CNN's Martin Savidge and Christi Paul speak with Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms about the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids, which are expected in major cities nationwide. #CNN #News
Atlanta mayor: We heard about ICE raids via Twitter

We are in the early stages of fascist USA.
We are in it up to our eyeballs. Nazi Germany 1939. Shame on us. Sheeple.
@Fat Shamer Locking them in cages, treating them like NAZI’S treated Jews, before gassing them to death. Using the Gestapo (ICE) to hunt them down, causing panic, and terror…. Yep, absolutely that’s fascist.
DEFINITION of FASCISM: an authoritarian and nationalistic RIGHT WING System of government and social Organization.
Sounds like trump and his cult followers dream come true
We are watching history repeating itself. Disgusting!!
@Fat Shamer You still don’t understand what Antichrist Trump is doing to America, do you, America? Enjoy the divine punishment you sooooooooo richly deserve.
If we’re kicking criminals out of the country, might as well start with the Trumps!
Mary R I agree the #1 enemy of the country is The Trump Crime Regime and the GOP
Trump is a lying racist RAPIST president
Mary R AGREED!!! His wife and in-laws along with them.
@Diana Hulstine Diana, you poor simpleton, the enemy of our country is the one who seeks to WEAKEN it….and time and time and time again, liberals have shown that they are ALL about weakening our nation…poor fool…take a remedial course at your local junior college…come back when you’re an adult…
And the whole lot of trump mob misfits family
Ice raids begin tomorrow at 10:00 Am in the 2300 block of Hispania drive.
Thank Trump for it.
CNN always making the right things sound bad by appealing to the emotional needs of gullible people.
says the brainwashed trump sycophant that watches fox news and AM radio
Well said. Sounds like modern liberalism, in general.
Trumps said he loves uneducated people
@Grumbleback says the deranged liberal idiot who thinks we need open borders and free stuff
This breaks my heart. Yes, they should become legal. But the system is broken. I work with many immigrant students, and to be honest, I don’t know who is legal (or if they were born here but their parents aren’t legal), but I don’t care. They are well behaved and stay out of trouble. They are in middle school, but they are still too young to be on their own. I know they are better off with their parents than in the CPS community. Those systems are already overwhelmed, and not all care providers should be allowed to be caring for children. Congress must stop this gridlock and end this horror.
Imagine reading about Trump being arrested via Twitter. Trump Arrested And Removed From White House Pence Comes Read more
They would make that day a world wide holiday.
That’s right go ATL, in gwinnett, county the illegals have the bags pk an ready to go trumps, s&&thole!!
How about individual 1, can we remove him from the WH for being a criminal mfker?
“Whatever you do to the least of these you do unto me”. – the prince of peace. Remember him? Anybody?
I don’t trust ice to treat people with dignity. They will remove the breadwinner from the house and put kids in foster care or detention. If you have a heart and know any of these people personally, hide them in your house this weekend.
Colonizers came here illegally, so nothing new here…
Roc nope it wasn’t illegal, immigration back then was through conquest, and was completely legal read your history
Those people all know they are supposed to be gone they are telling people to break the law.
So, she’s saying she wants the Federal Government to ask her nicely.
Regardless of your position on the issue, to announce a raid (day, time, and place) is totally dumb.
USA on a downhill slope. Dump Trump.
Well spoken Ms. Mayor of Atlanta
It’s like 1934 and 1984 got smashed together and gave us the USA in 2019.
Better places to spend my tourist dollars than that nightmare.
Seen Trump Bouncing on Putins Balls thee other day

Thank you President Trump for enforcing our laws.
TRUMP 2020 ! 
Keep up the fantastic job. Make America Safe Again !
If Mexican went back home can US agriculture survive it?
This is the ICE age I’ve been waiting for.
So I guess home depot is going be empty