B.C. farmers band together to care for animals left behind amid flooding

The B.C. Dairy Association's Holger Schwichtenberg speaks on efforts to house and care for animals that had to be left behind during flood evacuations.

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B.C. farmers band together to care for animals left behind amid flooding


    1. no heart for anyone who farms animals. Humans are naturally herbivore so animal agriculture is totally unnecessary

    2. really? how do you think your ancestors lived? how were you raised? yes poor animals but no one needs to read your negativity in these difficult times.

    1. I. Know. Two. Other. Aquariums. They. Are. Jealous of me ones Jackie. The. Other. Is. Party. Animal. Plus I’m. Single they. Are. Shacked. Up

    1. Housing development. Buildings and pavement divert water instead of letting it soak into the ground. Thanks a lot jimi patisun

    1. Are you this silly??!!!!???? Insurance is totally legal criminals. Bunch of thugs and when you pay for 40 years and than get robbed, they pay 20 cents on thedollar. .

  1. If anyone had asked the elders they would have said, Don’t drain a lake . Period. Altering Mother Nature in such a big way just seems clueless. Still very sad for so many. Stay safe.

  2. The Fraser River Basin is a known flood plain, but it’s rare to get well over the average rainfall for the month of November in 2 days. All streams, creeks, & rivers are very full in the region due to the warm rain over the existing snowpack.

  3. Best learn to take of yourselves, folks.

    Incredible Federal response…sending in 100 Canadian Forces soldiers to fill and move sandbags…by hand…with zero equipment.

    You’d see a MUCH bigger and quicker Federal response if this was Afghanistan…..oh wait.🤣

  4. Semoga Tuhan yang maha kuasa melindungi umat-nya. Semoga tidak ada korban jiwa dalam peristiwa ini. Ini video kami file untuk pelajaran bagi kami yang tinggal dekat 4 gunung dan dekat 3 Danau dan dekat 2 sungai besar diDesa Desa’polosok diBali Indonesia

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