1. @Thomas Perry I have friends who are on the left and right. They all love me equally. The friends on the left have respect for me and I them. We have the option to agree to disagree.

    2. Tylorian, don’t let Thomas lie to you. He’s all in for President Trump and he’s attended several rallies. He just doesn’t want his friends to know because they wouldn’t understand. He’s more of a closet Trump supporter.

  1. Deleted my account years ago. I’m living proof you can survive it so go ahead and do it, you’ll thank yourself later.

    1. I deleted mines when all I saw was ppl putting their lives on the timelines. That what made me delete mines over 10 years ago and my family was hacked Facebook and I was happy with my decision.

    1. Alice’s Rabbit you can’t. I don’t have it and never have but the have an account on me because of my friends and families contact lists.

    2. The irony of your comment, Alice, is that you’re watching CNN, and most assuredly, are also watching MSNBC. Both happen to be purveyors of fake news and disinformation. Facebook is more a function of following your friends and occasionally seeing an advertisement in the news feed…CNN is more like brainwashing. (Obviously it seems to be working on you)

    3. @Christopher Zamias
      The irony of your comment, “Christopher,” is that you are commenting on a CNN video. LMFAO! 😂

    4. @Deborah Freedman
      Aw, bless your little heart. I’m as American as Apple Pie, but I’d bet that the five trolls subbed to your nothing channel all speak Russian. See you trolls in November, sweetie, this time, though, we know what you’re up to. 🥱

  2. I’ve never had Facebook.
    At the time it launched I had all my friends grouped within my email account so if I had a party/holiday photo to share I just sent to all..
    This worked then and still now minus someone targeting me for advertising.

    1. @Crow Creek Outdoors the only one I mess with is YouTube as they don’t require much personal information if someone wants to be my friend meet up on the street MAGA Make American’s Get Along resist

    2. Mike Atkins, agreed. I have an IG account strictly for the memes. Maybe 10 people following that account & they happen to be people I know well & trust. But the only platform I engage in commentary on is YouTube. Nowhere near the amount of censorship or cancel culture here because you don’t have to share much personal information.

    3. @Crow Creek Outdoors thank you need a good laugh check out Chad the Chud on YouTube let me know if you liked it thanks MAGA Make America Greatful Again resist

  3. Facebook is anything but perfect, but it is so obvious that when any social media site takes a stance that can be seen as free speech first the main stream media will attack that.

    1. Not half as funny as reading comments from you Trump/Putin trolls! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣…😂😂😂…🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣!

    2. @Vee Core But Fox News has better ratings than CNN, MSDNC and ABC combined, but you knew that, right?
      Watch this! More pedophilia from the Party of Infanticide!
      Jeffery Epstein and Harvey Weinstein are both sexual predators that were deep into the Demshit Party. Here’s another one Lamestream Media is trying desperately to hush up. No Nadlers and Adam Schitt is up to their necks in this one, so it’s no wander the Party of Infanticide is in Panic Mode! What a gift for President Trump! He just keeps on winning and winning and winning!
      https://youtu.be/sh5iv-A4vec Suck on this Libtards!
      Go Trump, The Chosen One! 2020 Landsl….AVALAAAAAANCHE!

  4. You progressives loved Facebook when it was working in Obama’s favor but now… “orange man bad” “delete Facebook” “this is fascism”
    Grow up you commies and build something for yourself.

  5. Stop taking vacations Anderson I like the way you think when you’re not on plastic static airwaves😘😂

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