Asian Americans decry spike in violent attacks amid pandemic.
Asian Americans have been victims of increased violence and harassment since the coronavirus pandemic began, but recent attacks have prompted some to "hunker down" again.
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#Pandemic #Racism #COVID19
Fake news is what it is and sad playing the race card.
Maybe the Chinese should stop demonizing and geocoding Muslims
Bruh, Asian are not just chinese
Chinese-Americans did nothing to deserve this kind of treatment, that much is certain.
Imagine attacking a French American over what the Germans did to the Jews. That’s how dumb you sound Marky
Media loves to divide people with race then further it with more reports.
But you cant say that there is spike in white people dying. That would be racist.
..because there’s not?
Only white people can be racists. Dont you know that?
Media loving the race card sad
Trump’s rabid followers listen to believe and follow and act on every word he says words have consequences words have power in them and people should be held accountable for the consequences of their actions which include their words
He called for no action against Asians. TDS
How is this playing the race card?
White people in the comments are actually getting offended? Because they don’t like seeing news sources talking about problems with other races and let all the racist things be present?
.. лишить трампа гражданства – пусть в россию едет, там жить в сибире =)
China needs to apologize and provide support to the US for all the damage, to help start the healing
If it were a white guy attack an Asian , you won’t show it. Why? Thought others do not know your conspiracy of sowing discord between the Asians and Africa Americans! US conspiracies are repeated again and again.
Thanks Biden!
It’s China fault not them
I wish the Covid 19 virus never exists due to the hate it caused.
Dont do this people,creating hate solves nothing!!!