Aurora Police Chief Fires Three Officers Who Mocked Elijah McClain’s Death | MSNBC

NBC News Correspondent Gabe Gutierrez brings the latest from Aurora, Colorado where the Aurora police chief has fired officers who mocked Elijah McClain’s death near memorial site. Aired on 7/3/2020.
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Aurora Police Chief Fires Three Officers Who Mocked Elijah McClain's Death | MSNBC


    1. @Peter Bills
      He was shy and he had circulation problems so he got cold easily. Or what if he just felt like wearing it? Do we have the death penalty for that?

    1. artiew87 I hope that’s true, but if they are surrounded by poor role models they eventually take on those qualities. We continue to see this play out across every city in America, the badge and gun gives them power and no consequences. I’m glad they were fired, we need this action more frequently.

    2. How many white people has this happened to? I guess we’ll never hear about it though because they weren’t the right skin color.

  1. Who have we hired as police officers? How many more are walking the street like rabid pit bulls? How many so called good officers know of these monsters and remain silent?

    1. @Lyn Ryall I’ll just leave this here. You pit lovers are nuts.

      Pibbile kills pregnant woman

      3 cute Pibbles break down door and mauls toddler

      “*Pit bulls make up only 6% of the dog population, but they’re responsible for 68% of dog attacks and 52% of dog-related deaths since 1982*, according to research compiled by Merritt Clifton, editor of Animals 24-7, an animal-news organization that focuses on humane work and animal-cruelty prevention”

      “Another report published in the April 2011 issue of Annals of Surgery found that *one person is killed by a pit bull every 14 days, two people are injured by a pit bull every day, and young children are especially at risk*. The report concludes that “*these breeds should be regulated in the same way in which other dangerous species, such as leopards, are regulated*.” That report was shared with TIME by PETA, the world’s largest animal-rights organization.”

      “Q: Do pit bulls bite more than other dog breeds?
      Depending upon the community in which you live and the ratio of pit bulls within it, yes and no. But whether a pit bull bites more or less than another dog breed is not the point. *The issue is the acute damage a pit bull inflicts when it does choose to bite. The pit bull’s “hold and shake” bite style causes severe bone and muscle damage, often inflicting permanent and disfiguring injuries*. Moreover, *once a pit bull starts an attack, firearm intervention may be the only way to stop it*.

      When analyzing dog bite statistics, it is important to understand what constitutes a bite. A single bite — recorded and used in dog bite statistics — is a bite that “breaks the skin.” One bite by a poodle that leaves two puncture wounds is recorded the same way as a pit bull mauling, which can constitute hundreds of puncture wounds and extensive soft tissue loss. Despite the “quagmire” of dog bite statistics, *pit bulls lead biting incidents across U.S. cities and counties*.”

      /end thread

    2. @Not Always You simply don’t know what you’re talking about. I bet you’ve never owned a dog in your life.

  2. And don’t let them go to other police departments…. That is the problem they just transfer to other police departments.

    1. @The Tweatles Let’s see. America passed equality and protection laws for LGBT so If Democrats support LGBT they are Pro-America that means those who are Anti-LGBT are Anti-America. Another fun fact:……surveys conducted in 2018 and 2019, 65% of American adults describe themselves as Christians when asked about their religion, down 12 percentage points over the past decade. Meanwhile, the religiously unaffiliated share of the population, consisting of people who describe their religious identity as atheist, agnostic or “nothing in particular,” now stands at 26%, up from 17% in 2009.

    2. I can just hear racists watching this video saying “look at those rioters” behind the reporter. Just like the people playing their violins. Let’s gas them.

    3. They don’t even need to move to other departments. These days, they just get rehired after a few months when the furor dies down. Happens all the time. Blame to police unions, because that’s one of the things they fight for – the reinstatement of rotten cops to their jobs.

    4. @Xela somar sounds like GREAT news to me… Man-made Religion(Rapists) are ALREADY DEAD 🤣😂💪🏾✊🏾… The #VICTORY CLAIMED!

  3. The police are horrible. I’m sorry, I’m kinda tired of people saying that most police are good. I can’t say that with confidence. I can go with a few bad apples. But a few bad apples will spoil the whole bunch if they aren’t move taken out immediately.

    1. @F Rod all im gonna say is, don’t be surprised when racist being start being afraid of black people because people start generalizing each other. honestly, fighting racism with the racist tactics truly solves racism.

    2. AIM-9 Sidewinder,
      There’s a Code of Silence among cops, their blue line flags everywhere are a constant reminder that cops don’t hurt cops.
      A good cop is the same as a martyr.
      Hard to ask someone to martyr themselves.
      Civilian oversight is the only answer.

    1. @The Tweatles LGBTQ rights isn’t as important as police brutality and no im not saying that it’s not important. oh wait why am I responding to a bot?? 😂

    1. @brian green The only Nazis that are currently a threat in the United States are liberal Democracts obviously. 😱

    2. @Looney Times did I say anything about masks. You should keep talking and assuming things.

    3. @Factsthat Hurtfeelings … If you’re wearing a mask – good for you… Sorry for assuming you were a Trumpleton….

    4. This is Colorado, they didn’t disband here, they stopped meeting in public, when the Rocky mountain news printed their liscense plate numbers in the newspaper.

  4. Wait, the three guys that did the thing still have jobs, but the three guys that reenacted the thing do not?

    1. Oh, don’t worry – the mockers will be silently rehired the moment this story is not in the news any more, so they’ll all have their jobs and be treated as heroes, while that poor young man lost his life for nothing.

  5. There’s absolutely nothing funny about someone being murdered! Their needs to be a law banning them from being hired at any other police force period!

    1. Brandon Angstman exactly…the laws give them infinite runway to violate citizens rights with no consequences. These aren’t isolated incidence from bad apples, the system is broken and there is no accountability.

    2. @Objective Evaluation amen brother you have no idea how nice it is to hear someone else who can see this I’m from small town Midwest and I have tried to explain this to people but they keep saying that they don’t see a problem or that the cops must have had a reason

    3. Charmaine *there
      You are dead right.A national data-base is the answer.
      Oh and better training and vetting.
      Pschopaths need not apply!

    4. Colorado did pass a new law with lots of interesting details, the Leonard French YouTube channel discussed it, and Governor Polis started an investigation of some of the police killings.

    5. @Carrie Ullrich good we’re making progress even if it took decades of doing nothing, but isn’t that the American way. We hear the wolves howling in the dark but never bother to worry until they’re nawing on our arm.

  6. What makes it more disgusting is they have the balls to actually take a pic of it SMH 🤦🏾‍♂️ but one thing we do know is the police have been doing this for years and getting away with it Trump just amplified it

    1. Why bring Trump into this? FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM (local and state issue, not Federal). They were doing this CHIT when Obama was President too (or do you not remember)???

    1. They can no longer be cops in he entire Colorado state. Its progress, but more needs yo be done, the community needs Elijah’s investigations to show how criminal the cops were who murdered him so his family can have justice for him. Those bad cops should be criminally charged with murder.

  7. They clearly didn’t care about Elijah’s life and they are vile human beings. They don’t care about it and I hate that. So glad they were fired…

  8. It’s time to demand correcting all America’s racist wrongs from our history and give black Americans their true freedom .

  9. We have to thank Trump for unknowingly outing the police force without him knowing it.

    1. USE THE REAL WORD: MURDERED. Frankly, I think it was an EXECUTION. Kid probably knew something harmful to them, count on it. FOLLOW THE MONEY.

  10. My Question is ? How many’s people’s like Elijah Macclain that aren’t yeti discovered

    1. Nah, “he” is: ten sandwiches, plates, cups, a hamper, a blanket and a nice, sunshiny day short of a picnic,

      Just saying…

    2. Well if they’re white they will never be discovered because as we know it only an injustice against humanity if you have the right skin color.

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