The House impeachment against Donald Trump for inciting insurrection will be presented to the Senate tonight in a rare and solemn process. MSNBC's Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber reports on the new evidence against Trump, showing how he whipped his fans into a frenzy, as they screamed about storming and taking the Capitol, in the moments before they did exactly that in an attack that left five dead. Melber emphasizes the importance of this trial for maintaining accountability and deterring future insurrections. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. Aired on 01/25/2021.
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About The Beat with Ari Melber: Former lawyer Ari Melber leads this show that provides in-depth analysis of the day's biggest news stories. "The Beat" features guest interviews in addition to reporting on stories from across the country. The stories that are covered span across the political spectrum. In addition to his law background, Melber is a former Senate staffer, giving him a unique perspective to share on the political happenings coming out of Washington, D.C.
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#TrumpImpeachment #Senate #MSNBC
Banned For Life?: Trump Impeachment Hits Senate | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
Today If nobody’s held accountable then they absolutely will learn something, namely that they can get away with absolutely anything and anytime.
@Baby tRump Fox News is just as guilty They instigated, misleading and provoked all that from happening. Fox News has to be held liable.
Dittzx : Fox Faux News is a dangerous propaganda machine very similar to RT (Russian Televisions). RT is banned in most European countries probably because the Europeans have more direct experience dealing with Russian disinformation and propaganda over the decades. Yet RT is allowed here in America and Canada. Fox Faux News has just dropped in its ratings and now trails CNN though ahead of MSNBC. A good amount of Fox
Fox Faux News hounds have abandoned
and have turned towards even more extreme sources eg white supremacists news sights on the dark web except for the old geezers who have it on all the time in the background at the nursing home & mental institutions. These media’s must be taken off the airways & internet but then some will
cry “Freedom of Speech.”
Exactly!!!!! His supporters that did his dirty deeds for him are sitting in jail and fbi are on the hunt for more while he’s scot free enjoying everything.
@Tyg Rahof There is not enough room on you tube to go into the Bush family and there aiding in the destruction of our Republic. Democrats and Republicans same bird different feathers. We now have the worst possible administration in the White House. Ignorance and complacency will destroy this Republic. Washington is counting on this as they rush to destroy our freedoms..
@Nathaniel Hale Destroy our freedoms? Have you Ever lived in a big city? The minority communities are so under siege the war in Iraq is looking good. Our country has always been run by the rich and that we can both agree has to change. The new administration, ANOTHER rich man, is at least trying to include more new blood. As in the senate the average age is about 385 yrs…
Now let’s see how, the banks he used, the PGA, Florida residents, New York City, lawyers, his niece, Twitter, just about every Democratic in the world see he is guilty. Let’s see how these bozos in the Senate can’t come to the same conclusions we have? Amazing
Let’s see.
Lordy, Lordy we have tapes,lots of tapes,tremendous tapes the best tapes,believe me.
@CynAnne1 On both sides of course
Gtis that
oh good
We have biggly amounts of tapes. The poorly educated and I are the most taped people.
Snigger, you mean, mean person. Remember, vengeance is best served cold. I’m hoping this goes the way of natural justice. Solidarity from Australia.
Don Judas used AMERICA like a colostomy bag.
For his Turd Reich failure
Ttis that
oh good
He is the “colonicopy “

Trump on video breaking the law.
Trump on video committing a crime.
BAM! FASCIST TRUMP Deny & Delay murder tactics overlay his secret “herd mentality”/herd-immunity campaign/runaway pandemic
of ++400k covid-kills. might as well be for for putin+, or, is it?.
Which one are you referring to?
Ffis that
oh good
Excellent quote at the end, but it’s hard to imagine he’s actually ever going to be held accountable. Here’s hoping there’s still justice and decency in the world.
@SweetandSour The laptop wasn’t turned over to law enforcement, so it can’t be used as evidence in any criminal prosecution anyway.
Suuuuuure, Hale…
*’accrued’ FOUR disbarred lawyers (and counting), SEVEN former employees INDICTED for felonies (SIX already CONVICTED), DOZENS of…’unplanned resignations’ AND, at last count, FIVE administration members with “Contempt Citations” on their resumes FOREVER (Barr was cited TWICE
’s *numerous* ‘financial fiascos’… 

*Just like* Jim Comey’s arrest.
*Just like* Andrew McCabe’s arrest.
*Just like* John Podesta’s arrest.
*Just like* Greg Craig’s conviction.
*Meanwhile* (and allowing for ‘as-of-yet-announced indictments’)…
And we won’t *EVEN mention* #45
But *we will* remind *everyone of THIS fact:*
@CynAnne1 “Biff!” “Pow!” “Bam!” Like Batman and Robin, you don’t hold back! LOL
But but but but I thought the United States Corporation Installed President Joe biden said he wasn’t going to ban fracking????? The leftist looooovve giving production to other foreign countries. Wait….. I forgot, its not biden doing it. Its the Beaurocrat marxist/ communist pulling his strings.
Beijing Joe : “What am I signing”
Marxist/communist: “just sign it”
“Make Americans Last Again” -Extreme leftist
@Tech ti no you were wrong- sorry but thanks for playing
He needs to go permanently.
Never again. Period. And everyone else involved too. Cruz, Boubert, Hawley, all of them.
Savor your ecstasy while you can. The hole these establishment criminals are digging doesn’t have an exit. You are very likely not going to like the way this story ends.
@Mimzy Jinx well if convicted he wont get perks. That our taxes are paying for. Secret service ect.
@Mimzy Jinx The investigation is coming.
@kudos premier Clinton was Impeached over a BJ…. there’s no comparison. The Rethugs, then.. just like now, have taken a f’en sledge hammer to the Constitution.
But but but but I thought the United States Corporation Installed President Joe biden said he wasn’t going to ban fracking????? The leftist looooovve giving production to other foreign countries. Wait….. I forgot, its not biden doing it. Its the Beaurocrat marxist/ communist pulling his strings.
Beijing Joe : “What am I signing”
Marxist/communist: “just sign it”
“Make Americans Last Again” -Extreme leftist
The world is watching you. We saw with our own eyes and heard with our own ears. Now Republicans do the right thing and put and end to this cancer and let the country heal.
I see anything in video in Republican voters against trump
The video what I saw anything Republican said: we cannot stand by and let our Constitution be attacked and let our democracy be attacked
This cannot be allow.
I see good Republican voter are angry with trump
We saw it in England
Gfis that
oh good
But but but but I thought the United States Corporation Installed President Joe biden said he wasn’t going to ban fracking????? The leftist looooovve giving production to other foreign countries. Wait….. I forgot, its not biden doing it. Its the Beaurocrat marxist/ communist pulling his strings.
Beijing Joe : “What am I signing”
Marxist/communist: “just sign it”
“Make Americans Last Again” -Extreme leftist
America has to stand “Strong”… He has to be punished other countries are watching !!!
Yep, and friendly countries every bit as much as unfriendly ones. If the American system of government fails in the matter of accountability for representatives, the country isn’t standing on rock, or even on sand, but on jello.
Ftis that
oh good
@Janet Chaplin His whole administration needs to be punished… They need to follow every penny that has need embezzled….. He pardoned Steve knowingly he was a thief !!!
We are watching..We need to know we can trust America and her institutions..
Yes we are, and you have a very real and dangerous fascism problem, if they take over its game over.
The GOP should impeach the orange cult to defend the constitution, failing so the GOP will be the vote out of office by the peoples.
Anyone not wanting Trump convicted and held accountable for his actions of betrayal wanted VP Mike Pence assassinated by Trump’s insurrection mob. Period.
Just wait until Trump, His Attorneys & Business Partners all Turn on Each Other!
I think its already starting lol
Ytis that
oh good
I look forward to that day!
Banning alone is not enough. He has to pay a heavy price for the irreparable damage that this fascist did to the USA and to the world.
He made your country a joke
Dfis that
oh good
He’s going broke… Pay attention
I agree. Anyone not wanting Trump convicted and held accountable for his actions of betrayal wanted VP Mike Pence assassinated by Trump’s insurrection mob. Period.
Politicians enjoy a whole other brand of justice and I’ll be damned if I can understand why. Cruz and Hawley should’ve been thrown out on their ears. This is no criminal trial but prison is far too good for trump.
DON’T let the REPUBLICANS talk you out of it. Trump is GUILTY and must be held accountable.
Defloration of DJT at “San Quin” by Bubba would suffice for partial justice.
He lost alot, his business partners and endorsements. He deserves it
Ffis that
oh good
@Bigbradwolf you mad that your cult leader Trump lost power?
@Gavin Slatter Go back to your Communist News Network CNN and Lady Gaga.
@Bigbradwolf CNN isn’t communist man and I’m not much of a fan at all to lady Gaga.
@Gavin Slatter – Has anyone told Bigbragwoof that this *isn’t* CNN…?
The station call-letters *are right there in the thumbnail,* even.
Trump was the Charles Manson of Presidents and he absolutely needs to be held accountable.
i like that. relatable to my bleeding brain under 30K+ djt lies 70 mill. dupes. *#PROSECUTEdjt to protect america’s future*, our kids to our air, from fascists, and their “we will DOMINATE DOMINATE DOMINATE them” sadist’s dream.
@Joyce Woodruff
its not that lady!
Tfis that
oh good
But but but but I thought the United States Corporation Installed President Joe biden said he wasn’t going to ban fracking????? The leftist looooovve giving production to other foreign countries. Wait….. I forgot, its not biden doing it. Its the Beaurocrat marxist/ communist pulling his strings.
Beijing Joe : “What am I signing”
Marxist/communist: “just sign it”
“Make Americans Last Again” -Extreme leftist
@Tech ti dude! Stay on topic.
Trump, his family, his family families, and everyone who participated in that circus
“If Trump’s coup goes unpunished, it will become a training exercise!” Simple and well said! And so true!
The *FINAL bipartisan “Senate Report”* said it best, Doc…#45
’s campaign manager *was in DIRECT CONTACT WITH Russian operatives throughout 2016.*
“It is what it is.”
Well, dump made sure that fraudulent election was kept under wraps. In 2016 the issue was brought to the attention of the public. It gained momentum and dump promised a thorough investigation. In 2018, upon new evidence coming to light, dump took the word of Putin over his own intelligence agencies.
Forgot that lil tidbit?
Here’s a complimentary link to refresh your memory:
…and not just in America, but, around the world.
If Trump isn’t convicted this time, then we’ve got a BIG HUGE PROBLEM
@Neko Chan since trump is talking about starting his own party, they might, even if it’s a bit unlikely.
Trump is so used to breaking the law he thinks he is untouchable and frankly I dont give it dan.
@Neko Chan Wait and see…
I think you got the huge problem if he is xD
But yeah, people have a plate infront of them and cant see ahead.
Like Trump not being convicted last time, really.