At yesterday’s House hearing, AG Barr says there is no reason to investigate President Trump for commuting the sentence of Roger Stone. NBC News Correspondent Julia Ainsley joins the conversation. Aired on 7/29/2020.
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Attorney General Bill Barr On Roger Stone Case | Morning Joe | MSNBC
I only hope that Barr stays in jail longer than Stone and the others!
But he’s an old man! The reason he said Stone had to have a reduced sentence.
Agree!! He is a LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR and very arrogant and he does NOT care if he only “works” for Donald Trump . He is a disgrace. But he isn’t going to be AG forever!!!
@Lorraine van Lelyveld AWWW , YOU MAD?
Barf did not look very good coming out of this.
So what? he doesn’t care, that’s for sure. The only way to hold him accountable is to vote blue in November.
@Ken White I did. Multiple times they asked him a question and gave him no time to answer. When he tried to answer they interrupted him and said ‘I reclaim my time’.
Republicans were giving up their time to speak to allow Barr to answer questions from the Dems. It was a clown show.
@Sparky McSpark so what? He can go testify for 11hrs like miss Clinton if he needs more time no ones stopping him.
watch the entire thing not msnbc hand picked clip
@Michaels amazing videos ok

Barr needs to be in jail…it’s really that simple. : )
Thank you. Very simple.
For what? He committed no crime. The democrats don’t like Barr because he is an excellent lawyer and will help to bring down deep state.
Eric Swalwell is definitely getting better at cross examination. Dude flat out smoked him in that exchange.
I liked it when rep Cicilline questioned him and made Barr look foolishly incompetent.
Patrick Kingfisher Kennedy ditto!
Yes he did.
That wasn’t a cross examination.
*Lady’s and Gentlemen Honorable WILLIAM P. BOZO*
@justasking Bill Dis-Graced the DOJ. Those working there are now tarnished. The reputation of the DOJ is ruined.

@justasking a great pile of
Bill bar used to complain about trumps tweets, now he lies under oath and says he doesn’t read them. please vote a blue straight ticket to save our democracy
Complaining about his tweets does not mean he reads them. Good grief.
98 more days to vote out the clown and for Barr to be held accountable
Let”s not stop there….Remember these names so we can clean this swamp! #staysafe
You got that right
*This Bozo must obey the king , enjoy your king USA.*
@mike briganti Enjoy those little rocks you cook in that glass pipe
Barr’s smirk says it all.
I’m neither an American nor a politician and I know all the things Barr is “not aware of”.
Pam Deshane You sure like trolling idiocy.
@mike briganti it’s on the video,
Drinking Leftist Kool Aid is not knowledge.
@President of the Virgin Islands
Poor pammy, they don’t get cspan in russia
A vote for Democrats is a vote for P€D0PH!I€S!
“There’s a lot of evidence in the president’s tweets.” Exactly why the Attorney General won’t read them. I guess the threat of a lot more investigations didn’t include the Roger Stone/ President Trump “coincidences.”
Feb 13, 2020 “I think it’s time to stop the tweeting about Department of Justice criminal cases,” Barr told ABC News Chief Justice Correspondent Pierre Thomas in an interview re: the Roger Stone case. He went on to say the president’s Tweets “make it impossible to do my job.” Bill Barr committed perjury at least 3 times in his testimony yesterday.
@gypsymama I love it when you guys can bring it like you just did….Awesome! #staysafe
So a tweet is now consider evidence lol you people lack critical thinking skills I think.
@vitor_8889 the only other possibilities would be that 1- Trump doesn’t author his tweets, or; 2- just because he says it doesn’t mean it’s so (intimated by the AG, so he ignores them). You know e-mails are considered a source for evidence in court, right? If Trump isn’t gaslighting us with his tweets, then they reflect his thinking.
@vitor_8889 How’s that for critical/ analytical thinking? Just reply by pointing out the “failed thinking” in that line of thought.
Was so funny every time he was asked a question a didn’t like, he looked at Jim Jordan as if he could help him out.
You don’t want Jim Jordan as your wingman.
He wasnt allowed to talk dumb
B L 100%!
So he didn’t read the Muller report either because the Tweet about Roger Stone is in there and was redacted by his DOJ. How can he summarise something for the American people that he hasn’t read properly?
Larry Smith Larry, that statement was perjury. He has admitted to reading Trump’s emails in the past and he does read Trump’s tweets now.
How did he determine the president’s involvement in the Mueller report if he never read it
@Doug Thomson I knew it was perjury – I just wish Swalwell could have called him out for lying. There were too many missed opportunities.
@Mary Johnson That’s my point- he is clearly lying about never seeing that tweet before as he read the Muller report, redacted that tweet and then told everyone “There’s nothing to see here”
When Barr talks about requiring a reliable predicate for an investigation, he means “are they a Democrat?”. If the answer is yes, he will start the investigation right away.
@johansphone that is a very weak excuse as a matter of fact I wouldn’t accept it from my kids cant accept it from a college graduate. Sorry very weak
@Mark Cothran This is a cultural revolution that wants to erase the board and start over with reparations, open borders, socialism, no police, and no constitution. The radical left will control Biden like a puppet, they already do. Are you ready for this? We will so poor you won’t know what hit you and you better not complain or they will shut you down before you finished complaining. I lived longer, I’ve lived more, and experienced more than you, I know Trump and the Republicans are our bet hope right now. I use to be Democrat, they are insane now. I’m not saying I’m smarter than you, just been around the block more. I know you’ve met wealthy liberals, but they are protected by their money. I’m not, are you?
@Paul D I’m not sure that you are older than but I haven’t seen workers benefit from any administration since Clinton and that has been some time ago. If you are my age you were raised with the same values I was and the most important thing anyone can do is be honest. There is no way anybody can say this administration has ever been honest. I sure haven’t seen the financial growth that apparently Trump supporters have seen. I am raising two grandsons who are teenagers I have a disabled wife. If I didnt own my home already I couldn’t support my family and Trump hasn’t helped. At my age I cant wait 4 more years
@Paul D Congratulations…your delusional…God and Jesus are watching…I’m embarrassed for you..L’chaim from Jacova born March 11…in Bethlehem…The one who knows God…and Jesus…for you it went over your head and not into your heart…So guess what…Your statement is empirically wrong…On its face and in reality.
@Jacqueline Wernett OMG what drugs are you on ? You’ve gone mad.
The Tweets are in the Muller report. He said he wish he wouldn’t tweet.
@Pam Deshane
You play cut and paste with a comment whining about democrats reading their statements? And find no irony in this?
@Babba Ganoush I agree nothing but Toadies. He has his administration in place so he can further do his dirt without repercussions.
Pam Deshane Go away Nazi queen, moron imbecile, Orange turd and most of all f ing traitor.
@James Sebela The nazi is your kind that believe in Hitler’s laws. PARROT. You don’t believe in our laws or the Constitution. You want to destroy this country and our military.
@Pam Deshane The lefties/Dems don’t like Barr because he poses a genuine threat of exposing their criminality. Durham likely will not issue a ‘report’, but rather a package of indictments. But I disagree with Barr. The Stone case should have been completely thrown out as malicious prosecution, pure and simple. Barr said Obama and Biden are not under investigation. But Yes they are, at least in the public domain. One can not investigate the origins of the Trump-Russia frame-up scam without being led to the Obama WH.
Barr seems blithely unaware of the world around him. He should be removed from office immediately!
96 days 13 hours 42 minutes until election day. We do have early voting in my state. Believe me, I will cast my vote at my earliest convenience.
Unfortunately, to remove Barr would take longer than that. And even if impeached by the house the senate would block his removal. Covid or the election are our best chances.
@Babba Ganoush Well we’re going to remember some names….Let”s get rid of the asshat in office along with Barr and ALLLLLL of these mofos! #staysafe
This video gets Trump Jr.’s Twitter account Locked
I think he is very aware of the world around him. He has zero interest in equal justice.
@MMJ Credit Card Processor Absolutely!…Well,the asshat in office couldn”t answer that question,either: #staysafe
He gave himself away as a loyalist with his dancing around the question of accepting friends aid during an election.
Loyalty to the president over the people of this country is definitely a nod to facisim.
He definitely has been corrupted Once a man of ethics, is no more.
@Bill Robbins
@Bill Robbins Sir, he never had ethics, he did not look into Trumps eyes and become the corrupt man that he is today. He always was.
He looks like an under boss being questioned about the boss.
He doesnt “look like”, he is an under boss etc.
@Patrick Saelen have you ever seen a better game of dodge ball
he looks like a sociopath Muppet
He looks like Fred Flintstone being chewed out by Wilma for flirting with Betty!!!
@Herb Nichols they wonder why people are breaking the law during these protests I say it is because they see their leaders breaking the law. Maybe if our leaders set a better example people would act better
Excuse me. Did he just threaten everyone he will investigate them? If he had his way a lot more people would be under investigation?
This guy’s got to be full!!!! Eating Democrats all day. By far one of the attorney general’s we’ve ever had!!!!!/TRUMP 2020/GOUDY2024,

@Johnny Starr Why?
@Johnny Starr Is this a game to you?
Bar says “I don’t believe that” well the fact that trump said he would pardon Stone in a tweet, and it actually gets done…. then interface IS real.
MsWheely I am going to show you how ignorant virtually everyone posting here are and it will blow your minds!! Get ready! Here goes:
YESTERDAY: Jerry Nadler, multiple Democratic members of Congress and Democratic Mayors and Governors across the country and media: “They are peaceful protestors exercising their rights and Barr is a liar! They are moms, students and BLM supporters fighting systemic racism. There is no violence that calls for Federal agents or even local police. We support them!! Trump is sending in “stormtroopers” and “kidnapping” innocent, peaceful marchers.”
TODAY: The people out there are “white supremacists” “white extremists” “right wing racists”.
Now the proof of ignorance: You believe them NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY!! You are the ones now saying they are “white supremacists” and “right wingers”. If they are, then you and the Mayors and Governors would be screaming and doing everything in your/their power to stop them and would be demanding Trump send troops to stop them since they are the people you hate!! Yet, when Trump sends in people to stop the “white supremacists” “white extremists” YOU are now claiming they are, you and Democrats are absolutely against it and claiming it is illegal for Trump to send in agents!!! And that, folks, is stupidity!! Based on the posts, a lot of people got ‘left behind’ by our educational system.