Sir John Bell from Oxford University gives his insight on whether or not Canada is making a mistake by avoiding the AstraZeneca vaccine.
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Omg…learning as we go along?? That’s comforting!!
He’s right it is an experiment and they assume no risk. all who take it do so at their own risk.
remember there tested and complete safe,
There’s still a lot of things we don’t know yet,soooooo roll up your sleeve???Yup I trust this guy with the face I’m sure his mother loves him?
@DLM Let’s see, 2,000,000 Canadians got the Astra Z shot and 3 died. Meanwhile 1,328,582 got Covid and so far 24,948 died. Honestly don’t need to add anything to that.
@dustigenes like I said there completely tested and safe,
I took a low dose aspirin daily for 2 weeks after the shot. Didn’t think it could hurt
@A. Stri Which statement is incorrect
@A. Stri The AAFP specifically states that those at risk of cardiovascular events should avoid COX-2 inhibitors (Ibuprofen) in their precautionary guidelines for prescribing NSAIDs
@Ricky Bobby exactly. science questions EVERYTHING.
@The Awakening Project Exactly. Even itself
Yeah, about that not hurting. If you do get that, used to be rare, but not since the frankenvax, type of thrombocytopenia, it is absolutely dangerous to treat w/ blood thinners. Not for every type of clot, but the brain bleed ones, they cause a paradoxical effect in the body, because not only do dangerous clots form, but the blood platelets also tank. So they have tried to warn hospitals, that even though w/ clots, it would be protocol to give a blood thinner, if they suspect that specific type of thrombocytopenia that that these gene jabs are causing, then they need to not give blood thinners, because it can make it more lethal yet, and it’s lethal enough.
Dude was angry!
His profits are threatened.Are all other countries stupid?
He shares the frustration every scientist should feel when watching misinformation and government incompetency
@Chuck Norris Right on.
@Chuck Norris agree
Falling sales.
I’m curious who said they want to mix and match? I personally took one AstraZeneca and would like the booster of the same please
That is the right move from what I’m seeing. If you had no negative reaction from the 1st dose, you don’t have the condition that allows your body to overreact to AZ. In other words, your immune system is operating normally. Just my opinion.
Your not that smart are you
@Ferd The Terd and your kids kids
@Irishman 81″you’re” not “your”. Back to school for you my Irish friend
@John Smith incorrect!
Not one question about the phase 3 clinical trial??
AZ is due to complete their trial by Feb 2023. So yes there are plenty of unknowns.
The phase 3 trial was done last year. That’s why they got emergency approval.
@69Mach I CJ you cant speed up a long term effects trial. they didnt finish, they skipped.
OK, so wait until 2023.
@Cheapshot Thanks doc!
Well I mean he has invested interest to promote using AZ!
its non profit.
@pandorachild naive
@Chuck Norris extremely naive
The phrase you’re looking for is “a vested interest”, not “invested interest”
This developer guys looks like a professor-terminator from the future who came to tell Canadians to stop with their nonsense!
You should interview the inventor of the PCR test next.
Wait until you find out that most viruses are detected via PCR, and it is nothing new… Also, the TRUE inventor of PCR was Kjell Kleppe, over 10 years earlier.
He’s dead
@Chuck Norris Oh, and the difference between 33 and 55 cycles is negligible only because both are cycled too high to give a reliable reading.
they killed him . OMG you dont know
Are we actually in trial???
So far they don’t anything for sure
Specially about Mrna that will come in few years
what is mrna ?
All the different vaccines we take are in trial. Trials are ongoing.
The trials of all the vaccines that are currently being used have all been done; no phases or medical trials were skipped in any of the currently approved vaccines.
@babino bonazo dna’s friend
@babino bonazo the m is for messenger
they hate AZ and J&J because they arent mRNA
He looks like Ivan Drago in later years….i was kind of expecting him to finish talking about vaccines by saying ‘If he dies, he dies’.
Omg I thought of the same thing
Ahh there’s a basis for evaluating what he says…
“there’s still lots we don’t know, but take the Vax” sounds confident
We know lots about covid? It’s all a matter of risk and benefit. There is no perfect.
@Landrew Mackinnon he was referring to the vaccines
Let’s see, 2,000,000 Canadians got the Astra Z shot and 3 died. Meanwhile 1,328,582 got Covid and so far 24,948 died. We know that.
@dustigenes Guessing you haven’t been to the VAERS online site yet
Isn’t it “follow the money”, 99% of the time??
I seriously doubt he charged up his energy beam and unleashed a blast that landed on Canada. He probably, you know, just said a few stern words.
Wow i can’t say i have seen someone look so shifty in recent years,smh
How about Fauci ?
“Come on guys”
Dude seems mad he’s not getting the payout he expected.
The way he regard Canadians and the virus is telling. He only really cares about the bottom line.
He sounds pretty legit and unbiased
I’m happy to hear his take on this but certainly wouldn’t want to make him the authority on what’s in everyone’s best interest.