Unidentified Flying Objects have long been a phenomenon that has captivated Americans, but the age-old question still remains — does extraterrestrial life actually exist? In this latest episode of The Point, CNN’s Chris Cillizza explains what the government already knows about UFOs and what we can expect to uncover in the upcoming report from the Director of National Intelligence and the Secretary of Defense on what they call “unidentified aerial phenomena.”
Barack Obama talks about UFOs again on late night television
US intelligence agencies have 180 days to share what they know about UFOs, thanks to the Covid-19 relief and spending bill
Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program
Harry Reid, convinced UFO sightings are real, defends funding of secret research
Pentagon officially releases UFO videos
Harry Reid: What We Believe About U.F.O.s
Thanks to Trump-era covid relief bill, a UFO report may soon be public — and it’ll be big, ex-official says
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I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.
Writer: Chris Cillizza
Producer: Moira Donohue
The Point Editor: Leigh Munsil
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#CNN #Cillizza #UFO
What do you think we will find out about UFOs? – Chris
This type of technology has been observed in the skies by both civilian and military pilots from different countries, for decades. If any country (or company) was working on this technology leap 50 years ago, we would’ve already seen it deployed in some capacity (or maybe we are now). If these are not US assets, then maybe we’ll find out that we’ve been sharing this planet with other life forms, for a long time.
@internet Seriously ? Please explain how these ” birds ” are actively jamming the US Navy FA18 radar systems – and travelling 24,000 kph on the Spy One radar system as well – I will wait
@Justin Grassmyer Ok but it’s one thing to say Egyptians had human ingenuity. But they also had hieroglyphics. So if they only had that…there’s no way they could build my bathroom or kitchen. I used math, english, geometry, I had to make a plan and a blueprint, several pages. How can you expect me to think Egpytians did this giant pyramid and inside ?. Not even to mention the insane boxes ?. This is bigger than plumbing and electricity.
We’ll find out that Trump won the 2020 election. You know this ufo stuff is just a distraction. How convenient Maricopa gets an audit and the other states followed and now yall are talking about ufos? Lol give me a break.
@Spooky Ninja did you watch the video link I shared?
I really wished to see aliens in my lifetime. When I was a kid my “big dream” was to meet an alien so I can learn more about our universe and how we can learn to be better to ourselves.
You probably won’t see aliens, only copies of alien craft
yeah your gonna go to war with em
Thier most likely walking around with us and Idk if they want to show them selfs we are kinda stupid some idiot might try to shoot em
Unfortunately discovery by more technologically advanced nations never worked out well for primitive people here on earth and aliens would be more likely to kill you than teach you anything.
Their inability to understand the phenomena is the reason for the secrecy.
Questions of national and global security that can’t be answered are questions politicians don’t want asked.
@bLoWc16 You must have a low imagination. And limited education. Consider this. a stream of energy is a stream of atoms moving at close to the speed of light. Energy is basically a stream of atoms moving very fast. If you move a chunk of matter at the same speed as energy, the atomic particles have all the characteristics of energy. Thus matter becomes a stream of energy. This is Einstein’s theory. It is proven through observing thermodynamics, when you heat something up, atoms get all excited and move faster. Speed=Energy. Simple as that. Too tough for you to understand?
@MeanGeneSanDiego thats not what energy is
. You’re showing sings of the Dunning Krugger. You obviously never studied any kind of physics.
You don’t know what can happen to an object moving in the same speed as light or close to it since we don’t know how to achieve such feat. You’re the one who is lacking imagination and cannot grasp the possibilities of objects moving in the speed of light.
We just expose the Pentagon .(Fake UFO’s)
I keep saying this- I, my family, and a whole crowd of people watched a hovering metallic disk air craft back in the 1970’s UP CLOSE. It was silent, and just hovered still there somewhat low to the ground. It eventually shot up into the sky within seconds. These things are real and have been- the government has just been hiding it forever. People are so stupid that they don’t understand this-
For years, regular people have been saying they sighted UFOs, yet just till now they were thought of as CRAZIES! I am going to the UFO Convention from next year, and I am taking it seriously!!
Well many ARE crazies or plain dumb.
You realize UFO is an acronym for Unidentified Flying Object…
@Levi Nunya and id recommend you just go to a library, college, or try finding a legitimate scientist or expert in the field your interested in. For example don’t go to “Dr” Kent Hovind (Theocracy doctorate) for anything… Well anything actually. Or don’t listen to tom the plumber before you listen to Michelle Thaller or Neil Degrasse Tyson
Please- My family, I, and whole crowd of people witnessed this thing UP CLOSE. A metallic hovering disk air craft. It was silent and eventually shot up in the sky within seconds. This was in New York in the 1970s. The government has been hiding it forever-
turns out the were probably ours
They’re bracing us for some BS. Let me grab my popcorn.
@Danielle Morrison Shoot..I won’t live that long. Yeah they really did a number on us all. The Bible does not give us direct protection from aristocrats, but it warned us about them didn’t it ?. Sometimes you just have to expose these people or deal with them however you can. Cause they want people unhealthy and stupid, and that’s never good.
@Imperator Furiosa yep, it started getting werid when peeps was humping animals and stuff, and eating certan animals, that’s the only way I can think of why we evolved
@Danielle Morrison Every day we live I see as lucky cause any time anything can happen to us, we can fall or just randomly die. So luck is what keeps us alive I guess, for the religious people out there this is God.
@Imperator Furiosa
cause bacteria kills
@Imperator Furiosa hush… They well lose thier mind if they find this out
A good portion of the American public couldn’t handle wearing masks during a pandemic or the outcome of an election, I don’t think they would handle the government telling them about UFOs any better.
@Love is the most powerful force in the Universe Everyone has a chance of being wrong. I believe the folks who are scientists and experts in their fields. I take no note of internet theories. I always research the scientific literature. So if that makes me “arrogant”, well, then, I’m arrogant. I make sure of facts before I mention them and if you can prove me wrong with reliable scientific sources, then I will correct and apologize.
@J JBud That’s not what makes you or others arrogant. Wanting the government silencing someone for sharing an opinion is arrogant, you think you know it all. I can’t prove you wrong if I’m silenced.
If someone wants to argue the sky is not blue, they should be able to say it.
@Love is the most powerful force in the Universe Sure, “the sky is not blue” is as good an argument as any other completely unproven, unscientific “theory.” Opinion is useless without a lot of proof and study. Show me the proof from a reputable source and my opinion may change. By the way, nobody said anything about silencing anyone. I’m arguing my opinion. Are you trying to silence me? I’m not trying to silence you and obviously the government isn’t either. All I would like anyone to do is not rely on rumor and try to remember that mask wearing is what you do to protect others and yourself. It is not political. Your opinion does not change the validity of the truth. Check your sources. Do some searches of reputable people and institutions who do studies and compare outcomes, compare it with the studies of other institutions AND THEN HAVE AN OPINION. Dr. Blow’s internet videos are not a valid source. One study from India or Great Britain or the US is not a source. The truth is only known when many, many studies are done by many different institutions and people. That is when you can believe the results.
@J JBud I’m a student researcher, so no expert or anything. But I definitely have more hands on experience with viruses than the average person on the internet, I’d like to think. And yeah, people’s inability to be objective or inability to even be (actually) knowledgeable on the topic they talk about is staggering.
Let’s stop catering to idiots
I feel like we’re a reality TV show for galactic cable, or Space Geographic.
Human beings are very disturbing and violent creatures. If I was an alien and discovered us- I’d be scared and wouldn’t want to interact.
@Jed Tenessee
@kathy weis yes.. it is

@2001 Monolithic
That sounds like an average episode of Big Brother.
He also said: “When it comes to aliens, there are some things I just can’t tell you on air.” Why is it so hard for this “news” network to do their job?
all the replies here are lacking.CNN AND Fox are doing the best job they can…it is the officials in the know doing their jobs well.NDAs are taken quite serious.Fed time with an hour out of your cell kinda works for serious things like that.
CNN – See in EN (TeN)
FoX – ReD one
Oh they know.
Idk- High ranking military members have been stating this on the record for decades and decades. People have just been choosing to ignore what they have been saying. And this is around the GLOBE- not just the US. These are highly reputable people.
@Jason Wright Israel’s former space security chief came out recently and stated that the United States and Israel have been in secret cooperation with some of these beings. He waited until he was in top position before saying anything. Even still people believe it to be a lie.
They’ll never disclose anything Really interesting.
@Plaise Withfyre so you think ufos are cloud?
@Tessmage Tessera I actually believe the exact opposite. We commoners will not be properly informed of alien existence until the aliens deem mankind worthy.
If you had been paying attention you would know that the government already disclosed something really interesting….the Pentagon confirmed that the jet fighter videos of UFOs are real and they don’t know what it is. The government had never admitted the existence of UFOs before and that is VERY interesting.
@CaneFu That’s just step #1. They want to see how the public reacts, and for the most part, it doesn’t seem like too many people care all that much. I think that’s a good sign for further disclosures in the future.
Yea… I really don’t know about the American system when it comes to national security, but if it’s like most other countries anything that could possibly jeperdize that security isn’t just going to be ‘released’ on a whim.
I seen it 60 years ago and once you see it you will never forget and will always believe!!
so true
@Mark Keller what did you see?
@AsILearnITeach a large football shaped object about the size of a city bus in a field across the street from my parent’s old house. It hovered over the (calf to knee high) tall grass motionless and silent.
It was close enough that I could have thrown a rock at it if I were outside, but I was looking at it through a window from inside my bedroom.
My family, myself, and a whole crowd of people saw one of these disk air crafts up close in the 1970s. New York. Crica 1972
Wait how old are you?
UFO’s exists then Extraterrestrials exist. Somebody has to be Flying Those Things, or at least Controlling them Remotely. LOL
I’m still waiting for June when Colin Powell comes out and tells us the aliens have yellow cake.
Don’t drop that sh@%.

If they’re flying across space to our little planet, you can bet the farm they’ve got yellow cake.
UFO – Unidentified Flying Object
Alien Spaceship – Identified Flying Object
The end.
nah. It could be both. But it is more likely human technology, probably US technology.
@corbeau it can’t be “unidentified” if you’ve “identified” it.
We just expose the Pentagon .(Fake UFO’s)
Yep however- We can also say that human beings don’t have that technology right now which only leads to one other option-
*Reasonable people have known UFO’s are real for a very long time. We didn’t need the government to tell us.*
That “tic tac” aircraft probably didn’t even have any passengers in it. Probably some sophisticated data-collecting machine
There was something under the water.
@Brenda Billiot-Kearns Yeah, we’re not talking about acceleration or deceleration in the sense that we know it. This is something different which we don’t understand. I was a UFO skeptic until I saw one.
@A.J. Not necessarily. That could incur a weight or energy penalty that would make it ill-suited for installation on a probe.
@SidV101 But it doesnt break the sound barrier according to the Navy pilots, so why would something without air friction or lift, that operates by gravity drive, hurt the passenger? I also travels just as fast through h2O.
That’s what I thought too. An advanced AI controlled drone craft.
I personally would love to see an extraterrestrial. However I’m not sure society would be able to handle it. We have people here freaking out about simple measures to help slow the spread of a virus.
@News Secrets
UFO = U FO(ol)s lol
People want to see E.T., but they want to tell a barefoot crying ten year old that America is full and she needs to walk back to Honduras…. if aliens did exist and visited us, they’d be very disappointed
@TloV EnnE You thinking efficient pace travel is impossible…… Hahaha, good one.
@Jason Wright
No I think y’all are funny to watch talk.
Imagine the panic toilet paper buying
the military seeing UFOs seems like a yearly media topic that always goes nowhere
Yeah but now they officially recognized UAPs
Because they refuse to release the classified information they have been keeping since the 50s. We already know what is in there because government members told us- there are videos of these air craft 50 feet away from their planes. It’s real- get used to it already – You aren’t very smart- you also aren’t a mechanical engineer, a high ranking pilot, nor an astrophysicist- all of which work for the government and stated they have more than enough data to indicate these air craft are real- get over it-
It’s a Spring thing, just as classic rock radio stations play certain musicians the same time every year.
@Jason Wright I Kno
@Jason Wright people would be scared if they knew aliens are around us
The UFOs contain students from the future on an history assignment, studying the primitive 21st century weapons.
The class is “The World, What Not To Do”
We just expose the Pentagon .(Fake UFO’s)
Actually our students couldn’t make it this far bc Biden didn’t forgive their student loans.
@All things fishing!! This is true- I will be paying for my student loans until the day I am in the ground. lol
It’s a possibility- physics indicates time travel is possible.
Why does everyone focus on that part of the answer, he literaly said: “when it comes to aliens, there are things i cannot tell you on air”. He wasnt laughing about it
Go back to Obama’s 2013 interview wirh Jimmy Kimmel. Obama basically says he “can’t ” tell us about E.T. and aliens, then later on in the interview when asked about if he’s allowed to drive, he says he “can’t ” drive. Then he clarifies that he CAN drive, just that he is not allowed to. Therefore, Obama gave us the actualy definition of Can’t. There is stuff that he can tell us HOWEVER he is not allowed to. Kimmel even said that there are people who were going to be analyzing his body language, and there *should* be a YouTube video out there about two persons analyzing the body language of the Kimmel-Obama 2013 interview. Basically, they said they noticed Obama getting nervous when ask about aliens.
They are skipping over that- and he wasn’t joking at all. He joked about the second part. These things are real- the government has just been lying about it since at least the 1950s. I know more people that have seen these things up close. My family, myself and a whole crowd of people watched a metallic disk air craft up close int he 1970’s. It was silent and hovered there for a while before shooting up within seconds and dissapearing. Its real- get used to it- we aren’t that smart as human beings and know barely anything about physics.
According to the military spokesman, the military has been seeing these things every day for the past 2years. There are increasing numbers of sightings.
I think the Govt. is preparing us in case one shows up over NYC or LA
that people would freak out less if they knew the government has it covered. I doubt they know much more than we do about their origins.
Good point
Ya’ll are nuts. There are totally UAPs, and extraterrestrial life almost certainly exists, because the universe is vast, and we just aren’t that special. But aliens are not visiting the Earth. That is so bonkers that I don’t even know where to begin…
Damn I miss his politically correct way of being funny, careful yet civilized, even talking about UFO’s!
Comedy is harder than drama :o)