At Rally, Trump Talks Of Taking Risks | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The president at his rally on Monday spoke of the need to take risks in the face of the coronavirus, yet his supporters don't have access to the same type of medical treatment as the president. Aired on 10/13/2020.
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At Rally, Trump Talks Of Taking Risks | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. He will pardon himself of Federal charges. They already tipped their hand on him going to jail. And yes he csn pardon himself before charges and he will probably pardon Barr too.

    2. @The Tweatles you’re the troll with 3 or 4 different “names” so nah, you are the shameful shill, pathetic loser and seriously should be embarrassed by how much orange tan you’ve got on your chin🙄🐻

    1. That SOB got sick and called that a hoax and we paid the bills? China told him to downplay it and call that a hoax too? Vote him out !!!!!

    1. Here’s the thing I love you guys aren’t voting for Biden or say much to support Biden but you all are voting against Trump and say hateful things against Trump that says a lot.

    2. @Evan Sargent There is indeed plenty to hate about Trump. There’s almost nothing to actually like or support — at least if you have functioning brains that is.

    1. I do not like Trump, never have, never will. But Covid-19 is total BS, it has not killed 210K people. And it is provable.

    1. @THE OUTER DARKNESS CHANNEL also how can he honestly saw he is the law and order president after so many indictments, charges, and friends in jail.

    2. @Kevan yep even the founding fathers are just losers to Trump supporters. Thank you for proving my point.

    3. @General Rico you’re not proving anything. I’m not voting for trump as much as I’m voting against the left and their ideology. You can play victim your whole life or take responsibility. Government is not the solution.

    4. @Kevan hmm so far only one refusing to accept accountability and responsibility has been the right and their ideology. Refusing to even believe in reality when things dont go as they want.

  1. Joe Biden is right, you cannot have a word with this clown Trump, he’s a fool, got infected with the coronavirus, he didn’t learn from his mistakes for not wearing a face mask or social distancing .

    1. @Stephen Slattery You’re assuming too much. You won’t know anything about Biden being bad or good until he’s had a chance at the presidency. Biden is no Bernie, so you shouldn’t be too scared by what they are going to do if Biden is elected. You should be open to change. Believe me, a Biden presidency can’t be worse than a Trump presidency. That’s impossible.

    2. @scifiknut I gift my kids money, is it your business to kick them down for the gifts I give? Stfu. Lmao@u

    3. @scifiknut trump didn’t cut public services. Public services cut themselves, when motivated people left welfare to earn a good life in the booming Trump economy. … see how that works? No no you dont. You’re a low IQ pos

    4. @scifiknut what’s your favorite Biden policy? Raising our taxes,bringing back ACA (more money out of pockets), green new deal, $6 gas,higher everything because transportation of goods is more expensive? Packing the court? Etc. What is your favorite Biden policy? Defunding the cops? No fracking,cutting back on drilling? No school choice=segregation? What is your favorite Biden policy?

    1. Jesus Christ is THE ONLY YOU DEVOTE TO.

      Jesus Christ reverse the curse word…🤔

      Did you know there’s a Divine purpose for you through faith in Jesus Christ


      Not a bird falls out the sky without God knowing about the Lord knows about every step you take every mistake you have made God knows when one hair falls.

      God knows when you fell and cried and felt like nobody was around

      all’s God desires to do is pick you up and wipe the tears from your eyes..

      that you no longer need to be a slave of anger fear and failure that the Lord can reverse the curses and hatred of the devil and bless your life!!
      Turn to Jesus Christ to turn that frown upside down. 🤗🌞👱🏼🌻

      Jesus loves you

      JesUSAves ✝️♥️✝️

  2. It is really absurd that he talks about himself at such a high level and what follows him is a bunch of failures

  3. A drugged up President on uppers and roids, ofcourse he’s found the extra energy and rage to feel invincible.

  4. NEVER, NEVER EVER FORGET – The Trump Propaganda Playbook is all too simple – “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth” – Joseph Goebbels

    1. He was saying what you know who does not what he thinks the Germans where doing or what he was doing. I actually read his book. Quote on quote on quote is like a game of telaphone. Why not read the source? Or do you hate Germans.

    2. Lol your name is neck beard, that’s an insult used against men with low T and hair only on the neck not face. WTH man…. Anyways don’t misrepresent a historical quote just because you think not using the whole sentence or putting it out of context will help you. The Germans where right about the you know whos. And they’re still doin it today. One of them even owns this network.

  5. Mr Immune will get it again. He’s infecting ppl on purpose and it’ll backfire on him. We have 3 weeks to get him out. Vote blue.

    1. I never voted for Republican in my life but I am voting for Trump. I was in shock when Fauci and CDC advocated no need to wear masks. You don’t need any medical knowledge to realize that they were liars. On the other hand, Americans have nowhere to buy qualified masks. 99% of the masks sold in market today are still useless to protest against covid-19. This is democrats’ fault to outsource manufacturing to China for decades. Fauci sponsored Wuhan lab’s research on enabling coronavirus to transmit from animals to human being for 6 years If you believe there is no connection between this research and covid-19, you should question your judgement. Media are deceiving Americans, e.g,. nobody in real estate business pays tax until business is no longer in operation due to many deductions

    1. I was in shock when Fauci and CDC advocated no need to wear masks. You don’t need any medical knowledge to realize that they were liars. On the other hand, Americans have nowhere to buy qualified masks. 99% of the masks sold in market today are still useless to protest against covid-19. This is democrats’ fault to outsource manufacturing to China for decades. Fauci sponsored Wuhan lab’s research on enabling coronavirus to transmit from animals to human being for 6 years If you believe there is no connection between this research and covid-19, you should question your judgement.

    1. @Jeffrey Dahmer and trump should also be arrested for sexual assult dont denie it it was also caught on camera

    2. Agreed. As the Dems.

      So, we all need to have a NEW SYSTEM FOR THE PEOPLE.


    3. @anonymous what a crock of 🐎💩. Corporations that moved overseas were run by anti-worker conservatives looking for cheap labor. The biggest purveyor of China production was Wallyworld, another GOP huuge contributor. Ask those Carrier air conditioning employees how quickly after the 2016 campaign their jobs still got outsourced.
      Ivanka has numerous China trade patents and licenses. Trump’s ties were mfgd in China. Conservative Wall Street bankers still facilitate enormous T-Bill sales to China(better hope they don’t call those notes in). Not to mention ‘the family’ loans from Russian oligarchs who are itching to get Trump to lift sanctions against their banks. Please, no more hogwash about Obama-Biden sending jobs away.

    1. I was in shock when Fauci and CDC advocated no need to wear masks. You don’t need any medical knowledge to realize that they were liars. On the other hand, Americans have nowhere to buy qualified masks. 99% of the masks sold in market today are still useless to protest against covid-19. This is democrats’ fault to outsource manufacturing to China for decades. Fauci sponsored Wuhan lab’s research on enabling coronavirus to transmit from animals to human being for 6 years If you believe there is no connection between this research and covid-19, you should question your judgement.

    2. @anonymous You should have been in shock at your own words. For what the CDC and Dr. Fauci did made sense at the time. What *you* claim does not make sense at any time!

    3. @anonymous
      HEY!!!! THAT WAS IN MARCH WHEN THEY WERE TRYING TO FILL “HOSPITALS FIRST” IT IS NOW OCTOBER!!!!! GET WITH THE PROGRAM!! Dr. – D-O-C-T-O-R – FAUCHI DID A VIDEO SEVERAl MONTHS LATER SAYING *** IF EVERYONE WORE A MASK WE WOULD HAVE THIS UNDER CONTROL IN 2 MONTHS!!! ***2 months, folks???? !!! WHAT HAPPENED??? 2 MONTHS!!! IT HAS BEEN 8 MONTHS of staying in the house!!! NOT DR, FAUCI’S FAULT. JUST STUPID SELF-CENTERED PEOPLE!!! Americans not wearing masks have caused some of those 210,000 DEATHS! . Where where do you think they came from????????? Wake up!!!!! PLEASE!!! WAKE UP!! FAST!!!!!

  6. It’s easy to talk about taking risks when you can get state of the art medical care you never even paid for.

  7. He got government care, he got socialized medicine something he is for the life me I don’t know why doesn’t support.

    1. I never voted for Republican in my life but I am voting for Trump. I was in shock when Fauci and CDC advocated no need to wear masks. You don’t need any medical knowledge to realize that they were liars. On the other hand, Americans have nowhere to buy qualified masks. 99% of the masks sold in market today are still useless to protest against covid-19. This is democrats’ fault to outsource manufacturing to China for decades. Fauci sponsored Wuhan lab’s research on enabling coronavirus to transmit from animals to human being for 6 years If you believe there is no connection between this research and covid-19, you should question your judgement. Media are deceiving Americans, e.g,. nobody in real estate business pays tax until business is no longer in operation due to many deductions

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