Rachel Maddow shares a report from the Huffington Post about the surprisingly large number of local elected Republicans at the Donald Trump rally that led to the riot at the Capitol, and outreach from the group Run For Something that wants to help people run against those officials. Aired on 02/16/2021.
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#DonaldTrump #TheCapitol #MSNBC
Backlash Against January 6 Insurrection Drives New Interest In Running For Office | Rachel Maddow
Of course they did…These people are crazy…It’s time to vote these people out…Again, a violent Trump supporter confronts you. Have them arrested.
@TheHopetown Qbot
@TheHopetown If BLM was half as violent as your little insurrection, there would be over 600 dead, of which 125 would have been cops.
Never ever happens
Yes, and charge and make sure you have them put away . Don’t do violence against them unless you can’t help it use the law and than sue them for everything they have .
“Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.” We need more good citizens running for office to counterbalance all the millionaire/billionaires and tRumpists!
@Gabe Dudley no he is more dangerous out of office.
@Gabe Dudley just looking for a little justice. Inciting an insurrection should not go unpunished.
@Gabe Dudley
@Tony Wolmarans who? The man america voted out? The same one you still obsess over? Can you live a day without the thought of him?
Attending riots all summer killing black people, burning buildings and looting businesses, and tearing down statues while yelling “DEATH TO POLICE” all while pretending to care for BLM, The Demonrats sure are hypocrites, and just like their leader they have dementia so they can’t remember, but we know what you did last summer!
How serious will they be convicted of serious time
That’s almost a coherent sentence. Try again.
57 known insiders (besides Senator seditionists). That’s extremely disturbing.
Our democracy is witnessing open sedition…and it’s going to grow rapidly in the months and years to come unless it is cracked down upon very soon.
I don’t know if crack down is the right phrase given that’s what these folks want to do. They want to crack down on everyone who is not in love with Trump. They want boots on necks. It’s insanity.
The big lie grew wings
Stop the steal
Only in America
They need boots applied forcibly to rear ends.
The non-cult portion of the GOP needs to give the cult portion the old “Tea Party” treatment. Reduce their base by 10% and show them there’s no way to ever win state- or nation-wide again.
@Eru Heta your delusional and should seek help!
@Eru Heta Ever heard of Patricio Manuel? He’s a boxer who was born a woman and beats biological men to a pulp for a living. After the first year of hormone therapy, there’s no difference between trans and cis athletes – that applies to both genders.
@Eru Heta Learn English
Ffis that
oh good
At a bare minimum anyone to do with law making, enforcing and/or prosecution should be arrested, charged, prosecuted, jailed and barred from future office.
The Republican party is approaching the event horizon of Trump’s singularity.
FACTS crazy asf
Attending riots all summer killing black people, burning buildings and looting businesses, and tearing down statues while yelling “DEATH TO POLICE” all while pretending to care for BLM, The Demonrats sure are hypocrites, and just like their leader they have dementia so they can’t remember, but we know what you did last summer!
No surprise there ! Run for something youngins! We have to get the repuikans out of office!
Attending a Wild Let’s Steal the Votes of People We Don’t Like Rally is the essence of the 2020 Republican Party especially since it included a generous helping of insurrection.
TheHopetown Nobody cares about your lies and whataboutisms, treason groupie.
@TheHopetown Whatabout:
@Dennis Harrell loser.
I’m guessing ‘thepooptown’ clown posted ancient history, despite Replublicans wanting the other side to “move on”. They’ll never be able to move on, hopelessly stuck in 2020 with the lost election.
They all need to be expelled from gov.
@Aedammair Ornóra -For what, dumb-dumb?
@Drake FireAre you a Iesbian?
@Genesis Omega I don’t care what for. Just get there.
@Aedammair Ornóra I already gave you the source.
But feel free to ignore it. It’ll help spare your feelings.
@Aedammair Ornóra Are you even American? Sick of you bots
They all need to be removed from office. They have no business holding office in a government that they are actively trying to overthrow.
@Aedammair Ornóra Which Trump, doesn’t. Trump only cares about himself and his money. He is the type of person who would turn a temple into a place to make money.
Most of the “preachers” Republicans listen too have turned their temples into a place to make money.
Yet, you hate Biden, a devote Chatolic.
@Aedammair Ornóra how can you support a man you know nothing about?
Facts about Trump:
He cheated on all his wives
He isn’t religious or goes to church
He lies all the time
He doesn’t pay his debts
He advocates violence
He doesn’t love thy neighbor
He has NEVER apologized or asked for contrition for what he has done.
Do I need to quote scripture or do you get it now?
@iluvdissheet All you write here are just statements. All you say about Trump, I can say about you.
@Aedammair Ornóra fine. But im not claiming to be a Christian like you are.
Maybe you need to reread your Bible or just keep pretending you understand US politics. Either way, you are NOT WINNING! So give it a rest on this Christian/Trump Train you think makes you right.
@Aedammair Ornóra Expect with Trump it’s pretty easy to prove.
I mean, he can’t even hold a Bible correctly. Holds it upside down.
These people should be charged, and not allowed to run for office ever again !
Why should they be charged because the attended a protest? I dont belive that’s a law
@Peter Collins 62% is a joke. you should say 99% and let everyone know that you are not a serious person
@Mo Yum Pulgasari You mean the FBI who was headed by a Trump supporter?
You aren’t practically smart, are you?
@Drake Fire You know it’s the same FBI that was turned into KGB by Obama regime, to protect the democrap crime party
@Mo Yum Pulgasari So, still nothing.
The FBI has generally be right leaning since it’s creation. Maybe it’s you who has the problem.
GOP is now just a bunch of faction. Trump truly destroyed the party.
Everything Trump touches dies, including what should now be called the GQP.
Trump just pulled their true colors out in the open and gave them a license to run free. Our country will never be the same after this. It’s going to get far, far worse.
they were like this, always. trump just gave them another voice
@Andrew Mitchell GOP is The American Fascist Party. Wannabe DICtator Trump’s agenda was to DIVIDE and SEPARATE America. Accomplished.
No, he didn’t he just brought out what was already in theses dogs .
they should all be banned from office, they are not patriots
@Drake Fire The Democrats are storming the White House. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KeITz_JYQE Why don’t we have impeachment for Biden and Pelosi? Why these Democrats are not arrested?
@Drake Fire There were thousands people for support of Trump. Just a little part of them broke in the Capitol, just two dropped the US flag down. But the all supporters are bad, and all supporters dropped the flag. The Democrats have nothing what to blame the Trump supporters into, and they look for any little thing just to slam their political opponents.
As you see, we cannot live together. Too much hate. There are two solutions. The first is to split the USA into two countries, one for the Democrats, and the another one for the Republicans. The second solution is a civil war.
@Aedammair Ornóra Yeah, as those outside built a gallow.
Keep trying to make this a “bothsides” issue. It’ll only show how much of a fool you are.
@Drake Fire “It’ll only show how much of a fool you are.”
When the Left are caught in lies and Demagogy, they start to bully and insults their opponents. A tactic of mobs and fascists. You lost this conversation.
@Aedammair Ornóra So, Republicans weren’t caught building gallows outside the Capitial Building, while a group of them stormed in looking for members of the House and Senate. My mistake /sarc.
The fact you can’t address these simple facts is telling.
at this point, Qanon must be the most successful Russian operation against the US like ever
@Billy Goat If you argue with lies and no research, you aren’t any less wrong
@Billy Goat You first
@Billy Goat No, that’s your area of expertise, being currently brainwashed as you are
@Billy Goat Go back to bed kiddo, the adults are talking.
Liron Deline wahhhhhhhhh you all have all the answers and know everything. You put all your eggs in the basket of the government, corporations, and media as the only right ones and they really care…. lol and you call me stupid.
It was fairly obvious to me and I’m not in the states or American, it’s been orchestrated from the inner circles of tRumps boot polishes, pushing their ultra right wing nonsense.
If they were “representing” me, I would be asking for recalls.
Disgusting that they weren’t removed from office
Who the other politicians that was there? Why would the be if they went to a protest?
That’s how Castro would have handled it
GOP is committing suicide and as Martha Stewart says “ That’s a good thing “
Now the entire world knows how much we despise career politicians.