The Trump Plaza casino has been a deteriorating eyesore in Atlantic City for years, and one bidder will get the chance to help the city say goodbye to Trump’s failed venture by pressing the button to demolish it. The proceeds from the auction will go to the Boys & Girls Club of Atlantic City. The city’s mayor Marty Small joins The Beat to discuss the demolition, and explains how he’s been inundated with interest in the project from around the globe: “folks are extremely interested.” (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 12/18/2020.
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#Trump #AtlanticCity #MSNBC
Atlantic City's Revenge: Blowing Up Trump's Casino For Charity | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
A crumbling facade, parts of it completely missing – you can’t make this stuff up.
but cheeto face will still cry “fake news”
its cheap, just like Donald Trump is cheap..
@John Watt other countries should have done their home work.Then they would have known that it was a bad investment.You live you learn,you lazy you learn the hard way.
@Maree Keay It may cut down on the Covid Cases in the US if the building ON EACH FLOOR was full of you No mask Wearing Repuls having a Super bowl Trump’s Rally, when whoever push the button. This would really Make American Great Again. .
@Patricia Moss It’s not THAT special.
An eyesore with a crumbling facade? Thought she was talking about Donald for a moment.
I hate trump
She was
Maybe later they’ll implode Trump himself, or explode him, for charity, auctioned to highest bidder. Proceeds to the American Citizens’ Truth and Economics Fund, or Dis-United Way.
Get in TOP SHAPE with “Red Pull” and do easily 20 pull up’s ! TRUMP himself gives the proof in
. See Donnie at his best !
Wow, trump finally makes an indirect contribution to a Childrens Charity that the kids will actually get.
@Kathy Mcneil I know. He is not a good person. He is a sick man.
People try to actually read articles and keep up for once. Here’s a an article of truth
President Donald Trump’s namesake charitable foundation agreed to cease operations in late 2018 as part of an agreement with New York’s attorney general, who alleged that the nonprofit organization was improperly leveraged to further Trump’s business and political interests. A November court order resolved the lawsuit, and Trump ultimately paid a total of $2 million in damages to eight charities, which also received equal portions of the foundation’s remaining $1.8 million.
But it is not the case, as viral social media posts claim, that the Trump family was “disallowed from operating ANY charity” in New York “because they stole from a kids cancer charity.” That distorts the facts on a number of fronts, including by conflating two separate matters.
First of all, it’s wrong to say the family was “disallowed” from operating a charity in the state. There was no such stipulation in the settlement with the attorney general.
While the attorney general’s lawsuit initially asked the court to bar Trump and his grown children who sat on the foundation’s board from serving as any charity’s “officer, director, trustee or equivalent position” for a period of time, the settlement reached did not do that.
Instead, the agreement imposes a number of requirements that the president must meet if he “decides to serve as an officer or director of a pre-existing charitable organization” — or “form a new charitable organization and serve as an officer or director thereof” — in New York. For example, if Trump were to start a new organization, he would need to “provide Annual Reports to the Attorney General for 5 years.”
It also required Trump’s children — Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump — to participate in “mandatory training” relating to charitable organizations, which the three have already undergone.
There also was no part of the state’s lawsuit that dealt with allegations that the Trump Foundation “stole from a kids cancer charity,” as the posts claim.
That detail appears to stem from a 2017 Forbes story that alleged Eric Trump’s separate nonprofit organization, the Eric Trump Foundation, engaged in self-dealing and misled donors.
@Leah Norris I also grew up in New Jersey and moved to Maine when I was 20, also best move I ever made. lol.
*The BuiLding is a NICE BuiLding, BuiLt by the Greatest Genius, who EVER LIVED!!!!*
*Why Waste it!!! Why NOT use it for something???* <= For TRUTH
Get in TOP SHAPE with “Red Pull” and do easily 20 pull up’s ! TRUMP himself gives the proof in
. See Donnie at his best !
It’s the epitome of Trump, a giant con whose facade is crumbling
@WILSON! why have you left UK, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Canada and pretty much of the developed Western world? You are clearly very ignorant.
@WILSON! BTW, You lose all credibility when you foment that tired old chestnut about masters and control through a pandemic..I’ve had the pleasure of debunking several conspiracies this year on that very subject.
So which one are you..? Georgia Guidestones…? Agenda 21…? Chinese communist Plandemic..? Jesus lives/Zionist blackmail..? Cult of Mars..? Extra Terrestrial Earth Conservation…? E.T. Herd thinning…?
Go ahead and publish your manifesto..if it’s new or unique, I may take the time to debunk it at my leisure…
@WILSON! 40+ years of documented cheating and stealing shows that trump is a con. He’s only branding, no substance. Cripes guy, he called covid a hoax, then caught it himself. All on live tv. I’m guessing you like Obama, as you’re using him to defend trump.
@WILSON! You sound like a soft spoiled American child. You must be if you misunderstand the word comfort. Comfort as in you can pay your bills, you have a roof over your head, you can feed yourself. Don’t proclaim to know anything about this world, like some kind of informed person, you can’t even understand the English language, which I presume is your native language. But you are so soft, you can’t comprehend what the word comfort means, instead you go to extremes with free stuff and Venezuela. Do you really expect us to believe you have a clue as to what happened to Venezuela, other than “socialism bad”, when you can’t even understand the word comfort?
Get in TOP SHAPE with “Red Pull” and do easily 20 pull up’s ! TRUMP himself gives the proof in
. See Donnie at his best !
i’m sure manhattanites’d
love to do the same to
their “tower”.
All in due time, my friend. Stay safe

You’re going to be crying snowflake! 


@The Truth Hurts You! Reading and writing has never been a MAGA’s friend.
Get in TOP SHAPE with “Red Pull” and do easily 20 pull up’s ! TRUMP himself gives the proof in
. See Donnie at his best !
This hotel is a metaphor of America after what Trump has done
@Ricardo Gonzales neither did Hitler or Charles Manson. But all three are responsible for inciting hate and voilence.
*The BuiLding is a NICE BuiLding, BuiLt by the Greatest Genius, who EVER LIVED!!!!*
*Why Waste it!!! Why NOT use it for something???* <= For TRUTH
Dan Bumes – You couldn’t have expressed better!
Get in TOP SHAPE with “Red Pull” and do easily 20 pull up’s ! TRUMP himself gives the proof in
. See Donnie at his best !
Please put him in prison, where he belongs!
*ALL of you DeMonRats are too CoWardLy to Arrest DonaLd Trump!!!!*
@Robert Martyr Alot of us would love to. But so far don’t have authority. Agree so much of Democrat leadership are mealy-mouthed ‘nice’ guy or gal wimps.
@Carl Cushman Hybels
*DeMonRats are the Greatest of CoWards!!!*
*I’ve been saying for Months that, Once JoeBuTTons is in OFFice,*
*Joe wiLL Announce LOVE & UNITY & ForGiveness for TRUMP!!!!*
*This IS WHY I ReSpect RePunkLiarCons, MORE than I ReSpect the*
*God-Less, CoWards, & Sod O Mites, who are DeMonRats!!!!* <= For TRUTH
A psychiatric ward.
@3dfreak2000 one can dream. Just tell him there’s a $50 bill floating around inside.
That crumbling casino looked like a cheap veneer covering up an enormous turd. Oh right, everything Trump is that.
Best comment ever!
Like the spray tan.
In Vancouver, thousands stood and cheered as they tore down his sign at his failed hotel there….
More where that came from, this is just the beginning!
@tracy morrison We dislike this man cuz of what he’s done to the American citizens. Hope you recover quickly, many fond memories of vacationing in the UNITED States. Be well, stay safe everyone
@billlmf Started a trade war with the US’s best trading partner, insulted Canadians and Canadian leadership…
@Carl Cushman Hybels ya, meanwhile that orange face already did the fence in Washington and BC border, soon might be the wall if that orange face stay in the power~~
Get in TOP SHAPE with “Red Pull” and do easily 20 pull up’s ! TRUMP himself gives the proof in
. See Donnie at his best !
How fitting! His name going up in flames just after he goes down in flames!
..let him do it himself and make sure the fuse is a real short one

@The Truth Hurts You! what so abusive? You said I was jealous and I want to know what I’m jealous of. So you resort to name calling, why? It would seem as if the truth really hurts. Go figure!
i look forward to the slo-mo.
@The Truth Hurts You! of what?? dream on. #DiaperDon
This must be killing trump knowing that his failure is actually going to help kids.
@Draftkings Jackpot what’s the story?
If he could get his hands on it…he would. And $20 million for chandeliers…I doubt it. Yuge* ugly glass is more like it
Get in TOP SHAPE with “Red Pull” and do easily 20 pull up’s ! TRUMP himself gives the proof in
. See Donnie at his best !
@The Connoisseur dude, left just can’t meme. You made a career out of it? Blimey!
@Mark NDo some research, fact check and think twice before you rush to kiss it’s ‘ bigly S’ and make yourself a fool in the public forum.
● ” Tried to be cautious of panicking people ” and yet that thing living in the WH and it’s die hard fans yelling and blaming that China and WHO delayed to notify the world of the Covid? As if China do not have to be cautious of panicking 1.4 Billion Chinese when such virus NEVER HAPPEN IN HUMAN SPECIES. Pot calling kettle black. LOL
●Biden did accuse Trump of “xenophobia” in an Iowa campaign speech the same day that the administration announced the travel restrictions — Jan. 31 — but his campaign said his remarks were not related, and that he made similar comments before the restrictions were imposed
●Often referring to the order as a “ban” on travel. However, the order was NOT a “ban” at all. The order exempted citizens, permanent residents and most family members. The only people who were restricted from coming into the country from China were foreign nationals who had visited China in the last 14 days.
45 nations implemented travel restrictions on China before the U.S. did. After Trump issued the order on China, his administration did not institute further travel restrictions until February 27. Experts later concluded a large source of the outbreak in the U.S. may have been from travelers based in Europe, not Asia.
40,000. That’s how many people flew from China to the United States in the two months after Trump implemented the travel restrictions on China, according to the New York Times.
These two trying so hard to not just crack a giant grin. Oh the irony of blowing up the orange clown’s casino, making him a loser yet again.
Justice for ernie serrano
That’s just pure hate. Best if you try and limit that emotion from your life. Just plain negative. Trump ain’t gonna feel it anyways.
@Mark N why don’t you tell that to Trump and all of his cult followers? And then go tell that to the 100+ seditious house republicans and every single congressman and congresswoman that kisses the feet of the Trump family?
His charity stiffed the Boys and Girls Clubs, so it’s fitting they are finally getting some money in his name.
FROM his name, not IN his name.
Keep your mayor safe, Atlantic City. He’s a good egg. This is an excellent idea. It raises money and is great for local morale.
Morale ? Yeah right.
@Henry Volta yes, they are right.
They need to fly one of those huge, inflatable Diaper Don balloons over the roof. Inflate it with hydrogen

Yes I’m with this
The Diaper Don Balloon idea sounds so appropriate to highlight Trump’s whole four years in Office! In fact, it would be just the good-bye send off he both needs and deserves! With his daily lies to us and the corruption he’s perpetrated against our Government.
“A crumbling facade”, the symbolism and metaphor are ironic.
beyond perfect
“MAGA – a crumbling facade”
You go Atlantic City. Tell it like it is!!
@Surebrec pieces of junk, just like #DiaperDon
A Crumbling Facade
Yep, and his casino is falling apart, too.
I’m just glad the money will go to The Boys’ and Girls’ Club and not into a fake trump fundraiser.
Carl Icahn owns the Trump Plaza, not Trump. He bought Trump Plaza in bankruptcy.
@The Mad Librarian and you totally missed the point
That’s going to be one lucky SOB to put that garbage name off that casino!!
If I had the money, I’d pay to have Biden press that button.