US Attorney General William Barr told CNN's Wolf Blitzer that "people are playing with fire" when it comes to widespread mail-in voting ahead of the 2020 election.
#CNN #News
US Attorney General William Barr told CNN's Wolf Blitzer that "people are playing with fire" when it comes to widespread mail-in voting ahead of the 2020 election.
#CNN #News
This is your Attorney General??? WTF America…no wonder your struggling.
Colin Faust he can barely speak
All Americans are the same lol
Bill Barr is a great Attorney General. If this country is struggling, it’s because of the Radical left.
@QUARTERS-EYE Hardly. In this case he is propagating more voter conspiracy crap from Trump.
Best AG ever
He said it right there,”I don’t know what the law is” that is quite apparent where did he get his credentials, from a breakfast cereal box.
@Bob Wehadababyitsaboy They did worse than that, they’ve encouraged the riots and refused help from the president for political reasons. They’d rather their cities burn than to work with Trump.Bob, I think if you keep watching Tim you’re going to completely flip on the Democrats. The problem is if you’re starting right now a lot of the info might be out of context if you haven’t been made aware of what’s going on by honest media so it might seem far fetched when it’s actually the truth.
He was referring to ballot tabulation – and those laws being different in each state. I don’t understand how you guys (the left), can be so stupid – what’s up? You never took a law class? Don’t know anything? really?
J Lang hey a hole he’s a crook and you know it wake up. I don’t care what he says anymore he has no credibility
You should listen to him in Senate hearings. Mostly “I don’t recall” and “I don’t remember”are his replies.
@Muhammad Kingson that’s becuse of the questions – you know this yes?? You hate him, because he represents Law and Order –
That was difficult to listen to. Can Mr. Barr be any more evasive and still be able to qualify this as an interview?
@Frannie Ladner logic does not mean you get to insult someone calling someone else a fraud when it’s true..blah..
Evasive?? Did you even watch the video?
James Rodrigo Nash yes, did you? If you cannot recognize how evasive Mr. Barr was during this interview then I seriously question your mental faculties.
@Zynn Findo Honest question, do you only watch CNN or MSNBC or do you branch out and watch independant media?
Generic NPC neither of those acronyms even represent one of my preferred news sources, much less the sole outlets. Just because I comment on a video does not make me a CNN fanboy. Nice try though…
Moral of the story. Go to the polls and vote on November 3rd.
@Robert C. Christian riiight. I call bullshit, obviously.
@Té Dash nope
@mike reichenbach we can laugh at inadequacies in male 45 supporters , mr tiny hands
@liar fighter you really gotta work on these comebacks, homies. Brutal.
If you can protest in person you can vote in person.
Actually, no you cant. 100s of voting stations across the US have been closed. In elections over the Spring/Summer some people had to wait in line FOR HOURS. Every Democrat in the country isnt protesting, ya know…..what about every voter, including REPLUBLICANS who have asthma, diabetes, are overweight, are disabled or are over 65? What are all of THEM supposed to do? And just so you know, mail in voting is used HEAVILY in many Republican states, since its used alot in rural areas. Several Red States have FULL mail in voting: meaning ALL voting is done by mail.
@nancytrojakova You’re making it seem like there weren’t people over 65 and overweight and with diabetes before the year 2020. How did we get by without making arrangements for transportation for all these people for centuries until now? We already have absentee ballots for extenuating circumstances.
@evillink1 …you’re such a jacka&& …there had always been mail in voting before in every rkection…but even though Trump and his family vote that way…Trump is the one saying voting by mail is fraud in Democrat States…he is lying to uneducated people like yourself…he is afraid of losing because he is going to jail in 2021
@Mztee Panch shh, it’s ok, this too shall pass. Breathe in and out slowly, and count to ten. We’re here for you. Lol
I like how bean blitzer really tried to continue on as if barr said “yes there are other countries who want interfere with our ballots” even though barr clearly said no. CNN You are a joke.
“Logic “

“Logic “
@Brian Anderson
@stairs021 Only idiots go to oan. No further conversation is needed from you.
@Brian Anderson only sheep watch cnn and IGNORE facts. All emotion and no brains. Your programming is complete.
Lol CNN has never heard of logic before
@Viral Awakening Why are republicans so stupid? Attorneys rely upon evidence, not logic. That is why anyone with half a brain would be appalled; Hence, the reason for your laughter: you are lacking in wits.
Wow, a lot of delusional people in these comments. I still remember when you all were saying, “It’s Mueller time!”
Remember when CNN was saying Michael Avenatti was going to take Trump down? Little Brian Stelter was all like “you got star power”
@nemonucliosis Oh yeahhhh. What happened to your favorite cnn lawyer, libtards?
@LibertyMinded It sounds like you’re jumping through a lot of hoops that are just your opinion and not based on facts to come to the conclusion that Trump hasn’t done anything wrong. You could also say that Trump was acquitted in the Senate by a partisan Senate except that even a Republican voted to remove Trump from office. The same Republican who was the GOP nominee for president not too long ago. With all the Republicans and their cronies getting caught with election finance fraud, I seriously doubt the Senate or the House will have as many Republicans as it currently does. Trump loses followers by the day and his campaign is currently broke begging for money.
Muhammad Kingson LMAO
you are hanging your hat on the Senate vote to convict Trump on MITT ROMNEY? You must be 12 years old. Mitt Romney is as much of a Republican as you are, idiot. Meanwhile, all of the facts are coming in that the Obama administration spied on Trump’s campaign. Even now, all of a sudden it’s been discovered that the Mueller team destroyed evidence on their phones, and now we all get to watch as they play stupid and pretend they all forgot their passwords so the phones’ security wiped themselves. But that’s just my crazy opinion too, right???
Muhammad Kingson Jump through THIS hoop, fool:
Who’s most aggressive with election interference
Barr: China
Crickets chirping
CNN cut! cut! cut!
Will be back with sports update
@Jane Edwards Same to you. Have a great day.
@Jane Edwards wrong! Let us know where you got this info from, it sounds like another conspiracy coming from TRump!
@Inge larson well, if you support Biden and hate Trump, you must be a member of CCP or colluding with Beijing…….. Epic McCarthyism…. Lying for personal gains.
@Inge larson these Trump supporters are the exact making of the Nazis. Racism, hatred, systemic defamation against a different race and culture — China.
@JJ L I do not have rose colored glasses on. I know who is the liar and speaks the truth, who cares for the country and who is not. Take the blinders off, even just for a day! May help to get the picture in a better perspective!
“That was only one case…” Uhhhh, Barr said 1700 ballots from one person! Let’s see: Donald Trump won Pennsylvania by 40,000 votes giving him 20 electoral college votes. He won Michigan by about 10,000 votes. So 1700 ballots fraudulently used by one person is indeed a big issue. Oh, did I mention that George W. Bush won in 2000 by a mere six hundred votes in the state of Florida?
Too bad the 1700 votes were legitimate and the justice department run by Barr found zero wrongdoing and filed zero charges. Now stfu moron.
I still remember in 2016 pre-election when Dems were crying Voter Fraud. Now in 2020 they’re screaming that there’s no such thing.
It was Trump who screamed voter fraud, not the democratics
@Tony Hodgin no he said watch the ballot boxes and yes probably 4 million of those votes for Hillary were from illegal aliens.
stairs021 Hahahaha got it
Jane Jonas Putin has hypnotized me to vote trump, send help please, maybe Dr. Schift ?
@Tony Hodgin yet you butthurt NPC have been crying russian collusion since 2016. You going to go with the russian collusion again or are you going to try to be more creative this loss?
No mail-in votes, but they shut down polling stations in many areas. Who’s frauding who? People know exactly what they are trying to do.
@nemonucliosis I’m not going to hold it against them for not voting. However given the current state of affairs and the last few years, they’ve surely developed stronger opinions, more motivation to vote and have every right to. Also given time people mature in many ways as they surely have under the current administration. If they feel strongly enough to vote and do so when presented with the option directly sent to their house then more power to them and better late than never.
Besides, I’d rather keep them safe instead of forcing them to congregate and risk contracting a virus that could kill/injure them, their loved ones or anyone they associate with.
@Nvrmnd Shivvers-Triplett Only that it’s not fake but think what you want.
michael mcclendon . Yeah vote by mail it may take 20 years for your ballot to get counted. If you can grocery shop you can vote in person cheaters
Want to vote by mail? Get an absentee ballot. It’s not that hard.
CNN us twisting the words again. I can’t believe how empty minded the Biden supporters are! Just wow!
Yes, totally twisted so that Barr responds why are you asking me what he said if you are quoting him. Direct quotes = twisting words. LMFAO.
I can’t believe how empty minded Joe Biden is.
@Danny P at least Trump knows what an elephant looks like.
This man knows where Jeffrey Epstein is.
Wolf probably does XD
Himmler’s back! He transmigrated into William Barr, MAD KING DONALD’S Attorney General!
You have to respect Barr for coming on CNN where he is going to get bullied purely because he is Republican, kinda how a racist treats blacks but to Barr because he is Republican.
Don’t let Barr bully you, he’s got a little weeny!!!!
he knows the law! he ‘splaying stupid just to throw it back in Wolf’s face!!
“It seems to me what he said….”? So tired of insecure maneuvering attempting a substitution for a competent leader.
Fart in a skillet.
She’s such a drama queen. She reminds me of comedian Judy Tenuta…”it could happen”…