Author and producer Baratunde Thurston reacts to Trump telling his supporters to go 'watch' the polls and telling the alt-right hate group the Proud Boys to 'stand by.' Aired on 09/30/2020.
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Baratunde Thurston: You Don't Get To Bring A Gun To A Ballot Box | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Very well said.
Everyone needs to know what number to call to report Trump’s goons violating polling places. There are laws that determine who can be a poll watcher and there are laws about how close anyone that is talking about the election can be. Please vote in groups for safety reasons. Bring a chair, water, whatever you are going to need to make it through but vote!
@Jrt norcal Only if you don’t enforce it. Trump calls himself the Law and Order President? He just asked his followers to vote twice…a felony. He asked them to go to polling stations and watch the polls, if you are not a registered poll worker, you are not allowed there. Intimidating voters is a felony. Asking them who they voted for is a felony. We shall see how many of them try, i’d like to see them get charged with a felony, fined, jail time, and loss of voting rights and the right to own a gun. Let them try!
Police all over the country are going to busy on election day, and the weeks following. Sad times for the USA, but I think most of us are tough enough for the challenges ahead.
@Ken Albertsen fantastical thinking…cops are going to side with kkk)Ammosexual) trumpets and there will be lots of ” proud boy” guns showing up at the polls….hoping that dozens of armed man babies will force people to flee polling stations in URBAN areas
I live rural and I’m bringing my pitbull Nova so they better keep to 6 ft. away!
866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) is the number to report voter intimidation but call 911 if violence is threatened.
Needs to be said.
“I think he’s a kook. I think he’s crazy. I think he’s unfit for office.”
– Sen. Lindsey Graham said regarding Trump, Feb 2016
“What concerns me about the American press is this endless, endless attempt to label the guy some kind of kook not fit to be president.”
– Sen. Lindsey Graham said regarding Trump, Nov 2017
What happened from February 2016 to November 2017?
One thing that happened was Spanky McBoneSpurs had a secret unscheduled meeting with his boss, Putin.
What did Putin tell his puppet to make all the Republicans fall in line?
What dirty little secrets does Putin have on all these Republican traitors?
Why won’t you say the words *_Law and Order_* ?
Great comment, there. People need to THINK about this. Trump is trying to establish a Racist Dictatorship. He can’t, “condemn,” the very RACISTS that he’s counting on, to keep him in power, because they’re going to be on the government’s PAYROLL, if trump steals this election. They’re battling to avoid shame and jail in the GOP. What WOULDN’T they do to dodge that bullet? . . .
@Ash Roskell I find it very interesting, that democrats *_religious obsession_* with race has now made them completely indistinguishable from the KKK
He only has every little thing they said, every little thing they did, and every little thing that he gave them.
And, as for Lady Lindsey, most definitely, every little things and “THANGS” too.
(Lady In Red Does Russia)
Dressed as Hilary and sadisticated.
They have zero integrity
Me: “Hey! What are you doing there sitting next to that utility pole?”

t’rump supporter: “t’rump told us all to become pole watchers.”
You are so silly

Trumpets/kkk will show up in huge numbers on Nov 3 with GUNS
“You don’t get to bring a gun to the ballot box” well said Mr Thurston
Morons are not listening or paying attention….Fascism is Political violence as a principal
But you can burn down a Wendy’s and interfere with me getting a chocolate or vanilla frosty on a hot summer day.
When some people have the right to armed or unarmed intimidation.
What rights do you have left?
This is called a Straw Man argument. No right wing groups are planning on staging voter intimidation. We have violent mobs starting fires, murdering people, chanting “Say black lives matter or we’ll burn you down!” Maybe you should deal with reality and stop believing in fairy tales.
@Ragnar Sims the LIAR….right wing trumpet killed federal protection officer in oakland…Kyle the killer…Trump always saying….they going to take your guns
…endless Satanical bloodlust on the far right
Stay calm, carry on and keep your eyes on the prize. This is historic. As appalled and ashamed as we may have felt last night, with the rest of the world watching, what if this is when we can finally, finally take some of those gigantic progressive leaps forward? There is so much hard work before all of us but what will Putin say of all his hard work if the face of tremendous American advancements in the realms of justice and equality? Maybe even young children will be proud someday to say, I remember where I was when…Vote ( as early as possible, complete the census ( and help two people outside your household do the same. We can do this together.
Judge Lucy Koh, who last week had issued a preliminary injunction reinstating the October 31 date. But Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross announced Monday evening that he intends to conclude the 2020 census on October 5, more than three weeks earlier than expected after a federal judge reinstated the October 31 end date.I hope he gets locked up for ignoring the Judge’s order.
Stock up, People, better safe than sorry
Stock up on what,toilet paper?
Absolutely right. He declared war on us. Not all of us just voters. If I remember right. We have a secret ballot
Indeed…thank you sir…no worries here…those cowards don’t scare me…MY FELLOW AMERICANS…WE HAVE ALL THE POWER…ALL OF IT…USE IT!
Trump came to Minnesota today. There was no difference between him and the corona virus! they both go place to place spreading sickness that kills people! and leaving devastation in their wake!
@plethorabyzenta I am for *_truth_* I do not *_care_* about Trump. Take each claim at a time and do the research. That is all I am asking. Do it. Go research who leads the Proud Boys. Go do the resesarch on the fine people on both sides HOAX.
So you ask for my bias, well, again voting for truth not a politician, go do research on what *_Deborah Birx_* said on 7th of April in a press conference named *_science only_* about how they are inflating the corona death numbers. They’re totally open about this.
_”We will make sure, that whenever someone dies _*_with_*_ Covid 19… we will count that as a Covid death”_
– Deborah Birx
*_Make of the facts what you want – but at LEAST get the facts_*
@Hudfarvet er Dansk I know about the Deborah Birx statement. talk to ya later heading to work it has been a pleasure chatting with you please stay safe my friend
@plethorabyzenta As a European Communist, you have a lot of struggles with American communication. KKK was started by Democrats after the Civil War; they hanged Blacks AND Whites. In 2017 America, 2.8 MILLION people died and there WAS no coronavirus. Weird, huh?
@Ash Roskell Hahaha! You Communists need to find some new tactics ♥
@Ellen Peba You know what they call those southern KKK Democrats today? Republicans. Those “Democrats” have been voting for Republicans ever since the 60’s. They are Republicans now.
Dimwit, try looking at excess deaths. Do you have a clue what caused the extra 200K? What could it be? What’s different from other years? Excess death rate start increasing coincident with Covid outbreak. Weird, huh?
Its refreshing to hear the truth and nothing but the truth, keep speaking up and speaking loud. God Bless Lets get America back the world needs us.
“You don’t get to bring a gun to a ballot box.” That’s a great quote.
You are the man. Mad respect. We need more of you as Americans. Not these Proud Wanks. Thanks so much!
M Frazier … ditto from
well thought out and spoken with true fervour 

@Wilma Kimmenade Hurst Amen!
Well said, let me say it too……proud wankers.
Actually did you know they’re re not actually permitted to do that, learnt that today. I wander if that’s a religious thingo??
I reckon it might do them some good though they need it I think; get that anger out poor pets. Can’t get layer, no wanking gees these men are bent up alright.
Baratunde Thurston well said. America are you listening. America Vote!
Yes! Those Nazis that trump can’t, “condemn,” who are now literally printing, “Stand back & STAND BY!” on their T-Shirts, will end up on the government PAYROLL of Donny keeps power! He’s going for a Fascist Dictatorship! It’s the ONLY way they avoid jail! Vote! And enforce your VOTE!
Americans who support trump are not listening clearly.
@Ash Roskell You are a nut! Liberals take themselves to seriously.
Yes Trump
@David Eby No, you are the nut. That’s why you’re so dangerous.
Stay safe USA. This election will going to be ugly, I just hope democracy wins and that there isn’t bloodshed.
Trump will unleash KKK/ Ammosexual armynon nov3 and we will be in chaos after this
There will be bloodshed
nothing gonna happen…unless the chaos seekers are ready to face full-force law including standing army
The national gaurd should protect voting areas. People should be able to go without feeling threatened
@F M Seems Sus. It should be a law, as many over the last few weeks at early voting felt intimidated and even the staff at the polls felt that way. Voters had to escorted past these Neanderthal’s. Take care and Keep safe F M.
@F M voter intimidation is indeed illegal. it is a federal crime, and in many states, it is a state crime as well.
Whoever intimidates, threatens, coerces, or attempts to intimidate, threaten, or coerce, any other person for the purpose of interfering with the right of such other person to vote or to vote as he may choose, or of causing such other person to vote for, or not to vote for, any candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner, at any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing such candidate, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
some examples of voter intimidation include:
Aggressively questioning voters about their citizenship, criminal record or other qualifications to vote.
Aggressively questioning voters about their political choices.
Spreading false information about voter requirements.
Falsely representing oneself as an election official.
Physically blocking polling places.
Displaying false or misleading signs about voter fraud and related criminal penalties.
Using threatening language in or near a polling place.
Yelling at people or calling people names while they are in line to vote.
Disrupting or interrogating voters.
Looking over people’s shoulders while they are voting.
Other forms of harassment, particularly harassment targeting non-English speakers and voters of color.
866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) to report it or call 911 if violence is threatened.
@F M I believe its a felony to have weapons within so many feet.
Sakurakuro Because they get away with everything, they never have to face consequences for their actions. And yes voter intimidation is very much illegal, so is bringing a gun to a polling place.
You feel threatened? BLM and antifa gonna be there?
Mr Thurston you spoke so honestly and eloquently about the state of our country, thank you. I pray everyday we survive. Xo
Trump should be scared of us, we will show him what power is watch us!
@David Eby Well David Eby – you should be ….you must be living under a rock if you think that this is normal – l suggest you clean your ears out and open your eyes it is time for the adults to take charge again……….Enjoy your day……..
@christina angelo Sorry, nobody is scared of libbys.
@David Eby Karma is coming………….
@christina angelo We’re waiting…….
@David Eby Thats good to hear
“I will accept it, and he will, too. You know why?” Biden said. “Because once the winner is declared once all the ballots are counted, that’ll be the end of it.”
@JamieLan2011 Thats exactly
right, he has played Monopoly with the court system, however I believe he has angered so many people that the turnout, to VOTE HIM OUT IS GOING TO BE HUGE…. WE WILL NOT NEED THE MAIL IN BALLOTS..
@Marilyn I agree, but I do think we need the mail in ballots so people with per-existing conditions can vote safely. Mail in ballots are sent to registered voters, they are not just sending 10 to every mailbox like trump claims.
@Buddy McCormack Can I tell you I work in a nursing home, my residents have received their ballots today, no duplicates, no ballots for expired residents. All lies so he can throw all our votes away, and have the courts decide.
@Marilyn it’s sad, but it’s true
That wasn’t the end of it the last time.