Sen. Richard Blumenthal questioned Judge Amy Coney Barrett on if the Supreme Court play a role in deciding U.S. elections. Aired on 10/14/2020.
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Barrett On Courts Deciding Elections: 'The Supreme Court Doesn't Cast Ballots' | MSNBC
It really doesn’t matter what she says or doesn’t say. It’s already set up.
*Yes, Obama’s Economic Policies Really Were That Bad.*
June 2019
*Economically-illiterate Democrats love to believe that any economic success that President Trump’s administration has enjoyed is simply due to the brilliant stewardship of the economy under Obama. Trump is just riding his coattails!*
This is not only risible. It defies the fundamentals of economics and logic.
Were that true, then Trump’s policies would be the same as Obama’s. He would have continued them.
They aren’t. They are the opposite.
So what Democrats are saying is that despite Trump’s opposing policies, the economy not only improved under Obama but improved even more, at an even faster rate, than Obama because of these opposing policies.
Like ur breath.
This is the sad part. It’s not about the people anymore and I smell a backfire coming!
@Funny T-Shirts RED
That’s not what he was referring to, Barrett, and you know it.
Of course she knows it. She figures she’s going to be confirmed no matter what, so she’s dancing around their questions.
Bill Barr has a new accomplice….
When the SC accpeted Bush’s appeal, and decided it, they were voting twice in the same illegal. That is a felony.
That’s a good point. A bit awkward, but you are correct. They voted twice…right down party line.
If this was a job interview I would have asked her to leave already, she has answered nothing or done anything to sell her position to be chosen.
@SoCal Surfer16 Alot more than you, obviously.
@Borvo Yes it will be written in history, just not the history Rump wants.
@CTS 2.0 You know that more seats can be added, right? to correct the wrong.
@Carriemchardy Carrie
Bad idea. Stupid idea. Radical idea. Typical meltdown. Oh and remember, voters don’t deserve to know
So many senators aren’t even asking her one question. Ginsburg set the trend.
They decide which ballots to count, as she literally helped do in Florida when she was part of the 2000 Bush campaign’s legal team.
Kavanaugh was there too, what a coincidence!
@A Cool Million if you think I’m new to this site then that shows how “new” you are. Common knowledge is not ego, it’s something most people know, yourself not included. Do you need proof that Janet Reno worked for Clinton administration? How many sources should I cite to prove that water is wet?
@A Cool Million She’s part of a cult that subjugates women.
She’s defended a group five times that wishes to criminalize homosexuality and claims not to know about it.
She can’t even list the freedoms guaranteed to us by the first amendment!
And the last of these is basic civics!
@Drake Fire Thank you. I just finished reading the first one. As if there weren’t already enough reason to oppose Barrett. Handmaid. Sickening.
@A Cool Million Yes, because a Supreme Court Justice being unable to name parts covered in a basic civics class isn’t worth opposing.
@Real Talk76 What you are failing to grasp in your “it’s all about you” way of perceiving is that the WAY you relate to others, offering proof, sharing what you read or saw that supports your assertion/opinion is what is required during cyber wartime. Step UP!
Think of it this way. When anyone steps into online spaces with posts/chats/comments, etc.. we are now entering a propaganda/disinformation war zone.
Propaganda works best when lies and truth are mixed up. When you fail to provide proof of what you think, you are wearing the uniform of the enemy of all pro-democracy/pro-freedom people online.
It sucks. Tough. Do your part and stop sitting back as if your old ways are important. Yeah, important for the enemy.
I’m assuming you are suffering a crippling ego problem but that’s the kind version of assuming. You might BE an enemy of democracy pretending to have a crippling ego problem.
Either way, I hope you heal and I wish you democracy. Now, bug off and go be something good in the world.
She’s going to do trump’s bidding for him when he tells her to jump she’s going to jump!!
Not how it works
@Andrea Mendenhall your a joke
@Arnold Shiplett *You’re. She’s there to protect the constitution. She works for US!
@Andrea Mendenhall wake up
@Arnold Shiplett Lots of dems on’t support the constitution. She will
She should at the very least commit to recusing herself from this election.
“Appearance of impropriety” doesn’t begin to describe it
You surely don’t think they’re concerned about ‘appearance of impropriety’ do you? Or ‘integrity’ as normal folk would see it.
Trump’s upcoming re-election is what the American people want & demand.
@PJ NIC Who is “they”? This is my opinion, that to have a justice rushed in right before an election and then rule on that election’s outcome looks corrupt af
This mess is one of the reasons why people are showing up polling stations @ 3 AM.
That`s a Blow for Trump…’The Supreme Court Doesn’t Cast Ballots’
No it’s not ! Unfortunately – the play will be the are protecting the vote from fraud by throwing out mail in ballots
and yet she was involved with the Gore v Bush debacle. her, Kavanaugh, and justice Robert where on the team to steal the election from Gore.
In other news….Barron just tested positive for the corona.

His mom, Ivanka, must be beside herself!
If you challenge her she shuts down, if you ask her she is more forth coming.
Who in their right minds would ever trust this evasive, fundamentalist female ayatollah?
only the ones that are paying her pal
The GOP wants to pretend that it doesn’t matter which party chooses the judges, so why don’t they wait until after the election if it doesn’t matter?
The constitution is clear about Presidential elections.
Voting on “the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November”
Meeting of the Electoral College 15th od December
The 20th Amendment requires the new Congress to convene at noon on January 3, unless the previous Congress passes a law changing the date. This schedule, however, is set without consideration of a possible Electoral College tie, of historical precedent, nor of the Constitutional requirement that an “immediate” choice be made in such an event.
At no point is the Court involved in the election of the President.
Yep, we should take from this that she will have no problem using her court seat to thwart the will of the people.
And that’s when millions of patriotic Americans will surround the White House and burn it down with Trump inside. We don’t allow dictators in our country.
So courts should not involve themselves in heinous gerrymandering, because it’s too difficult.
This slippery eel is McConnell’s doppelganger. trump’s minions may think they are “owning the libs” but the entire nation is going to suffer from her appointment.
Barrett: ” People cast votes but if they’re not for the right person then yes, I’ll vote in Trump’s favor”