Aviation analyst Phyl Durdey takes us through the Flight PS752 and shares what investigators in Iran will be examining.
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Les plus sincères condoléances à toutes les familles touchées. Repose en paix mes frères et sœurs. Les problèmes techniques et les missiles n’ont pas été lancés depuis Téhéran ou près de Téhéran.
Was shot down clearly !
There is video of it on Twitter, plane is intact coming down, both engines are on fire, and then the explosion happened on impact. Literally lit up the whole sky.
Scott Yensen not
@Robert Drake you’re definitely not a moron……..absolutely not
@jayyson misidentification.
@*K131399* Thanks. You too.
Square kilometer debris field? So it was raining down airplane. Some malfunction….
There was no crash.
That’s made up no way for them to know this at this time
“63 dead”. Everything is reversed. 3 times the number 6.
Are you seriously talking about the same C R A S H.Dummkopf
if planes like that just rip apart in the air after 6 mins of flight we would not be flying at all. seems very unreal for it to just snap apart don’t the do regular checks before flight to ensure the plane is indeed safe for take off.
Theres a video of the crash, It crashed intact at high speed. that’s why it’s in so many small pieces.
@jon b Have a link to the video? As morbid as it is I am very curious about this. 63 of my countrymen died and I want answers.
A Supremely Unremarkable Brick if you want answers, then allow those who are trained, experienced, and have access to the actual evidence time to look at and study it. The facts will come out, but not in the next twenty minutes and not from youtub commenters.
restingbitchface There are dozens of cases of plane crashes. The two most recent were because of bad software th still has not been fixed. Don’t fly?
@Stu Pidas – I’m betting there will be absolutely no evidence to find and will become one of those unsolved mysteries.
They lost contact minutes before the crash, it went down in flames, debris widely scattered, holes in sections, Iranian air defense was on high alert …I’m no expert but my tiny brain is saying “not a mechanical failure”. I’d love to be proven wrong.
*You are right. Your brain does seem to be tiny judging from what you said here.*
@James Cartier Bird strike could have done this easy. It has happened before.
Nina Dula what are you saying?
@Pat Meyer bird strikes happen all the time and never cause this amount of damage
@James Cartier Seriously how would you know any detail already? So little information out yet. It looks suspicious but jeez, have we not learned anything from decades of crash investigation?
And yes, there have been many, many accidents which left an airplane disintegrated in thousands of suspicious little flaming bits, only to have the flight recorders reveal a completely unexpected cause.
Isn’t it a missile attack ?
not missile AA
Why would Iran launch a missile attack on the airplane? If Trump was on it or some other high profile American YES but that was not the case. The passengers were simply folks with business or relatives in Iran.
They probably thought they were shooting down another drone.
Up until now there’s no confirmation about missile attack. Intelligence from Canadian sources suggeted that it was a technical malfunction. But, heey, remember that it’s still too early to speculate on things.. so just be aware of more updates on the crash
plane = iran
war = iraq
Great, just great. Place your bets on when the war starts.
We’ve been at war for 19 years already, what do you mean when it starts?
South Canada it’s debatable, there’s video footage of it crashing on Twitter, both engines are on fire as it descends, but the explosion is on impact.
@Dan Smulders transponder and communication wont shutdown then. And as far we know it did.
It started the day WW2 ended.
South Canada in his closet with his teddy.
you know how you lose contact with an airplane? It’s exploded mid-air by a bomb or missile.
Condolences to our fellow Canadians/families my heart is with you
No one died. There was no crash.
There are no real canadians, you are all immigrants
@NHL is rigged Actually we are all landed immigrants.
Reporter should just come out and ask it already – “was it blown up or not?”
There was no crash. It’s staged.
@Patriot OfGod Back to your closet.
As you wish.
@Yo Mama Something is coming your way.
Even the brain of a child will know why an airplane went down in conflict area!
Exactly! because that’s how a brain of a child works, by making assumptions without evidence “look mommy! I can make everyone disappear by closing my eyes!”
“we don’t know what happened “ LOL.
That’s because nothing happened.
@Patriot OfGod huh?
It’s a staged crash site.
Patriot OfGod Okayyy then
@Patriot OfGod Iranian #1: “Hey, let’s humiliate ourselves!”
Iranian #2 “Great idea!”
She tried hard to get him to say something controversial.
i haven’t watched the video yet but how does she?
My Condolences to all the families and friends of these innocent departed souls. Rip.
oh, no. if it lost contact at 7925 feet, it means something happened up there in air , if it is malfunction, the pilot shall be able to contact air traffic controller center, so it means that it must have being hit by missile
“Actually Carol it’s pronounced “Dur-day”
Phil Dirty, excellent reporting and breakdown.
You don’t need to be a so called expert to know without a doubt that if the debris field is 1 sq km , then that points to a catastrophic explosion of the jet in the air.
A sq kilometre is not that big of an area for a plane crash.
An eye witness reported a big explosion from above and went outside to see the plane disintegrate in the sky according to some news outlets.
Isn’t it Ironic how this happened when Iran just fired more than a dozen missiles not long apart?
May those who lost their lives in this horrible event, rest in peace.