the boxing he was involved in promoting. He’s been idolized by everyone ( until he rand for president.
Then after this racist got into office ( good people on both sides. Not the neo Nazis. MSLSD leaves that part out ) he goes a signs the second chance act. Which freed 500 people over sentenced by the Biden crime bill. Guess what ? Most of them were black ! Then he goes and sends Black colleges money. Not once but, twice in these 4 years.
Then he said build a wall. Dumbocraps say no wall !
I’m thinking wtf. You were just talking about a wall !
Then Trump keeps kids in cages. Turns out that was obama and Biden ( I can’t wait for these debates lol)
And so on !
One thing for certain, two things for sure, I never bashed obama ! In fact, I never bashed Bush for sending us on a 20 year war looking for weapons of mass destruction ( did we find them yet ? )
I hold no allegiance to ANY party. I’m from the Common Sense party !
I’m an American and what’s best for America is just fine with me
Chris Dooley it’s his right not to take precautions. But, I’m pretty sure as a germaphobe he’s pretty cautious !
You can’t tell me what to wear or what to do. There’s this thing called the constitution that guarantees my rights !
Beside that, you can make me wear a mask when, all those looters and rioters are locked up ! Then, you can tell me what to do !
All I know is, if I get a ticket for not wearing a mask then, it’s racism !!!
See ? I learned that from MSLSD !!!!
So it sounds like he is saying a blue wave is coming…register to vote!
Trump 2020!!!
And here in michigan we have a foolish judge put a 15 year old in jail for not doing her homework===during a pandemic=====can you guess what her race is???
Not the orange race I would imagine.
In jail for not doing her homework? That can’t be true, you must be leaving something out, there has to be more to the story..
@QueensNative violation of probation is the reason
Trump picks the BEST FELONS – Manafort is HOME protected from COVID-19. Stone is HOME protected from COVID-19.
America Governed By A Criminal Minded Crime Boss who is a RACIST and a 15 yr old Black Girl didn’t do her homework is put in JAIL during A PANDEMIC. God, it has to be 1950 in America, not 2020.
Oilpntr….that’s totally crazy! trump’s the one that should be in prison…..along with the gop!!! Not a child!
Racism has become an intelligence liability-as well as a moral failing. These people keep getting used by the FSB to attack America for Putin and Trump. Racism also has been theorised by some reseachers to be a symptom of certain mental illnesses.
Trump 2020!!!!
JFK. Ask not what your Country can do for you , but what can you do for your Country.
Ttump. I take no responsibility at all .
You just have to love the leadership style of a Known Five time Draft Dodger.
Covid is God’s punishment on those Senators and governmental leaders who supported Trump, when they knew better.
I remember a while back that a co-worker of mine thought that Trump might be the Anti-Christ. I mean, he certainly paints himself as a false prophet. Now, one could say that pestilence (i.e. COVID-19) has arrived.
@mechaman13 I don’t know anything about pestilence. I simply know that any GOP senator who saw the way through in supporting this guy, forgot about one thing…
Well, that’s one way of looking at it! Republicans used that same perspective when it came to hurricane Katrina in regards to black people in NOLA! Funny, I don’t hear them say anything about covid-19 being a punishment from God! Oh, I forgot, we’re talking about hypocrites!
Trump 2020!!
@hhhh9579 Will you cry when Trump dies in prison..?
It’s like Morning Joe says, it’s almost like he doesn’t actually want to be re-elected.
Morning Joe reads the script his producer hands him
I pray that Trump does not want to be re-elected. TRUMP IS A TRAITOR TO AMERICA.
Morning Joe LOL brainwashed much? Trump 2020
@hhhh9579 Orange Wannabe Tinpot Dictator brainwashed much?
@hhhh9579 LOL Trump can’t win without votes, kid. Never forget that.
So is our great education leader going to get rapid testing for ALL schools or just her private ones..if you want people to send their children to school get rapid testing to each and every school. Pretty simple since the President seems to have an abundant supply available for when he wants to go golfing or campaigning.
Trump 2020
Trump will not be happy unless he burns the house down on his way out the door.
It will be the house or maybe the whole country, that is the dilemma when mental illness is involved.
I think he knows his reelection chances are pretty much finished and that’s his strategy now. Burn it all down on his way out.
I would not be surprised if he literally would try to burn down the White House if he loses in November.
Every decision t’rump makes is based on his internal calculation of how it will help him get re-elected. Which explains why the dumbest president in history is dropping like a stone with each passing day.
Can he recover? tRump is not one to be introspective. So looks like he’ll just keep shoveling on BS. Unfortunately for him, 70% have his number. Biden 2020. Return to sanity.
70% good joke. Remember that when the TRUMP train steamrolls Biden come election time. Wish I could see that dog faced pony solider face of yours when that happens.
LOL will never happen
@Amon Tis keep telling yourself that precious
That would be a good campaign slogan, “Return to Sanity!”
Basil I think you should run some ad’s with John Kennedy, Martin Luther king and Bobby Kennedy, they stood against racism
Their message is as good today as it was then
It’s too late for Trump with people of color, that know their history!!
what’s a people of color? is that like some new euphemism by the virtue signaling white liberals for blacks and and other brown people?
@Amon Tis you don’t run , control the world , whites do , they are the ones who call none caucasians people’s of colors do you understand now ?
What about when Joe Biden referred to black children as roaches?
@Amon Tis Will you cry when Trump dies in prison..?
trumps base is 35%…..So the other 65% can take him out in November….
And they will shut him down in November
Will vote
Trump 2020!
That number is incorrect. Trump’s base is 27%, if we use the 2016 election results. Only 27% of all registered voters actually voted for Trump in 2016. Which means that roughly three out of every four voters DID NOT vote for Trump. Keep this in mind: approval ratings are not votes. For example, I approve of Elizabeth Warren… but I voted for Bernie.
I never thought I would be as fearful as I was at age 12 during the Cuban Missile Crisis. I feared the end of the world. However, the absence of sanity in the President, his administration, and the Republican Senators has brought those terrible feelings back. I now fear the loss of the lives of my family and many, many citizens of the US. I also fear the immense suffering that will occur if second stimulus package is not passed next week. What’s even worse, is the intense anger I feel because all of this is absolutely needless!!! This insanity has evolved into just plain cruelty.
Oh my God stop being such a Karen… Karen

It’s almost as if Trump is trying to lose. Or he is sure Putin and other enablers will cheat him in again.
I think he’s simply a raving psychotic who can’t help himself anymore. He’s been backed into a corner and he’s throwing a little baby tantrum. Trump’s lifetime of lies is crashing down all around him… and his deep psychosis is preventing him from understanding why.