B.C. introduces new COVID-19 gargle test for kids

Infectious disease expert Dr. Isaac Bogoch weighs in on new COVID test, Ont. restrictions and the second wave.

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B.C. introduces new COVID-19 gargle test for kids


    1. They literally just make crap up as they go.
      Nothing surprises me anymore with stupid.

      The key is to just sit back, and laugh.

  1. I like the technique, and a lot of adults would probably appreciate it as well. Not to mention all of the stuffy noses…

  2. Somebody realized they were just putting the swabs in saline solution anyways, so what the heck: Gargle, Spit and on your way then… LOL

  3. *Covid deniers and anti-maskers, we know you are very anxious and fatigued by all this.  You too can play a part in protecting vulnerable Canadians (immuno-compromised, seniors, etc.) by wearing a mask in public indoor spaces and social distancing.  Have some responsibility and consideration for others.

    1. @count ac WTF! I knew the cases were low, I didn’t know they were that low. No wonder the protests against lock downs and masks are starting up.

    2. @Claire Robin Don’t mention it!… also, Dr. Henry falsely reported 170 excess deaths instead of 372 … not only was she lowballing infections, but she was also trying to claim that there were low excess deaths as well

    1. @WhoTube here’s is a tip: if you want to write a sentence make sure your third grade level grammar is on par.

  4. Why wouldn’t you just swab the mouth or throat like a strep throat swab?? How can this be as accurate as deep in the back of the nose if just a simple throat swab couldn’t be used. Also a simple mouth swish is different from a back of the throat gargle. Little kids will not be able to properly gargle. The sample would also be so diluted. This just can’t be as accurate. It’s likely intentional, it will result in fewer positives so schools can stay open.

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