On testing positive for coronavirus, Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms says, “This is startling for me because we've been so very careful, but certainly we are not immune. Again, this is just a lesson for everyone." Aired on 7/6/2020.
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Atlanta Mayor On Testing Positive For Coronavirus: ‘This Is Startling For Me’ | MSNBC
She means they keep repeating Trump’s mistakes.
Jonathan your sexuality is a mistake obviously.

btch stfu try to put trump into atlanta’s bllsht. nice try. keep rioting.
Little stupid betas think they are resisting the establishment by eating establishment media.
Trump isnt STUPID enough to catch Corona
Trump 2020
Get well soon…my prayers to you.
Pray that you will be ok!
RIP Secoriea Turner
The family was at that press conference yesterday. Praying for them.
Get well soon, my heart goes out to you Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms ; we all need you deeply and your courageous work for Atlanta; and so Georgia and the USA. Love and prayers for you.
Courage is not letting protesters take over parts of the city. Courage is not selling out your entire police force because of the actions of one cop–even if you believe that cop’s actions were not justified.
@William H what’s wrong with that
Psst. Only 1 out of ten who ever get it, get sick from it. 90% chance she’s not even sick. Now read it again, nice and slow.
Factsthat Hurtfeelings bro stfu with that
@Jay C. Hales if she was republican there would be boundaries though.
This is a war and we will win
Get well soon Mayor Bottoms!
Get lost for the sake of the City!
Florida: 206,000 cases, 2.2 million tests
Australia: 9,000 cases, 2.7 million tests
Trump: “The only reason states like Florida have so many cases is because they’ve done so much testing”
@Tanner 101 yes that’s definitely the reason why over 130,000 are now dead. Landscape. Call Fauci!!!
This is the new clout for rappers of the past to insult Black women for attention. They sound worse than W. Supremacist whe they down us. Boycott them and this will STOP.
The tests are frauds
@it’s negan Yeah so that’s inaccurate as well. Canada is way bigger than the US but we have less people. The issue is actually population density. There’s a lot of rural areas in Canada which makes things a little easier. Massive cities like L.A. and New York, etc., are difficult to manage because of their density. The fact is, it wasn’t managed well and still isn’t being managed. It’s barely acknowledged and not taken seriously enough. It’s been a recipe for disaster and too many have needlessly died.
@Kris Actually he was crooked, that’s been established but he was also needlessly murdered. It’s tragic and horrific.
You doing so good for all of your people. I am so happy you are in this place. All the best from switzerland.
Shut up Switzerland. We are none of your business. Go make cheese.
@john emeigh Another fine post from the Internet Research Agency.
thank you Switzerland.. yes she is doing good. she is smart and daring which is what is needed at this time and place. wishing her and the family well.
@Deborah K yet an 8 year old took a bullet to the back over the weekend? because she failed to quell the violence in her city?
Well everyone going out, press conferences, NOT protecting themselfs. Imagine who else got it
@Julie Ring Nope. Wrong. I outlined premises that are known to be true and drew conclusions from those premises. That’s called reasoning. It’s fun–you should try it!
@Maija Liepa Oh, the same news that said masks weren’t helpful before it said they were? Or the same news that said hydroxychloroquine wasn’t helpful and might even hurt you before it said that it really won’t hurt you and will probably help you? Or the same news that said millions of people in the U.S. could die by August before saying, yeah, that study was kind of bogus. That news? Get real!
@Frank Manning No you did not! Give me statistics on cases due to protests. You clearly must have access to medical reports!
@Frank Manning Well, an epidemiologist was asked this question, and stated, because the rate of infection after two weeks in areas such as New York was very low – it stands to reason that the spike in the southern states is more related to the early opening than the protests. Keep in mind – there was an increase in all areas with protests. It was just very minor and no where near the spike that was seen in Texas, Florida et al. And the hypothesis is, because most protestors wore masks and were outside, the circulating air prevented people from getting large virus loads. Which makes sense given that they now believe the virus to be airborne. So the riskiest situation is not outside in the fresh air with people wearing masks – it’s indoors with poor ventilation and not wearing mask, because the virus can spread large distances and hang in the air for hours. Up until recently, it was thought to only travel through large droplets – it appears this may not the case. And a group of scientists is currently petitioning the WHO to change this advice due to some studies that have demonstrated super spreader events are likely associated with indoor locations with poor air circulation.
Facts they don’t stay home and careless about wearing a mask smh
Prayers to her and her family…. she’s an amazing mayor
Abysmal failure more like it!
phuloc6 I think you got her confused with POTUS
@Marcy Morales well her city is in a state of emergency. Black people are dying all over her city. But I guess those black lives don’t matter though…. You hypocritical children will never truly see what is going on here…
@Marcy Morales I know what I said Black people are their own worst enemy!
Get well soon I love this wonderful lady so much just by watching her on television god bless you and your family
She tested negative and then, later, she tested positive.
Well, that’s going to confuse Donald Trump no end.
Maybe he’ll edit the results with his permanent marker.
Dems I mean leftist

@cj p
Go back, get your GED.
Covid19 DOESN’T recognize Sharpie!
The world can see the incredibly lies and twisting of facts done here on @MSNBC. @MSNBC has found themselves in a trap they can’t escape. Carry on … #NothingCanStopWhatsComing
God bless you mayor, hope you get better soon.
America is still a basket case months after most advanced countries have this worked out, and have virtually no cases in comparison.
That’s why the Canadians closed their border and Mexico also. Plus travel ban from the EU.
To everyone suffering from covid….. get well soon
Praying for you Mayor, your mother, and your family. May God protect you and grant a speedy recovery.
My thoughts are with you. Get well – America needs politicians like you!
Thats allright. 95% of America has tested positive for lack of critical thinking and still the country goes on….244 years of tradition.
My heart goes to the mayor and her family. I hope she comes through okay.
The mayor like any politicians dont wear mask in the crowd during conference so not surprized.