B.C. extends health order limiting social interactions past until January 2021

B.C. health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry announced they are extending public health orders that limit social interactions until January 8, 2021.

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B.C. extends health order limiting social interactions past until January 2021


    1. Are you here part lover?

      1 hour ago
      Dr. Henry is looking rough. This year has taken a toll on here. She is looking tired and worn down.

    2. @Murdoq Ruckus
      I put a mask on. I stayed home only when I wasn’t working or grocery shopping.

      Nothing changed at all. All of this is BS and I think a part of you knows that, unless you’re truly afraid, in which case:

      I pity you.

  1. Hey “dr” let’s talk about the cycle threshold range used on your useless PCR tests. This is legitimate question and should not be ignored.

    The secret is out. Again.

    1. Don’t diss PCR now. Just saying, technologists continue to use PCR for so many other tests. For instance, HIV. Stop fighting science.

    2. @ALLYOUCANEAT If you don’t know what you’re talking about, that’s fine. But don’t pretend that you do. In fact, science is the exact basis of my question.

      The issue is with the cycle threshold range of the standardized test, not the process of polymer chain reaction testing itself. Not that you understand what any of this means, of course.

      I find it fascinating how eager you are to embarrass yourself.

    1. @drblitzzz really? 9 months and you are saying “get over it already”. At one point does it become okay to speak out against illogical measures? The reason for the complete lock down in the spring was to take the weight off health care workers so they were not slammed. 9 months later it turns out that things didnt escalate to the levels they were anticipating. Over that 9 month period there have been a total of 492 deaths in BC. Do you really think this seems rational to cancel everyone’s Christmas holidays over that?

    2. Sir, it’s not the same as having intimate sustained interactions in a confined space. You’re not helping David

    3. @Chris Lin There are more deaths due to overdose than Covid. Why are we in panic mode over a flu that has a 99.9% recovery rate?

    4. @Chris Lin you fail to put those numbers in context. Those numbers were achieved through a collective sacrifice. We all have all made a massive effort to keep those deaths low. Had we not intervened those numbers would have been much much higher. Your argument doesn’t make any sense because you fail to make the connection between behaviour and transmission

    1. Hahahahaha… I love it.

      While they’re not *actually* reptilians, they certainly don’ think and act like rational human beings.

  2. Bonnie Henry is a quack. Just another one of Horgan’s Heroes struggling to appear significant. They really don’t give a toss about people’s lives.

    1. It’s these brainwashed idiots that are forcing everyone along with them. That’s who we really need to stand up against.

  3. Bonnie. You need to stop. This is insanity. For what. It’s not helping. Just because you say something in a ridiculously small voice does not mean it is right. Stop this.

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