The president spent much of the day attacking governors and journalists and talking up his administration's coronavirus response as the number of confirmed U.S. cases but the nation ahead of every other country on Earth. Aired on 3/26/20.
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As US Tops Global Tally Of Coronavirus Cases, Trump Is At Odds With Reality | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
plot twist: If all americans get the virus, Mexico will build a wall.
@E H. Cases keep going higher and higher everyday, they are not immune.
Silvergirl_learning_center using the word “brainwashed” is peak irony.
@carolyn shaw My god, you can’t be that stupid??? Oh wait you are stupid.
And America will pay for it. Who will pay for it?, America.
Hahahahahaaa.. good one !
Yes, people want to go back to work but if they jump the gun, there will be a lot of people calling out dead.
@Cynthia Noll I just want to work. ….and so far in 2020 we have had 91 fatalities because of car crashes. We don’t stop driving. And you could watch your cursing.
@Janet Redshaw you have just won a scholarship to Trump University

@Renee White you have just won a scholarship for the Trump University

@The Noid you have just won a scholarship for the Trump University
cause you are so smart you soab

@bertin melgozaDon’t try and award the trump stupid degree to me. You started it!
Why would you let a mentally unbalanced man premeditate your end? You need to get rid of this guy quickly.
Too many chicken

Right, idc if he opens up the country again, I am not going to work as normal until it slows down
Believe me, Most don’t want him anymore. The rest just choose to be blind…
@Michaelle B I hope so but with the cult mentality he has created, common sense is out the window with the flock.
anyone home yup. I agree!
Everything T-Rump says is a lie, it’s amazing how someone can be allowed to live in their own little fantasy-land!
I totally agree.
He’s been dangerous since day one of his presidency, it’s just that we don’t always see such blatantly obvious displays of it.
What amazes me isn’t that someone can be allowed to live in their own fantasy world, but that there is such a large segment of the population who finds that _acceptable_ for the leader of the country. That has been a stunning and frightening realization.
Yes !!!!
But,but you live in a fantasy land. Anytime you generalize to the point of “everything” that makes you the liar. Even if you been told he lies a lot (which is mostly subjective, and the media screams lies) there has been at least once or twice he’s told the truth. In fact he’s 1 of the most straight forward POTUS we’ve ever had. The media twists his words for sheep like you. But this POTUS speaks the truth if you listen without TDS.
@Smarty Mcfly The media is not liberal. The media wants to uphold the power structure. Trump is ghastly in his lies. “there has been at least once or twice he’s told the truth”–Your very words. This is the standard you live by? Gimme a break. The man is an abomination.
If we stop all this social distancing then “low risk” areas are going to become high risk areas really quickly.
Squidi , relax the rules, allow people go back to work. Watch hospitals overflow, dead pile up, and the contagion hang around for months/years
Yup. King Bonespurs doesn’t care. He’s willing to sacrifice tens of thousands for the stock market. As if a hundred thousand dead Americans will help the DOW. Jesus he’s stupid.
It ain’t rocket science
All I hear is that we the poor have to die for the rich so they can keep making money
That’s because you listen with a mind full of hate. The democrats and the press,maybe even your school has conditioned you to hate. That is how the left gains power. Division and hate, You’re a willing victim or worst a truly evil predator.
Somebody tell this to the 20000 more poor who are desperate to come here:
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer
@Smarty Mcfly please go to work on April 6th good luck lol
Just so u know he’s not going to do anything Trump an the right wing have been trying to get rid of medicare an medicade this is his chance since it’s killing the sick as well as the old or as Republicans an Trump call us the biggest drain on America so that’s why he won’t do anything this is literally there only chance to literally get rid of us
Americans going back to work in a couple weeks as we have the most cases out of every country on the globe??? In what world does that make sense?
Vegeta is My dad China put their country on lockdown to prevent the spread. Italy did not…
Are you saying we should just get back to business as usual? If so, how many lives are you willing to sacrifice, including yours if we just ignore the problem.
Vegeta is My dad haha just having a little fun at your expense I must apologise but I am home a lot at the moment , I knew when I saw your first comment that I wouldn’t be able to educate you , but honestly if I had of picked on someone able to think for themselves it would of been soooo boring , thank you
@Jeremy Clarke I’m just letting you have your moment to shine on the internet. You clearly need it. Carry on, child.
In Trump’s world.
Vegeta is My dad Thank you so much, I have become a bit of an attention seeker it’s true , If I have managed to impress anything on you I hope it is to think for yourself and not just repeat Trump a few days ago you was supporting trump for saying he would open the country ? Are you now criticising him for saying the country will not quickly be reopened ?????? I don’t think so I think you are now supporting his decision not to open it huh ????? Think about it bro
Trump has *always* been at odds with reality.
@Smarty Mcfly Why do you ask are you a hermaphrodite?
It’s evident in his own words in this very video.
A few weeks ago: “We’ve got it contained, it’s pretty much shut down.”
A few days ago: “It’s a pandemic, I knew it was a pandemic before anyone else….”
the facts are if people dont work that means 2 months and no more food or clean water mountains of garbage and on and on !people would die of starvation and killing each other for a piece of bread!you get it now ???
True, but he surpassed selfish & petty over half a century ago.
@Eugene DeVito Eugene DePito don’t you need live people to work????
DDONT GIVE HIM ANY AIRTIME , you’re just spreading his misinformation. Just talk about science, doctor s facts Only
abbot Biden 2020
CBS News shows Italian Hospital as it is in New York….trying to scare Americans, 1200 bed hospital in NY goes up in 3 days, empty beds in ICU in NY, Cuomo does not know thousands of ventilators are in a New Jersey warehouse, NY has lost billions in bad tax investments and President Trump wants to see old people die when Barack Obama told grandma to take the pill
what is the greatest threat to America is the virus CoronaFakeNews….pundits rotting out the soul of Common Sense with what they are, Urinalism….known as the Blathering Bowels, they continue to spew Freudian Hysteria
Attention All Terrorist: your every move is being watched by the Trump administration. find out what he is up to by reading N.Y. Times, Washington Post or Bloomberg. watch CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and ABC to keep up on the latest developments. Chinese informants such as Diane Feinstein, the Bidens, and Michael Bloomberg are excellent friends that want to help.
@Bellicose Ataraxia why are you soooo hateful??¿
@Bellicose Ataraxia and stupid
“We’re number one, we’re number one….oh wait.”
@Robert Goines Robert Goines if you dont like Trump give me your $1,200 please lol
This is a perfect example of the left literally rooted against America and her people. Why are you here? Mexico is one boarder away and the world awaits with a plane ticket. Please feel free to GTFO.
Smarty Mcfly if you really felt this way you would not hide behind a pseudonym and you would post your photo on your YouTube profile. What does it feel like to not have the courage of your convictions, little man????
@xblindx , true but it has just started for the USA. You could end up with millions of people infected with tens or even hundreds of thousands of deaths. Atm in Italy 11% of the infected people have died. But not in Trump’s world of course. In his (rich) world it doesn’t seem that bad. I weep for the USA because I fear it will be bad. ANd still there will be people who are too stupid to understand Trump does not know what he’s doing.
@Todd Dotson Over 1.6 billion, in fact. And while the official Chinese numbers on Corona are most likely a lie (aka propaganda aka alternative facts), at least the Chinese took this seriously from the start, unlike Trump.
When they say economy, they mostly mean the wealth of the 1%. They don’t care about people.
Yup, wealthy hotel owners.
2% of businesses: pay workers to stay home safe.
98% of businesses: force people to be exploit to the virus or reprimand them until fired.
Most people in America are expendable. Even doctors since its been bought out by monarchs again.
@cattycorner How much of that tainted Koolaid HAVE you had to drink?
@Nanny State NoNo’s source?
@Norma Ragland no, ALL Americans.
This is real life not a reality show but Trump doesn’t understand this technicality
The only “funny” thing I get from the briefings is to see the body language of Dr. Fauci everytime Dump Trump speak. His facial expressions are priceless.
I think you mean dumb Trump, or maybe you do mean “dump Trump”. Either one works for me
@Bellicose Ataraxia I see where you get your “FAKE NEWS” from. Totally unreliable!!!
@Fannie Johnson Federal stockpile of N95 masks was depleted under Obama and never restocked. The national shortage of N95 respirator masks can be traced back to 2009 after the H1N1 swine flu pandemic, when the Obama administration was advised to replenish a national stockpile but did not, according to reports from Bloomberg News and the Los Angeles Times.The Trump administration is scrambling to replenish a stockpile of protective medical gear for healthcare workers and patients as the coronavirus sweeps across the nation. N95 respirator masks are one of the most needed medical supplies amid the outbreak.
@Fannie Johnson As the COVID-19 disease caused by the new coronavirus has spread around the world, a number of politicians, news organizations and public figures have made the false claim that the Trump administration cut the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s anti-pandemic work in over 40 countries to just 10. The CDC told us that’s not true. The claim appears to have been based solely on outdated news reports from early 2018 that said the CDC was preparing to dramatically reduce its work helping to prevent infectious-disease epidemics. Those reports said much of that work on the Global Health Security Agenda, a pact between over 60 nations that began in 2014, had been funded by a five-year, nearly $600 million supplemental package that was dwindling. That one-time funding, which Congress originally appropriated in response to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa in 2014, ran out at the end of September 2019.
@Fannie Johnson As the COVID-19 disease caused by the new coronavirus has spread around the world, a number of politicians, news organizations and public figures have made the false claim that the Trump administration cut the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s anti-pandemic work in over 40 countries to just 10. The CDC told us that’s not true. The claim appears to have been based solely on outdated news reports from early 2018 that said the CDC was preparing to dramatically reduce its work helping to prevent infectious-disease epidemics. Those reports said much of that work on the Global Health Security Agenda, a pact between over 60 nations that began in 2014, had been funded by a five-year, nearly $600 million supplemental package that was dwindling. That one-time funding, which Congress originally appropriated in response to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa in 2014, ran out at the end of September 2019.
When is Trump himself going to get back to work and stop murdering us?
Work?? More like Golfing
He hasn’t worked a day since being in office.
We don’t *WANT* him ‘working’. He bankrupted businesses when he was ‘working’. He disbanded an agency that very well could have been instrumental to containing this virus QUICKLY when he was ‘working’. He tried to de-fund the CDC – *TWICE!* – when he was ‘working’.
Trump right now is like the hyperactive toddler you don’t want hanging around when you’re putting together one of those IKEA desks or tables. The toddler you SEND AWAY so he isn’t picking up and playing with random parts and tools you need to do the job.
Y’all went to war with Iraq and Afghanistan for twenty years when 3000 died in the twin towers. Wait and see the toll this will take.
Say what you want about Iraq. But, Afghanistan was a massive safe haven for the biggest terrorist organization at the time.
They have perfected the concept of circular firing squads in ‘Merica.
Jet How do you make the connection between those wars and this pandemic?
He does nothing to make me feel secure about our situation in any way. When I hear him give his updates and his talk is filled with bizarre adjectives such as “beautiful , perfect , the greatest”
I literally think — this ship is being run by a clown.
@Will Shank so who you ? Her father ?
@Mr Brown No, I am not her father. I am Mr Pedantic, defender of language.
@Will Shank I feel I have the same question for you
@Mr Brown Good job. You’re getting the hang of it.
imasspeons Mr Brown is right…this would not be done in мать Россия
President: “This is a country that was built on getting it done.”
USA: Meanwhile, NOTHING is getting done!!
Nothing got done by Trump except everyday he lines his pockets with cold cash. He’s a failure.
PrettyBrown Eyez I’m sure all those red states will carry us.

@Jim Pyre

Attention All Terrorist: your every move is being watched by the Trump administration. find out what he is up to by reading N.Y. Times, Washington Post or Bloomberg. watch CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and ABC to keep up on the latest developments. Chinese informants such as Diane Feinstein, the Bidens, and Michael Bloomberg are excellent friends that want to help.
@Bellicose Ataraxia Bellicose Ataraxia Remember to remove your respirator mask before you take your HIV and dementia medication grandma
Trump has two parts of the brain, ‘left’ and ‘right’. On the left side,
there’s nothing right. On the right side, there’s nothing left.
Trisha Meenaghan

love it!
Trump Timeline:
“The pandemic is a hoax.”
“Maybe the pandemic is real, but it’s Obama’s fault. ”
“Maybe the pandemic is real, but it’s the Chinese government’s fault. ”
“I always knew it was a pandemic, even before they were calling it a pandemic.”
(Stock market tanks. Repeatedly.)
“I’m dumping money into the stockmarket!”
(Economy still tanks and Donnie realizes he might lose reelection.)
“I’m gonna give you cash money!” (Doesn’t, but the cult cheers wildly.)
(Trump kids point out that their hotels and golf courses are losing $$$)
“Pandemic is over. Everyone back to work!”
(Millions of Americans die, as the virus spreads like wildfire.)
“Pandemic? What pandemic? There never was a pandemic. All those corpses were killed by Obama. And Hillary’s emails. And caravans.”
“The claim that there are any corpses is fake news.”
@Sound Surgen CBS News shows Italian Hospital as it is in New York….trying to scare Americans, 1200 bed hospital in NY goes up in 3 days, empty beds in ICU in NY, Cuomo does not know thousands of ventilators are in a New Jersey warehouse, NY has lost billions in bad tax investments and President Trump wants to see old people die when Barack Obama told grandma to take the pill
what is the greatest threat to America is the virus CoronaFakeNews….pundits rotting out the soul of Common Sense with what they are, Urinalism….known as the Blathering Bowels, they continue to spew Freudian Hysteria
@terry walker Good to see how the right-wing are basically admitting you’re all anti-life. Not that we didn’t figure that out a LONG time ago. I mean, look at the man you put in the White House. He’s done everything he can to ensure the disease kills as many as possible.
Why don’t you come join the world in this place called REALITY? You might find it interesting to note that it isn’t what you’ve been brainwashed to believe.
@Tyson Saint-Louis D. Trump is nothing BUT weakness, but he’s been told his whole life that he’s oh-so-great. It’s evident in his every statement, in virtually every action he takes. He reminds me of the insane general in DR. STRANGELOVE. Someone completely divorced from reality, but possessing immense power… and like in the movie, that is a disastrous combination. In fact, the power he was given has actually further destabilized his mental state. I am straight up half-expecting him to start claiming he’s a messiah or something.
No, I’m not a psychologist or anything, but honestly, you don’t need to be a professional to see that he’s becoming more irrational almost daily. You DO need to look at his behavior honestly, though – something his rabid followers don’t seem to be inclined to do.
@Bellicose Ataraxia Let’s talk about reality for a moment. Your man’s actions to deal with this all speak of denial. “We have this contained; it’s pretty well shut down’ WHEN IT CLEARLY WAS NOT, and as a result of his laissez-faire attitude, it has gotten several orders of magnitude WORSE. Regardless of whether he said it was a hoax or not, it’s fairly obvious he believed that. I mean, you’d have to be pretty far removed from reality to not see that.
‘Liberal Media’ is just the extreme right wing’s term for ‘inconvenient real world facts’. We’ve all seen the cult behavior before, partner. Your act ain’t nothing new. All you’re doing is demonstrating the tragic disconnect you share with your cult leader.
@xaenon Attention All Terrorist: your every move is being watched by the Trump administration. find out what he is up to by reading N.Y. Times, Washington Post or Bloomberg. watch CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and ABC to keep up on the latest developments. Chinese informants such as Diane Feinstein, the Bidens, and Michael Bloomberg are excellent friends that want to help.
Pence said of the President “we want to open the country up responsibly”. Explain how that’s possible when Trump hasn’t accepted responsibility for anything in his life?
What is it he hasn’t taken responsibility for
Anything. And everything.