An Australian MP has been tested for COVID-19 and is in isolation after having a coughing fit while giving a speech in parliament.
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It’s just coughing . Talk about paranoid yikes
Excessive, uncontrollable coughing is one of the two *main* symptoms of Covid-19. ¬_¬
awesome video keep up the amazing content, youtube friends? :d
Petition to the Prime Minister e-2574
The Prime Minister’s firearms confiscation regime, undemocratically imposed without debate during a pandemic while Parliament is suspended, is an assault on Canadian democracy;
Canada already has stringent regulations and comprehensive legislation related to firearms ownership;
Canada has millions of responsible, law-abiding firearms owners;
Data shows that the confiscation regime would not stop firearms violence in Canada;
The majority of firearms used in violent crimes are obtained illegally and/or are smuggled into Canada;
Legal firearms owners are strong advocates for measures that will actually prevent firearms violence;
Legal firearms owners in Canada are vetted on a daily basis through the CPIC system;
The Prime Minister is using the emotion of the tragedy in Nova Scotia to impose this confiscation regime even though all of the firearms the murderer used were illegally obtained;
The list of firearms to be confiscated is arbitrary and not based on functionality;
“Assault rifles”, or fully automatic firearms, have been banned in Canada since 1977;
Criminals who have illegally obtained firearms will not be impacted by this confiscation regime; and
The federal government is abandoning evidenced-based decision making as it relates to preventing firearm violence.
We, the undersigned, citizens of Canada, call upon the Prime Minister to immediately scrap his government’s May 1, 2020, Order in Council decision related to confiscating legally owned firearms and instead pass legislation that will target criminals, stop the smuggling of firearms into Canada, go after those who illegally acquire firearms, and apologize to legal firearms owners in Canada.
Nice. Got him. Now do one of Hillary Clinton’s coughing fits.
Andre Tabarnak

He coughs in hands :/
That sounds bad
Me after a bong rip of Pink Kush EVERYTIME!
Now that’s content!!! you gotta be kidding me…
Well, it’s just allergy…..
0:50 – Yeah, that sounds about right for Scott.