Bahamas Braces For Death Toll To “Climb Dramatically” | The Last Word | MSNBC

Officials in the Bahamas say they are preparing for the death toll from Hurricane Dorian to go higher. Lawrence gets the latest on the recovery situation in one of the hardest hit areas from the Minister of State for Grand Bahama, Kwasi Thompson.
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Bahamas Braces For Death Toll To “Climb Dramatically” | The Last Word | MSNBC

Bahamas Braces For Death Toll To “Climb Dramatically” | The Last Word | MSNBC


  1. Bless these people, They need much better infrastructure, as do all costal communities, disasters like this will become much more common, Imagine this in all low laying cities.

    1. I doubt there is much that can be done to reduce the threat of this type of disaster. An island chain in the middle of the world’s prime hurricane zone is a sitting duck, unfortunately.

    2. It’s economically impossible to do that on a large scale, even for a very wealthy country. Unfortunately, it’s just the way it is.

    3. @Arashi Mokuzai Yes, I question where the billions in tourism dollars go. You have an island surrounded by water in Hurricane alley, yet the power grid, power stations, substations are exposed to flooding, high winds.

      They do have modern building codes, but from what I see, it appears to be only on large buildings that house tourism-related, VIP services. A large number of the resident’s houses blew away.

  2. I’m in Panama City, getting back to normal after Michael. There is no comparison to what happened here and what happened in the Bahamas. It looks like an atom bomb hit them. It is just unbelievable.

  3. The total population of Abaco and Grand bahama is only 90,000 people, BUT I am very Worried about MSNBCannibals going down there to take advantage of the displaced desperate people like the Clinton Foundation did in the 2011 Haiti Earthquake

  4. This hurricane disaster is all tRumps fault just like his incompetent handling of the hurricane that hit Puerto Rico. He is “the Chosen One” & supposed to protect us all from such calamities.

    1. Bahamas is not an American terretory. It is under the Crown’s Common Wealth of nations. It is used as a tax haven for international thiefs and other criminals. Symphaty to the people, not the ruling class.

  5. The final death count will likely be at least in the hundreds. It’s very sad. Good luck, Bahamians. I wish you a speedy recovery.

  6. All the money residing in Bahamas and not taxed. If they were Bahamas would be rebuildt by a rich state. Funny that it is not. No. The money is kept there by thiefs that will not share a dime of their money. So the public (the same people screwed by the rich bankers, corperations and speculants) have to burden the cost of rebuilding Bahamas (what they want you to do). Another screeming example of corperate socialism. Remember 2008. Not again. Humanitarian aid yes, rebuild NO. The rich are on their own footing the bill.

  7. And not a word of compassion from the president Frump. ..just a disgrace …I guess boarder walls and fake weather maps are a priority over human life …smh ….

  8. Start by setting up large portable shelters, generators, with cotts, sleeping bags, porta-potties, water tanks, propane tanks with the capacity to feed thousands. Treat this as if its a military exercise. Next step is to clean up and recycle, separating the wood, metal, wire etc

    It’s important to lift the spirit of the people and you do that by bringing the people together under multiple large portable structures. Once people have some sense of security,organization you can start the process of rebuilding the infrastructure. Sadly PR is still suffering 2 years on. Let’s hope corruption doesn’t affect the rebuilding of the Bahamas. The PR government is still cheating PR residents out of funds by misappropriating money to favorable contractors..for kickbacks. Sad, hold your government accountable. Godspeed to the people of the Bahamas

    1. Send this to Trump. The money he made from Pence staying at his place in Ireland would be a good start…10’s of thousands right there!

  9. Dear people of the Bahamas. When a hurricane destroys your strongest homes, you must build stronger homes. Countries that are small islands in the middle of large oceans, have always been at risk of drowning when the wind comes and pulls the vegetation as if it were pulling hair off your head, while the water puts your homes in a spin cycle of destruction. Head for the hills. Carve shelters high up in the mountains. Rise up and build high rise domes that are at least ten stories high. These dome apartment complexes should be able to survive earthquakes and hurricane. If you do not have mountains, you will need to build mountains. We have heard of countries building islands in the ocean. You have an islands in the ocean and the ocean is rising. You must build man-made mountains that will survive any storm surge known to men. When your people feel secure in any type of weather, they will still build symbolic ceremonial low level temporary habitats. The only other alternative is to own enough boats to transport the entire population away from danger and then house them during the reconstructing . Leave your children soccer stadiums that are located on the 4th floor inside giant wind resistant dome buildings. Whatever the cost, it will be cheaper than your lives. Supersize it all, and do not let nature do it to you again!

  10. God…awful. I wish Trump was a man of his word. He promised help… They need help! He won’t carry thru. Look at Puerto Rico…goodness. Maybe he’ll come thru…I hope so. I can’t imagine how awful that’d be. In PR, and the Bahamas. I can’t afford to contribute…I hope others do. I know thoughts n prayers don’t actually help. Please help, anyone who can..

    1. @Horses are cool good! I’m glad you did! I live on abt 70 a month for food. Unfortunately, I can’t. Save your vitriol. Thank you for helping….you sound like a decent person.

  11. God does not destroy a community until it has first been unjust to its self. God withholds His punishment when there are Righteous people living among them. God also sends warnings, gives respite, and shows Mercy to the heedless so they can willingly turn to Him. Whoever wants to help the people in the Bahamas should start by telling them the Truth. They know why they got hit. Lying to them about weather warfare will not help them. Those who survived should rejoice in the Mercy of their Lord. Wait for the Return Toll. To God is our return.

    1. You religious nuts make me very nervous. Which “God” are you referring to? The one YOU believe in? And of course, that’s the ONLY god, right?

  12. I’m sure all the hard working deserving billionaires in the world are loading up their yachts with supplies and heading to the Bahamas at this very moment. Since it’s been a regular playground for the world, surely the biggest players won’t mind returning some of the warm attentive service the Bahamians repeatedly gave them..

  13. Just because, I’m putting this out there.

    The people who make the tourist ‘industry’ popular (i.e. ‘rich’ Americans and Canadians) are the ones to blame for the loss of life on these islands. Who do you think the 81% service industry population supports?

    If the unfortunate ‘externality’ of properly housing workers in a hurricane prone area were included in the construction of hurricane-proof or resistant housing, or at least a plan for protecting and accounting for their protection in the inevitable event of strong storms, would these ‘escapes from reality’ for the ‘privileged’ classes be economically feasible?

    This, of course, leaves out the other glaring externality; the proved influence of human-caused climate change on the severity of storms, again with the blame being largely borne by those conspicuously consuming…

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