New reports suggest the U.S. has intel that Russia offered the Taliban bounty to kill American soldiers. Aired on 6/29/2020.
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Bash Says ‘It’s Inconceivable’ Trump Would Not Be Told About A Direct Threat To U.S. Troops | MSNBC
Putin: “I just spoke with President Trump, and told him that it wasn’t Russia. I told him that I didn’t see any reason why it would be Russia. I was extremely strong, and tremendously powerful in my denial.”
Trump: “Nobody told me about any so-called attacks on our troops in Afghanistan. I didn’t even know we had troops in Afghanistan. And where is Afghanistan anyway? No one really knows where it is. Plus, Obama never told me anything about us having troops there. He didn’t tell me anything before he left office. I still don’t know where the nuclear codes are. He set me up!!! Where’s Hunter?”…
@Eric Klaus stfu
@Eric Klaus what does that have to do with the subject,?
@15k DOW 2022
Russian troll bot!! Ignore it!!
@Ruth Harris myfb
@Eric Klaus
BRAINDEAD tRump troll!!! 
Simple Explanation: Any time it is Putin versus the US, Trump sides with Putin. Period. That’s why Bolton is calling him a threat to national security.
You know donny dictator LOVES Putin. A) he said so. B) trump has NEVER given sugar Vladdy an insulting nickname. NEVER
trumski gives EVERYONE an insulting name. C) he only does things that serve himself and Putin. PERIOD.
What kind of proof do you need?
yeti Trump hasn’t failed us yet. He’s been a real godsend, a true American hero and a patriot. May the universe guide and keep him for many more years after his 8 years are done
@15k DOW 2022 Trump has done nothing but failed us. Unless, of course, you’re part of the 1%.
Jeweled Bird his economic achievements and jobs numbers along with trade deals and no wars by the way… all good until the dems sabotaged the world with their plandemic scamdemic demdemic and hysteria. All of the deaths from the coming depression are wholly owned by the chinese and you pos democrats because if you can’t win- nobody wins. By any means necessary, right ahole?
@15k DOW 2022 What trade deals? The one with China? That hasn’t happened. Probably never will. And his jobs numbers have all tanked with his incompetent handling of the very real pandemic.
The U.S. has 4% of the population and 25% of the deaths: over 128,000 and climbing. If nothing changes, we could reach 200,000 by October.
That does not include hospitalizations, like one gentleman who was presented with a $1.1 million bill after his lengthy stint in the ICU. Meanwhile, Trump is doing his best to scuttle the ACA without having anything to replace it.
But what’s really a shame is how Trump has demonized half of the country, so much so that folks like you anonymously spread false rumors about how “dems” have manufactured this crisis just to smear your dear leader. Never mind that Trump is a proven liar with over 18,000 false claims and outright lies.
And still Putin plays him like a fiddle.
*The Intelligence Community forgot that Traitor Trump MUST have his briefings in the form of a coloring or popup book. He won’t pay attention otherwise.*
@Constituent A Ahhh..
And his name has to be littered through out every report.
Jesus Says… well, yes!

Btw, when did you get involved in politics? I thought Jesus was neutral?
Excellent response.
I’m a Vietnam vet and I remember Trump dodging the draft and faking an injury to keep himself from serving his country . Trump is not an American . I will not vote for a chicken Trump . If he didn’t have a rich daddy he probably would have skipped to Canada , and now as the president he hides in his bunker .
Good on ya man.
Yep. “Bone Spurs” is nothing really big..
@Saeed Adib I saw your video one other day. I do not vote. And yes, I know what goes on in other parts of the world
EVEN MORE DISGRACEFUL: America continues to let him rule their country!
Will you it’s for draft dodging Joe Biden?
But he’s good friends with Russian banks. He should get a mulligan.
Just give the bounty money back.
No harm, no foul.
Doug K lol good one. Think about it though, his whole life has kinda been a mulligan.
*Trump won’t confront Putin?
Sounds like Trump is privately counting on Russia to hack US Election 2020 . . again? How else can he possibly ‘WIN’ a 2nd POTUS Term?*
I get this REALLY BAD feeling that Trump is NOT going to leave office.
@Ruth Harris even found one by your precious cnn but I’m sure you will find a way to deny it . Trump 2020 and he will win like last time , by americans voting him in . He doesn’t need to cheat like democrats and he doesn’t need to through a tantrum oh sorry “protest ” to get his way .
He can’t without foreign interference.
Check out Putin’s Toy[ click the J to play] It totally echoes your comment.I think Trump took over Voice of America, so he can broadcast Putin hacks as legitimate news. The video is a punk rock look at Putin’s influence in the White House. It features top Canadian musicians and female vocalists. I wrote it and do the lead vocals.hopefully you find the video to be a humorous diversion to break up your day.While you’re on my channel,help yourself to a 2nd free download for your playlist “Blood Sea”,another punk rock gem, how the poorest of the poor prop up the richest of the rich. Take care,stay safe, feel free to leave a comment apauls,I value your opinion.
I bet Putin is billing Trump for what he has paid out already.
To say the least, they are the only ones who can possibly “benefit”.
@Wesley C. Yep
Mm hmm. Yep
More distractions guys….. the propaganda machine is working overtime. Trump has to go. People are dying.
@S V
Russian Troll Doll
Whats taking you so long????
I completely agree. Why are all the news reporters going crazy talking about Russia when they don’t actually know if if it’s true or not? Trump Is probably laughing in his room cause he know he distracted everyone…So stupid and a waste of time…America needs to ignore his tweets too..that would drive him crazy…
@S V: Obviously paid russian bot/troll. OR the dumbest trump cultist EVER.
China and Cuomo killed them.
This is outrageous. Trump’s America is a scary, scary, out of control place. Thank heavens France and Germany look like they’ll take over as leaders of the free world and not Russia and China.
Let’s hope so…
What’s “the Free World”? You mean vs the USSR? That’s been over for a while.
And us, the United Kingdom. We are a major player too – we created the free world.
Hahaha!! Who told you that? If or when democrats get back in power in the US they will fail and China will take over the world.
@StanleyKewbeb1 The free world comprises democracies with rule of law, and human and civil rights. It is in contrast to communism, yes, but also to fascism, theocracy, or dynastic rule.
Britain has confirmed that they were briefed about this. Trump is just being trump and telling bold faced lies. He is either incompetent or traitorous. Maybe even both
@Ana Camacho they’re at LEAST collaborators to tRumps depravity, treason and espionage.
Incompetent and a Traitor
lying trump lying as usual!
Both … But he’s also being ENABLED and that may be the very worst it can get!
@Natalie Nienhuis nearly everyone who has served in and left his administration says the same thing: he’s incompetent, unintelligent, uninterested and unpatriotic.
if true, this is the most sickening news I have EVER HEARD about Trump or anyone in US history – to look away as US troops are targeted and do NOTHING because his personal interests are always valued above those of the country. He is no patriot. He is a traitor.
Yep, this might actually be worse than Trump’s Helsinki performance. I didn’t think he could sink lower than that, but he just might have managed it with this and with pulling our troops out of Syria and stabbing our Kurdish allies in the back to make Erdogan happy.
@Eric Wood What is absolutely mind boggling about this is Trump’s business interests in both Russia and Turkey. Not even a secret. What we know is bad enough. What we don’t know probably is far worse.
@Noname Nameless During Operation Cyclone, the United States and Soviet Union were acknowledged enemies. Now, the American president pretends that Russia is a friend.
Until it’s verified the president isn’t briefed. Another lie pushed by left-wing media drones. You can’t wait a single day to see if the story is fake. Now we know there were several contradictory streams of intelligence. Trump was NOT briefed and there was no consensus in the intelligence community. Don’t you people get tired of being OUTRAGED!! hahaha!!
Kathy Piazza They will still vote for him. No doubt they will say it’s a plot by the democrats. I blame Fox and Friends. Speaking of, I can’t wait to see how they try to spin this. LOL.
Putin is Trump’s sugar daddy, which is why he’ll never say a bad thing about him.
@15k DOW 2022
Love your sarcasm!!!
Something much worse than being Trump’s sugar daddy is going on here. This looks like it took years of planning.
@88Gibson LesPaul
Agreed…There is something very wrong here…. This is very dangerous….
Slight edit is required. The phrase should read billionaire pals. Sorry about that.
@Blaq Light Trump’s first trip to Moscow was in July of ’87. It was a KGB arranged and paid for trip. He claims that he went to buy property but got there and…..lo and behold….Communist USSR didn’t have private property! Of course, during the Cold War, even school children knew that Communism meant NO private property so, why did he really go?
He gets back to the USA from his July trip and in September of ’87, Trump, who had never uttered a political word before, decided he wants to run for president!
Whether they’ve had Trump in mind all this time or just had the plans made for “whomever comes along”, it looks like this has been a long time in the planning.
Trump has a secret deal with Putin. He’s not about to go back on it.
Yeah the pee pee tape wouldn’t be good news a fortnight before the election.
Do you ever wonder why Trump cannot release his tax returns? Could it be that he has borrowed millions of dollars from the Russians to keep his businesses solvent? Those Russians have him where they want him. Until he releases his tax returns he cannot deny it. Nor can any of the Trump stooges who defend him as though he was sweet little Tiny Tim, who had a heart of gold. He is a cold and ruthless businessman who has corrupt connections.
@Graham Walker Unless Putin is removed from office – an extremely unlikely event – we will never know if the pee tape actually exists. If it does, Putin will never reveal that this is what made DT such a docile puppet. And personally I think it´s more likely that the secret weapon has to do with Trump´s finances, and money laundering. Although I would not rule out some footage of DT with underage girls in Russia.
tRUMP wants that tRUMP Tower in Moscow real bad.
I wonder if Putin knows that trumpski THINKS he is using Putin. What a fool.
Trump is on the dole to Russia. He admires dictators. Birds of a feather…
Fkn cheapsider wannabe.
Putin has the goods on Trump and Trump is petrified of Putin. Weak little Donnie is a coward.
The difference being – Putin IS a dictator – Trump, little Donny Trump is a wanna-be dictator – who is being thwarted as we speak!
cattus, what do you think of the idea that PUtin and Russian KGB and government officials have something truly horrible and on tape, about Trump that was caught of him, while he stayed in Russia, some years ago, while on a business trip? Remember, most of his cult followers will blatantly follow him no matter what. BUT…even with that, Trump is scared and worried about Russian and the info secrets they have on him. This explains why he is so loyal to them and friendly to Putin. IF THIS theory is true, what they have on him must BE TRULY awful…awful enough for even Trump to fear his loyal christian cult followers dumping him!
Wrong again, don’t you people ever get tired of being wrong?? Until it’s verified the president isn’t briefed. Another lie pushed by left-wing media drones. You can’t wait a single day to see if the story is fake. Now we know there were several contradictory streams of intelligence. Trump was NOT briefed and there was no consensus in the intelligence community.
Claire McCaskill hit all the right points. The GOP was summoned to the White House to receive their talking points, and to ensure their continued allegiance with their new Fuehrer.
They will accept their instructions, and they will stay in rank. This is the new face of the Republican party.
They needed privacy to plot their treason.
President Trump is professional liar
Trump is a Treasonous Liar-in-chief masquerading as President.
Drunald Trumpington=
professional liar
pathological liar
pathetic liar
How can you say such a thing about your Stable Genius?
In order to be professional means that you have to be good at it, trump is a horrible liar
It’s not only the president who doesn’t care. It’s the whole republican party.
They’re “concerned”
You people will believe anything. Until it’s verified the president isn’t briefed. Another lie pushed by left-wing media drones. You can’t wait a single day to see if the story is fake. Now we know there were several contradictory streams of intelligence. Trump was NOT briefed and there was no consensus in the intelligence community.
This is disgraceful. Only Republicans get briefed? Shame.
The GOPutin wants privacy to plot their
I prefer presidents who are not traitors.
I prefer president who don’t get peed on
@Ahmad Abdullah Abdullah not a Trump lover. Shocking.
@Indi Pillai That was another lie you believed.
Trump is like a Russian snowflake:
white, fragile and hopefully gone by spring.
Compare Trump to what he really is–a slimy piece of garbage.
And in prison soon after.
Duuude, get it together. He’s orange….
SURPRISE!! …. Spring is here!!
@DrMossydog , There is orange snow in the Cascades and Sierra during the summer.
Well, it’s actually more pink.