A SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft — carrying four astronauts from three countries — docked with the International Space Station and was welcomed by the crew they're relieving ahead of their six-month stay in space.
#CNN #News
Astronauts welcome new crew aboard the ISS

<3 stay away, stay inside, stay patient <3 We'll all be hugging like this again one day soon, hang in there <3
@Drumer16 XVI seek help immediately, you’re a paid shill.
@J. Karpinski
Thanks for proving my point.
Paranoid delusions can be treated.
Get Professional help.
I haven’t worn a mask at all since covid came about and I’ve never had it.
@Q S
Or … you had it but were asymptomatic and actually infected loads of people …
Your ignorance makes you dangerously irresponsible.
@Drumer16 XVI well I guess I’m gonna infect a lot more aren’t I?
This makes me hopeful we can have world
@N 827
Sounds like your knees are worn out from all that time you spend in your shrine to Trump.
@B. T. Another stupid and NOT funny cheating Joe fan
. We’re coming for all of you cheaters. You will see 
I hope the victims of fentanyl George Floyd will sue the George Floyd estate for $30 million
@N 827
With what?
You already are a paranoid rabbit that is running around in a panic in the comments section.
I’m sure you and your cane are a big threat to your bingo club.
i wanna hug and cuddle someone while spinning in 0 g. bro. i would be dead
Facts. I’m sitting here smiling hard at this positivity. Admits the missing Indian submarine. That story is a hard pill to swallow
@d’angelo corn You mean the Indonesian submarine?
@Ayuds yeah my bad
That was racist
What a beautiful moment

@The Tweatles damn… you went from being a terrible trump troll…. to being a flat earther…. I guess it makes sense.
Wow they truely amazing..and hero to everyone
Love seeing her hair just flowing without the wind
@Dan B are you buggin out
@Dan B what the hell is wrong with you?
@Old Grappler a lot of things. I’ve been watching too many flat earth and space denying videos that I totally forgot most people aren’t that stupid
The ISS has a ventilation system
Fans and what not
Please keep your stupidity to yourself
Go smoke your pot bro
So cool ! Wish I could go up….but unfortunately at 48 years old….not going to ever happen.
maybe space tourism will come faster than you think…
Never say never
Chances are in 10 – 20 years time space travel will be significantly faster.
@Tyler Mcswag NOT IN MY LIFETIME ! AND I SURE AS HELL COULDN’T AFFORD IT. It will be for the rich.
@Man of Culture Allanzo You may be right.
2:36 That 69 hug was epic lol
I would’ve tied my hair if I were her lol
This is so fun and exciting to watch, I love astronauts!!
Its not how we look but how we feel
In movies they always tie their hair or have short hair. Would be too complicated to add special effects just for the hair floating. But turns out they don’t have to do this in real life!!! Free special effects!!! It’s so cool
They’re really hugging and smiling because in their mind they’re thinking “Glad to be off that crazy fucking planet!”
What happened to Covid travel restrictions?
@Roger Daht Astronauts have to quarantine (very strictly) months ahead of a spaceflight, both during a pandemic and when there isn’t one. Thus, human spaceflight has continued to take place throughout the pandemic. SpaceX alone has launched three crews (10 people in total) to the ISS during the COVID-19 pandemic. Roscosmos (the Russian space agency) has also launched several crews to the ISS on their Soyuz spacecraft during the pandemic.
Its really amazing seeing then hugging no matter their postures….upside down, across, perpendicular….. really amazing
God humans are so cool look how excited they are to meet new people. This is peak humanity
So cool, just watching it makes me happyyyyyyyy
Noting but love 254 miles up there

That first astronaut looked like he personally knew everyone! This is awesome!
It must be so weird when people arrive. I imagine you miss earth a lot when you’re up there. So when more people from your planet come it’s probably comforting.
Indeed. Being in an enclose space for so long , I can image it takes a toll on you.
When I saw the thumbnail I thought this was another video about Superstore. Blue and khaki all the way.
When a single video of 11 people hugging and floating around and over each other gives a big old middle finger to the ‘They are all just hanging from wires and a green screen’ crowd of deniers… and I applaud that heartily.