B.C. is sounding the alarm as fatal opioid overdoses account for at least five deaths daily in the province. Melanie Nagy has the details.
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No to legalisation
Not a side affect of pandemic but the result of bad government decisions to shut down the country. Thanks a lot Trudeau, the fruits of your labor!
mdo686, this isn’t a result of the pandemic. There has been a rise in overdose cases of fentanyl and opioids for long time now. Definitely a result of government inaction and action.
@CaSPeR GHoST He suggested the shutdown was unnecessary. I smell a Trumptard.
@mdo686 Go check your diaper, it’s probably yourself!!
@mdo686 Yup. Definitely a trumptard. I’m dismayed how many there are in Canada. Covid isn’t the only virus being transmitted by America.
@Sythia Dawn, Yes Ma’am, we do seem to be seeing a large rise of that super contagious stupidity virus online of late, and, unfortunately, there is no vaccine in the works for that any time soon as well.

Just look at DEMORAT city’s, that’ll be America under BIDEN
@mdo686 Is Trump supposed to run every city , state and the whole country at the same time? These useless Democrat Mayor’s and Governor’s do nothing! Throw a Democrat President into the mix and BOOM! We’ll be able to see the smoke from our houses in Canada.
@Jim R And Biden will be able to?
@Jim R If you love Trump so much then move! We don’t need you in Canada!
( Edited for typo)
@Sythia Dawn Au contraire mon ami! I am definitely needed in Canada. Gotta be here to vote for O’toole when the time comes to take the current garbage out of the PMO!
@Jim R , “These useless Democrat Mayor’s (sic) and Governor’s (sic) no (sic) nothing!,” oh the irony seems to be getting pretty deep around here, lol.
Dahoyyyy, anyone with two cells to rub with could predict those side effects of lockdowns with stimulus checks .
Not covid so no one cares
Controlled opposition, etc.
VAccine death incl.
He died from drugs legal or illegal and your surprised?
They’ll be adding this to the Covid deaths to increase the numbers.
Men who overdose on heron are most likely committing suicide though
You mean Covid overdose death. Should have never been a lock down for a virus with numbers similar to common flu.
“Unsafe drug supply”
You mean Chinese drug dealers lacing everything with fet
so he did drugs and died. OK?
It’s kinda weird that places like India have had opium available for use by any who wish for as long as most can remember, but they have no large scale problems with the drug, even though it is considered to be illegal by the justice system there as well, but the justice system there seems to be quite malleable lol. We can’t stop the drugs and all we’re doing is making criminals out of addicts imo.
China controls a bc port bringing in drugs , diversity is our death
A safe supply ? This government is trash allowing injection sites and dealing their own drugs , junkie enablers
to solve once and for all the Opioid crisis, create a nation-wide Canadian Opium producer’s farmer network that would provide for addicts what they need for pennies a day, as opposed to spending 100$ or more a day making Organized crime Cartels billionaires.
problem solved.
I have grown Poppies and made potent Opium outdoors in Northern Canada. It can be done anywhere.
Death penalty does exist, any one taking heroin is without an idea of the strong possibility of death.