David Schoen, attorney for Steve Bannon, joins CNN This Morning after he pleaded with a Manhattan judge to relieve him from representing Bannon, who is facing charges related to his fundraising effort to build a wall along the southern US border.
#CNN #news
Thank you for not allowing him to spew his lies. He defends the indefensible.

Bannon is still pissed over Pence.
@Gospel of Jesus Christ Nobody cares about your Christian spam. Stop spamming the same comment on every video.
He goes to prison and he turns all convicts into his own Con Man army
@Jimmy James ppp
Give Bannon a court appointed attorney
@10thacount YouTubesux We don’t prosecute innocent people in the United States.
Civil cases do not get a public defense
Rudy is available and more than ready
I have a name.
@Robert McLaughlin Yeah, but I chose to ignore it. What people do not realize is that the public defenders have more courtroom criminal defense experience that all attorneys other than criminal law specialists who deal with white collar crime. There’s no real money in criminal defense for most private attorneys because it is always the family of the perp who has to come up with the cash, not only to bail him or her out. but to pay the attorney UP FRONT. Not many average people can do that. The real problen with the PD’s is that they are over worked, underpaid, and not given near the professional rescources that the state has for investigating a case.
It is pretty bad when the clients lawyer does not want anything to do with the client.
But he does. They still talk and are friends. They just disagree on THIS case. This guy defended Trump. He’s still a Trumper.
But who would defend Bannon in the first place?
I’d question any attorney who would.
It’s only a delay tactic. That’s MAGA’s only strategy. Delay till MAGA Republicans take political power to hopefully pardon or provide cover.
Only in this case. I think he’s working with Bannon on other cases from what I read earlier. If it’s so contentious I can’t see how Schoen would want to work with him on anything.
@Susan Kay Does he even ever shower. He is nasty looking.
Best defense is to just tell the truth, instead of covering up, distraction, etc?
Unless you’re guilty of what you’re being prosecuted for. He is.
@Susan Kay lol; Donny Grifter and his looney cult certainly are good at pissing off judges!
@Klass Music Group lol; then Donny Grifter has no defense!
@Sean Brown he pled the fifth dozens of times
@Klass Music Group that’s so anachronistic yet these clowns continue to worship that statute just as they do guns and militias
OBVIOUSLY, he’s an expert in using this very tactic as a stall maneuver. Trust me, he’s still BIGLY on the Bannon team.
@Ginger Brown You may very well be correct. I hadn’t thought of this. I was enjoying the schadenfreude too much, and Schoen was speaking way too fast.
Nice redirect, by the way. I need to employ that.
So true
And why would we trust you on this? What makes you the expert on this matter?
@carolyn bridgeman Sounds like you don’t trust the OP’s opinion, and that’s OK. Bannon’s still guilty as sin.
Stalling is the m.o. of Trump and adjacent people. When the lies don’t stick, deflect and delay.
@Daniel Bond I’m a huge fan of “the schadenfreude!”
So….the guys got an extra 90 days or 3 months on his case and he just NOW decided he wasn’t compatible with bannon?
“It’s the smell, Mr. Anderson, I feel saturated with the smell!”
Many times, the judge will say work it out.
“So….the guys got an extra 90 days or 3 months on his case and he just NOW decided he wasn’t compatible with bannon” – It’s very possible that Bannon is now demanding a specific defense or strategy that he did not previously demand. This is especially true if they really did get additional information from the prosecution. It’s also possible that this attorney had been trying to convince Bannon to change his defense strategy and finally realized that Bannon won’t accept his proposed changes.
@No More he knows Bannon, its not like he just met him and is learning how to work with him. And he had 3 EXTRA MONTHS to figure out that either Bannon wasn’t going to accept what he wanted to do or that he couldn’t work with him and now after all that extra time he’s like “oh, I just don’t think it’s going to work out”. And even if Bannon just in the last couple of weeks decided he suddenly wanted to do something totally different it still looks like stalling. This guy acting all butt hurt because he’s being accused of stalling is stupid. He can’t be so dumb as to not know how this looks.
@Mattie Hevelone “And even if Bannon just in the last couple of weeks decided he suddenly wanted to do something totally different it still looks like stalling” – That’s only because in your head, you want it to look that way. If you looked at it objectively, without emotion, then you wouldn’t jump to that conclusion.
“This guy acting all butt hurt because he’s being accused of stalling is stupid. He can’t be so dumb as to not know how this looks.” – You’re viewing his response that way exclusively because you don’t like him and you don’t know how to express your dissatisfaction with the situation in a meaningful way, so (like so many others) you invent this narrative to have something about which you can complain. It’s not unlike Republicans, actually. Once again, if you watch the video objectively, without emotion, you wouldn’t interpret it that way.
Everything is fine! Not about money! I just thought he should only wear three shirts when he went to court, and Mr. Bannon insisted on four
This lawyer dances around even when asked direct questions. He doesnot represent but he keeps talking about other case but this one, amazing, who he thinks he is fooling
Making Attorneys Get Attorneys.
That’s exactly what the attorneys are saying lol
EVERYONE gets a new car!!
Bwahahaha a daily occurrence in Donny Grifterville!
They can’t talk but they’re still friends? It’s a stall tactic. They’re laughing it up about the judge falling for this.
Unfortunately is part of the process just like Trump and others appealing anything and everything all the way to the supreme court, even when is clear they have no argument.
“They can’t talk but they’re still friends” – You clearly are letting your bias influence your thoughts and didn’t pay enough attention to the video. He said they don’t talk ABOUT THIS CASE because they have irreconcilable differences about how to proceed in this specific case. Bannon wants to proceed one way and this attorney doesn’t think that’s the right choice. That doesn’t mean it’s a delay tactic. Attorneys generally don’t risk pissing off a judge and withdrawing from a case (meaning they won’t get paid) just to help a defendant delay the inevitable. I strongly question this attorney’s claim that the prosecution handed them a 20 TB hard drive in November, but I don’t think withdrawing from this case was a delay tactic.
The laws need to be fixed to stop these delay tactics and all of these endless appeals with corrupt judges
@starless mystery “I guess he realized his comment was stupid and deleted it” – No, it’s YouTube. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’ve noticed for several months that nearly every video has missing comments. If you look at the “# replies” button below a comment and then count the number of comments viewable, the numbers will frequently be different. The comments aren’t even always deleted. Sometimes, they will be visible and sometimes not, and sometimes they will be visible to other users when they aren’t visible to you. It makes no sense, but as mentioned, it’s an issue I’ve noticed for at least the past 4-6 months.
@No More you are right. I’ve noticed this too!
I Agree 100%!
Corrupted judges became corrupted by the bricks of hundred dollars bricks !
All FBI agents who showed up at the Congress Center to answer the Questions who lied and other : I can not talk about a subject that is under investigation , but there was no investigation about the subject’s Questions !
“Irreconcilable differences” is just code for “my client is guilty as sin.”
I knew it, they were married!
When a client is a lying POS and the lawyer is a lying POS.
It is a delay tactic.
Everything always is with them.
There is really only one reason that an attorney would want to be separated from their client and that is that continuing to do so would drag them into committing a crime themselves
Lol; so common in the scummy world of Donny Grifterville
Nah, it’s a good way to delay imposing sentencing. This was supposed to be an appeal conference. Should have perp walked Bannon off to jail, and sanctioned his attorney.
Schoen – every negative stereotype I have ever heard about “Lawyers” seems to apply to this man. This is the perfect example of why the laws are only applicable to those who are not millionaires.
That smug little weasel lawyer should go to jail too. This is all a ploy for a later appeal. THATS the “strategy”.
He makes an interesting point about the prosecution evidence: “They have so much evidence to convict my client, it’s unfair. How can you get a fair trial when there’s a mountain of evidence against you?”
Lol; only a totally corrupt scumbag ambulance chaser would make such a ludicrous statement: when you know that your client has no chance in hell of winning, you go for a plea deal…
He’s already been convicted and sentenced. They had no appeal ready to present to the judge!
Maybe he should’ve refused the case then from the beginning.
@Don Young bwahahaha Trump promised to pay him… these nitwit crooks never learn!
Attorney: judge, the guy is guilty and I’m not trying to lose everything… including my reputation. Can I be removed?
Judge: we already knew. Ok!
This guy should be told to carry on being Bannon’s attorney, because they deserve each other.
How can he have “irreconcilable” differences with a client and still represent the same client in different cases… this doesn’t seem believable.