Bash presses GOP senator: You criticized Obama in 2014 for this

CNN's Dana Bash questions Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) over her criticism of former President Obama over his handling of the Ebola outbreak in 2014, compared to President Trump's current handling of the coronavirus crisis. #CNN #News


    1. Waiting for a soft copy to buy for 30 cent from a pirate finishing Bolton’s one cannot pay a warmonger

    2. When she says , I am a combat veteran …
      Next questions should be …You served 12 month in Kuwait and rest in Camp Dodge in Iowa USA , were there lot of Afghan and Iraqi soldiers in Iowa in 2004 ?

  1. She’s a veteran for what country? The Russian military by the way she’s answering the questions 🙄

    1. Its all politics for her now. She sold her soul to the RNC and only uses the Military as a prop for her own selfish crap.

  2. The GOP have always been hypocrites. Remember when it was a bad thing when gas prices went up under Obama but they claimed it was the sign of a good economy when it happened under Trump and Bush?

    1. From a distance I remember the failed economy President Obama inherited. He assembled a team of economic tzars. They left tramp with a pretty good economy. HOW COME the tramp takes credit for the economy, throws away the Pandemic playbook and blames President Obama for everything that’s wrong during his 3and a half year tenure? And yet his self righteous followers keep believing their dear leader will save them…even as they die from ingesting hydrochloroqine, Clorox or sticking ultraviolet rays where the Sun don’t shine! Instead of feeling sorry for them one gets to the point where as callous as it sounds…ya begin to think they deserve what they get!

    2. Actually listing the Republican hypocrisies would require writing a book so your restraint in naming just one is admirable.

  3. Interestingly hearing a military person say “we don’t want violence”, what does she think war is?

    1. Violence is okay when our troops wreck havoc around the world; here they are saying shut your black mouth and the white supporters of the movement understand your place…

    1. “I don’t want to pivot… If you start pivoting, you’re not being honest with people.”
      ― The Donald @ interview with Wisconsin television station WKBT, August 2016

  4. When.will she answer the question. I lost any respect for her when she refused to say Dump failed with almost 129K deaths. Deny, deny, deny!

    1. “Leadership: Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible.”
      ― The Donald @ Twitter, November 2013

    2. She claims to be combat veteran and still only spend 12 months in Kuwait 2003-2004 and rest in Camp Dodge , in USA , in Iowa national guard .

  5. This woman answered every question with the “discussion” rebuttal .. sidestepping the truth ..hope the ppl of Iowa vote her out.

    1. That’s what she always does. She sucks. She is the opposite of a straight shooter — stereotypical slimy politician.

    2. Well lets hope the people of Iowa have a discussion about voting her out and come together to realise how great Iowa really is.

  6. “We should all sit down and have discussions.” That’s like saying, “We should continue to just do nothing as we’ve done for years.”

    1. Exactly. Reminds me of the Nick Lowe song “So It Goes” which has the lyric “All day discussions with the Russians/But they still went ahead and vetoed the plan.”

  7. When your allegiance to your party is higher than that to your nation and people, it’s truly regrettable. The swam remains and expands.

  8. “We have to have a discussion” “We have to have a conversation”

    We did. And we came to the conclusion that the statues should be removed. And that’s what we’re trying to do.

  9. BLEMISHES??? “Safe” Iowa Republican Joni Ernst trails Democratic rival as her approval rating plummets

  10. I didn’t know that confederate generals were heroes. unless you approve of slavery and fighting against your own country, then yes, I could see how they could be your heroes.

    1. Actually they had pulled out and declared themselves a separate country.
      They were the only country, besides Japan, that attacked American soil.
      They killed so many American soldiers and those statues were put up hundreds of years after the war.
      They were a way of continuing the anti-blacks movement that continues today.

  11. Geezus. Just hand her a “yes/no” questionnaire so she can’t bs and beat around the bush

    1. She would still find a way to tiptoe around trump’s feelings. Never in my life have I heard so many people spewing so many word, yet saying absolutely nothing, than since this corrupt administration cheated to takeover the Whitehouse and take America hostage.

    2. This is my biggest issue with CNN. They are essentially giving these people a platform to spread their bullshit rhetoric unchecked. They already have free reign over at Fox News, let’s have them on here, ask them a somewhat difficult question and put absolutely no pressure on them to give an honest answer. It’s free press for the Trump republican campaign.

    3. “Leadership: Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible.”
      ― The Donald @ Twitter, November 2013

  12. “We live in the greatest nation of the world”
    – highest number of Corona infections and death
    – highest amount of citizens without health insurance of most industry nations
    – highest amount of victims of mass shootings
    – highest amount of citizens iin jail of most free nations
    – more measures for voter suppression than most banana republics
    – racism and a president lighten racism up day by day
    – a medieval understanding of women rights, lgtb rights in many parts of the country
    Yes, if those things really make a nation great, US is the greatest nation on the planet.
    But I fear many people in the rest of the world see that a bit different and are quite happy to be no member of that “great” nation – especially at the moment.

  13. Can’t trust somebody that’s dodges questions entirely while glaring a crocodile smile ^^, Very Telling !!!

  14. Joni to Bash: I am here just to push my book. Don’t ask me relevant questions that I can’t answer since I am spineless.

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