CNN's John Avlon reacts to Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) calling the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol a "violent insurrection." McConnell's words put him at odds with the Republican National Committee who called the riot "legitimate political discourse." #CNN #News
Avlon: Telling the truth about January 6 was the ‘smart political thing’ for McConnell to do

There’s only one version of the truth , and it’s on video for all to see
No matter how people try to run away, hiding behind lies, the truth is always a short
distance behind them.
@Joe Yamaoyaji yeah it’s been ongoing for over a year by the people that quite possibly could have been involved in it they’re never going to release all of that surveillance video when it belongs to the public the committee has no legal standings their subpoenas don’t mean **** and when they say they will put people underoath that doesn’t mean ****. Nothing whatsoever is going to come out of this committee it’s just a stall tactic they’re going to keep dragging this out running people’s name through the dirt in the mud until they’ve hidden all the evidence they need to. There was never an insurrection there was never a coup there was never an attempt to take over the government. I bet the committee doesn’t talk about the FBI agents that were involved in it I bet the committee doesn’t talk about the capitol police killing four people that day. I bet they don’t show the video of antifa being there of black lives matter entering the capitol building and bragging about it this committee is a sham take it to a court of law were there consequences for tampering with evidence and for what you say. They lied and tampered with evidence during both impeachment and they’re going to do this same thing with this committee
@tobe smith So, what is your source of disinformation? Someone blows a lot up smoke up your behind…..
@tobe smith What is the meaning of the word sedition? 20 people have been charged with it so far……
Sedition: conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
@tobe smith 5 dead…. 2 heart attacks, one accidental overdose, a police officer died of a stroke and one was warned and shot for breaching the Capital…. Do tell about the Cult members R Us fake news source you use…..
Obviously it was the “smart political thing to do”, it’s why Mitch did it. Pure self preservation. That’s what it was.
unpopular opinion but Bernie Sanders should have won the 2020 election. He is a strong charismatic man that cares about justice and making America a better place for the working class. Not only that, he would have brutally gone after trump and hunt him down, and trump would have not been able to get away with the things he’s been doing. Meaning that Trump would have been held accountable and faced the consequences
It will be up to the voters of Kentucky to get rid of him once and for all. People need to vote.
The wisest and most cunning politician for the political right. Waiting his moment to show the fangs and crush the resistance the people may present. He is a genuine Fouche. Capable to rebuild the GOP if gets the weapons to rewrite history . with this lame democratic party unable to be decisive and almost collaborating with the right by mediocre political power grab. Opportunity after opportunity lost and neutralizing the people with crumbs of success. McConnell is a tall figure of the right. A viper with powerful venom stored for the right moment to impose a real authoritarian false democracy. The red states legal coup I am certain is one of the engineers. Behind the curtains and an orange puppet fading.
It’s too late in the game of backing a fascist ex President Trump’s insurrection. They’re dragging their feet on January 6 commission like they did with impeachment. They’re hypocrites. Don’t take their phony words.
@Cony Budding Unpopular opinion? Doubt it. I was hoping he’d take the primary.
Well, tomorrow he may say the exact opposite and pretend he never acknowledged 1/6 as a violent insurrection. He’s a shameless hypocrite whose position changes with the political winds.
@TheAnonapersons GOP has become the United States greatest enemy…..Trump the crook Pied Piper is leading the cowardly neutered GOP over the cliff.
Sometimes those republican nuts have a moment of truth. But then they wake up and realize they need to be crazy again.
He flips and flops more than Lindsey graham.
@Charles L Jones I had a goldfish that could breakdance on the floor but only for 30 seconds and just the once
Jellyfish can only drift with the current.
They all can see that they better get ahead of the hearings before they start
Troll reported. Again.
@Ellis D. Trails Except that YT does nothing – don’t know why they have that button there.
Yeah the hearing that’s being held by people they could have very well been involved that day there’s plenty of video evidence that supports that but you won’t see that in the hearing they’ll cut that out. They’ve got 1400 hours of video to show an insurrection and I have yet to see one no one’s been charged with it so how is it an insurrection or a coup or an attempt to take over the government
They can all see how important it is to get ahead of the hearings before they begin.
@Louis Tully Above average Americans do , ,Trump’s zombies don’t.
The hearings are just another political witch hunt holding us back as a civilized nation. Most Americans are not political and too many of these comments are from overseas to be relevant. Youtube needs to disclose where the posting is from, I will write them a letter.
@AntifaAreLowLifeTrailerTrash but the DoJ do once the finding and recommendation are passed in, Trumps house of cards is falling and its

time as we all watch ot, history will record the facts
@devil eyes – really compelling argument, there…
@SunriseLAW You should visit a doctor to get check on your sense of reality…. What does sedition mean?
McCarthy: “These six RNC members weren’t even here! They were in Florida!”
Annnnnnnd? I’m sorry, but you can’t have useful information about an event you didn’t attend? I mean, you can even have INVOLVEMENT from a distance, but that’s not even necessary for a subpoena, so what’s your point, Kev?
I mean, someone could hire a hitman to kill someone in NYC than go to Florida on vacation. Being in Florida is not something that absolves anyone of anything.
Conspiracy doesn’t require attendance or anything more than circumstantial evidence to convict because it is an inherently clandestine crime
All Senators and Congressional reps were in DC that day, not Florida
I are you doing 
I know turtles aren’t known for their speed, but it still shouldn’t have taken him this long to say what we’ve all known to be the truth of the situation.
Biden won and Trump lost, fair and square. Jan 6th wasn’t “legitimate political discourse”, it was a BIGLY insurrection, and those involved MUST be held accountable for their roles.
@Michael LaPlant I’m waiting for a “Let’s Go, B!”
@Kane Erickson You have to be a T’rump supporter!
@James Kenyon I want to share your optimism and indeed am one by my nature as an old farmer of this political wilderness since 40+ years ago that opened my eyes to this battle. However I have to be realistic and objective. Hope is not political capital without positions taken at hand. Let’s hope political naivete and myopia with the wrong message don’t deal a bad blow to democracy because generations of work are at stake in this next particular election.
@Kane Erickson what if you believed up was up and down was down? You should discuss why believing such things is just foolish……
Kevin McCarthy repeatedly coughing in the reporters face without a mask on or even trying to cover his mouth. Pure Republican class.
@Emily Xiong They share Ignorance and stupidity freely also.
Real classy guy. He did it on purpose… noticed he coughed without covering his mouth when he faced Manu.
@Kathryn Meetz haha so you mean Nancy pelosi? Jeff bezos? All of hollywood? Majority of the super rich people in the United States now are liberal. Great point
you think the clintons and all the other super rich liberals are paying their fair share of taxes. You obviously are delusional. What about zuckerberg? What about all these woke companies that are clearly liberal? Where have you been? You’re right, get your own people to pay their fair share of taxes.
@2ellas2 nope it was not right for her to do so. At less she owned up to it and said she was wrong n apologize…how many republicans admit they was wrong?
McCarthy is scared of Donald Trump. Seriously terrified! In other words, if something were to seriously go down, McCarthy would be seen hiding before Pelosi.
In most countries Trump would already be sitting in a prison cell for what he did. It’s sickening that he is still walking around as a free man.
@Preston Norris better yet.
He wouldn’t have been elected in the first place.
Democrats are spinelessly weak and it is frightening and frustrating. Trump was threatening to lock Hillary up even before becoming president and when she had not committed any real crimes. Donald Trump was de facto leader of the sedition and has committed other serious crimes and he is walking a free man
Thank AG Garland. And Biden too for operating with the delusion that Garland is doing a good job. It’s beyond absurd.
Funny how ppl never talk about the evil sick ish democrats on and Nancy set Trump up that day lol anyone believe what democrat say is living deep in the matrix. They be like but they said it on CNN tho

. Mfs believe anything. By the way virus airborne can get into your eyes too but keep wearing them muzzles Dems love to control you
Too bad Mitch had no balls when it would’ve counted, which was at the second impeachment of the Mango Insurrectionist!
“The Mango Insurrection” sounds like a classic film
Nah, when he met his Chinese wife woulda been helpful.
He never rose to the challenge being 150 years old!!!!
@Federal Reserve Wolf Legend Chinese wife? Wow democrats love China so much! I mean Dianne Feinstein limo driver for 20 years was a Chinese spy! Beijing Joe Biden received 31 million from China and Dem senator Swalwell was dating a Chinese spy!
@Geo Geo Shh ! Let’s not talk about Democrat Trump’s Chinese account.
I think the GOP is starting to see the writing on the wall. A lot is being revealed, and folks are tired of the nonsense. At some point, they have to agree with and admit what their eyes saw.
These people are dumb as dumb can be.
@Cony Budding not unpopular. The media sucks.
LMFAO you mean admitting the truth now serves their narcissistic, personal, greedy, self-serving agenda more than pushing the lies…as if they didn’t know the entire time

They are eventually coming to their senses, oh how shameful to see that adults can’t man up from the beginning but will do so when there are no more holes for them to hide their faces in!!!!

McCarthy, coughing and short of breath while walking down the hall. Maskless.
Avlon speaks music to my ears ‘signs the cult is starting to crack”
I remember visiting the U.S Capitol with my family when I was eleven years old. We had a great time. But I don’t recall bringing bear mace, zip ties, batons, stun guns, a spear, military grade body armor, gas masks, or a gallows to hang the Vice President of the United States. We didn’t assault any police officers, trash any offices, or take a dump in the rotunda. Maybe your experience was different than mine.
@J Hughes Anti-fascist is what this nation has been for a very long time. You are pro fascist but you are sure to deny it. If you support Trumputa your are at most a faux American.
Your rejection of the Black Lives Matter brands you as a racist bigot. I assume that you learned from observing your family. To you no lives matter unless they resemble your racist ilk.
@Kal Palnicki your Dad’s boyfriend brought all those accoutrements
@J Hughes Everyone: Please notice that Kaipo 88 gave a long list of reasons why the 1/6 insurrectionists did not act like tourists. J. Hughes gives not one example of Antifa and BLM causing “great damage” Purposely vague so that readers can read in whatever they like to those words. Great damage to what? The Constitution, the basic law of the land? Really? How so? J. Hughes has learned well from mentor Trump, for whom this has always been a rhetorical tactic. I watched the riots of ’68 when I was 16 years old too. The only thing I didn’t understand was why the Black protesters were burning down their own homes in Harlem instead of walking thirty blocks south and attacking the posh apartments on Fifth Avenue. Hughes has not been following the news. January 6th was not one day. It was the culmination of 40 years of living in a fantasy world started by and popularized by Ronald Reagan. Reagan’s fantasies were so popular because they made people feel so warm and fuzzy inside, that no president, not even Democrats, have been willing to call them out for being nonsense, and worse than that, dangerous nonsense for the nation. Trump just extended the fantasies and adopted arrogance and snarkiness as his tone along with Reagan’s tactic of flattering of his supporters. Someone tell us why Americans are “exceptional,” not the concept of the USA as a multiethnic representative democracy, but Americans, especially those who do not support the exceptional concept of a flourishing multi-ethnic representative democracy? How are modern-day Americans exceptional human beings compared to people in Germany or New Zealand or Laos or South Africa? Those South Africans who, at the risk of their nation’s tourism industry and the money it brings in for the people, first reported the Omicron variant in their nation and warned the world about it: _they_ were exceptional. If you want to be considered exceptional, you have to prove it every day, not sit on the laurels your ancestors earned. You also have to realize that exceptional can mean exceptionally bad too. Getting ahead by defrauding banks, not because you don’t believe in capitalism, but because you desperately need their help and don’t know how else to get it, and the government supported by the tax dollars of the people, while pardoning those who did the same, is exceptional too, but what kind of person would want to be associated with that?
@Gnirol Namlerf Well said.
When your ‘base’ is flying swastikas and KKK insignia, offending that base is your duty.
“the base” is al Qaeda translated literally
“Patriotism means to stand by the country, not by the President”
Theodore Roosevelt
@Psychonaut You don’t know any Trump supporter that worships Trump. Don’t be silly.
@Ed Ive always been able to talk with republicans, until trump. They have lost all connections with reality for a realty TV star. Everything they say equates to “LEFT BAD!” . You cant even have a real conversation.
@Ed Any intelligent Republican hates Trump. he has lost hem all of their power and credibility. Trump is such a loser that he got Biden elected president .
@Geo Geo False
Mcconnell is trying to avoid prison himself.
When the RNC said they wouldn’t back Cheney said she put her faith in her constituents. Could be she’s doing what her constituents want her to do. I know most republicans don’t operate that way but….