President Donald Trump was captured on tape at a 2018 dinner with Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman demanding the firing of Marie Yovanovitch, who was then the US Ambassador to Ukraine, according to an attorney for Parnas. #CNN #News
Attorney: Trump caught on tape demanding ambassador’s firing

I don’t know him! 🤣 Republicans will still quadruple down and tell us not to believe our own eyes and ears 👀
I think his regular line is: “You Are fired” So i’m pretty sure “Take her out” meant something else…
George Soros, Marie Yovanovitch, Democrats & Ukraine: How the DEEP STATE Takes Control
@Roman Max That’s even better. Bernie supporters will either sit at home or vote for Trump – there are people doing just that believe it or not.
@PS Wright Hahahaha…what’s your profession? Novel writer?
Its absolutely amazing how anyone can construct a story about Trump based on just few seconds of conversation. Have you thought about working for CNN or MSNBC? Mother Zucker will have you replacing Lemon the clown in no time at all.
@usssanjacinto1 No doubt. Leftists freaking out over him firing her still..It’s not new news. She sucked, period. She’s a traitor and was helping Democratic corrupt foreign interests under direction from Obama.
Wait a sec… trump said he didnt know these people…someone is lying! 😂🤣
Wait a sec… this happened a year before Biden even decided to run…so much for investigating a political rival!
Being in a meeting with someone among others does not mean you know them. Common sense.
@Ben Johnson I keep seeing this comment and it proves the Republicans have hive minds. That’s not the point being made bud.
@Doug Murray who cares what you think? Trump 2020 🇺🇸
Que in all the times he said he doesn’t know them.
@Rodney Boehner Parnas? You mean the guy Trump claims he doesn’t know, the guy he claims he’s never spoken to? You do realize this has nothing to do with Biden right? You’re obsessed…Thats besides the point, you are delusional and whats wrong with this country.
Trump’s a boss lol
@EJay Allgood Look, dumb@ss. Firing Yovanovitch is not a crime. Understand? An ambassador serves at the pleasure of the President. If she was undermining U.S. foreign policy by telling the Ukrainians that they don’t need to listen to Trump because he was going to get impeached, then she deserves to be fired for disloyalty, insubordination, and undermining U.S. foreign policy. F Yovanovitch! She’s no better than Comey!
What’s worse is that her firing had nothing to do with anything the Dems made up about impeaching Trump! It’s all a false narrative made up out of whole cloth by the lying Dems.
“Oh, THAT Les Parnas…”
Silly Wabbit!
Now Bolton should start releasing revealing excerpts from his soon to be released book.
No, he should just come forward and say, “If you won’t subpoena me to be a witness, I’ll just tell everything I know to the first serious journalists to show up with a mic, a camera, and live feed.
That wasn’t a comment but an order” Take her out! … Do it!”
@Fifer McGee Yet she is still alive but at least 22 special forces military men under the age of 47 who worked directly for the Clinton’s as bodyguards are dead.
And so many others who worked for the Clinton’s are dead.
Yet she is alive as others have pointed out. But she is fired. Common sense tells us this was not a hit order.
@laynn 10 The point is, the liar said he didn’t know the creep Parnas.
@Arthur Tennessen The liar swore he didn’t even know Parnas, and here he is telling the creep to take her out. That’s your president, you can be proud.
@JRG2733 he said he might have been in one of his meeting, the guy littersly has one everyday.
Trump: “I don’t know the man” … time to get Trump and Rudy to talk under oath … I think they’ll both end up under the bus!
Everything is caught on tape but no proof. 😂
Yep, everything is a shirade. Absolutely, no proof. Time and time again he’s proven to be lying scum. His cult followers, will also justify his lies to no end. That’s how a dictatorship works.
You guys must be bad at math. The allegation is that he investigated Ukraine to spy on his political rival joe Biden,this tape proves he had the investigation done a year before joe Biden even announced he was running for president, this tape actually proves the CNN and democrat narrative of trump trying to spy wrong. You guys are morons and don’t even realize this proves he’s innocent.
He couldn’t have been having dinner with Les because he “doesn’t know the man”. (?)
Sorry to interrupt but how did someone manage to secretly film this! Please share it: WATCH: Full video of Trump saying Ukraine ambassador should be removed
PBS NewsHour
@Dustin Brooks Every person I met? Of course not. A person that I invited for dinner and talked to for over an hour? Most definitely.
Trump either has the worst memory on the planet or he’s a compulsive liar. Take your pick.
@Dustin Brooks lol
Why isn’t this on fox?.. Chris Wallace will bring it up💪🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
@sun dial that’s not what’s being debated dumbass. Trump said he doesn’t know who Lev parnas is and this audio proves otherwise.
Because Fox is reporting real news how impeachment has been destroyed by Trump Lawyers, Presidents have the authority to decide who is an ambassador deal with it. Why doesn’t FBI or CIA protect this administration from being infiltrated by foreign con men?!?!?
Listen to all what parnas said and you will be able to connect the dots like anyone else who has followed the story and has common sense
Chris Wallace is the only one with a sense.👍🏿
@Paul Владимирович Простаков “fox is reporting real news ‘how impeachment has been destroyed by trump lawyers'” you just proved you don’t think for yourself.😂😂
there is more tapes, Parnas is a soviet criminal, he knows how to cover his own äšś!
Where the trumptards? You know they all gonna scream fake news 😭😭😭
They’re busy watching hee haw reruns
You do realize this proves the entire impeachment is a lie right? They said trump was investigating joe Biden and interfering in election, this tape shows that he wanted to investigate Ukraine A YEAR BEFORE joe Biden even announce he was running. This tapes date proves that the entire allegations of attempting to investigate his political rival to be false… I guess you don’t realize the date matters you tool
Someone he doesn’t know (but have a dinner with) suggests to fire an ambassador and he agrees…Make sense,
There are 2 main party in the US : Democrats and Sopranos
You misspelled dem0rats
@Victor Mason Elite debating skillz Victor!
Good one bro, this is a fucking fairy tale, makes great cinema..
I was never a Republican, BUT this is not who Republicans used to be. Not in a million years did I ever think something like this could become of the Republican Party. Not only is it mind-blowing. It is terrifying. This no longer has anything to do with policy. Whatever you have felt about either party, It has now truly come down to acknowledging, seeking, telling the truth or choosing to support absolute lies and Corruption at any expense. This is not opinion. It is impossible to see otherwise unless you are buying into propaganda and truly have not educated yourself. We all have the ability to easily fact check and we must make time to do so. These are serious and very dark times. It is time to truly “MAGA”… And I do not mean Trump’s definition…. I mean skip back to what truly being American means and all we have always proclaimed to be… and tell the truth while letting the chips fall where they may…. Whether we like it or not.
Wait I thought he didn’t know him lol
Kevin Lorthe right? Trump can’t keep up with his own BS lol
Take her out sounds like a hit job.
Taking people out is Clinton’s thing.
@Patricia Burgess Just like some people did something
Yep it sure does! Sounds like the definition of a terroristic threat with intent to commit bodily harm.
MSNBC and CNN fake news are such ret*rds! They just proved Trump is innocent. This recording of Trump saying, “Fire her!” in 2018 and apparently using Lev Parnas in Ukraine happened one year before Biden even announced a run for the Democratic nomination in April of 2019 and before the phone call with Zelensky in July 2019. Also the firing of Yovanovitch had nothing to do with finding dirt on anyone. (See
@Vera Wallace he just wishes he was among those elite mobsters! Lol, fat Tony Salerno, Lucky Luciano, Gambino & 3 finger Brown aka Tommy Lucchese! Too stupid & they would take him out on day 1… Joseph Bonnano would call for the vote…and it would be unanimous vote to meet Mr mayhem if he rode a tricycle!
Release everything and have the Republicans go down in history defending his corruption.
Firing an insubordinate is not corruption idiot
Thanks, bro very well said..
@Brian Kimball you can’t possibly be serious. You can’t possibly find any sane reason to believe that an impeached president is going to be in office for a second term to get impeached again. That’s crazy. How many times do you want this piece of trash to become impeached?
He’s had plenty of experience saying “you’re fired!” This is different and ominous.
MSNBC and CNN fake news are such ret*rds! They just proved Trump is innocent. This recording of Trump saying, “Fire her!” in 2018 and apparently using Lev Parnas in Ukraine happened one year before Biden even announced a run for the Democratic nomination in April of 2019 and before the phone call with Zelensky in July 2019. Also the firing of Yovanovitch had nothing to do with finding dirt on anyone. (See
“Take her out!” is certainly ominous. I fear for her even now.
Hopefully she doesn’t commit suicide with 2 bullets in the back of the head 🤷♂️
Relax. He’s not Clinton.
If I take her out fire the insubordinate she’s lucky she lasted past his first day like all the other left overs from the Odumbo failure administration